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Syrio = Jaqen H’ghar = Faceless Man? –

Season 7 Predictions-
Part 1 :
Part2 :

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  1. My prediction is that Tyrion and Jon will be revealed as the other two dragon heads, the white walkers will make themselves known to the general public and the long awaited reunion of the targaryen family will make up for it's family history by slaying the white walkers and bringing the kingdom together as one. (haven't read the books)

  2. Little Finger is getting killed buddy, I knew that was going to happen before the leaks broke.

    With Jon not being Ned's son and only a Cousin to Sansa you need to reevaluate your theory.
    If Jon and Danerys want to Unite the North and South with Jon as a successor to her after refusing to take it from her the only way yo join north and south is for Jon to marry Sansa. Jon would share a hell of a lot more DNA with Daenerys than Sansa, and their children would be more likely to end up like Joffrey.

    If they both survive, this is the best scenario:
    Jon marries Sansa,
    Jon or Daenerys legitimizes Gendry and he and Arya marry.
    Lyanna Mormont marries Jon Arryn to give the Vale and Bear Island a strong ruler.

    Thank you and good night.

  3. No one will get married, sansa will baby sit the iron throne with tyrion by her side whilst dany conquers other lands with lord of the friend zone. jon will still be the protector of the north.

  4. Have you guys ever thought that maybe Danny can possibly marry Gengry? His dad is Robert Baratheon after all and don't forget that the Baratheons are also Targaryen descendants, which would give Gengry that Targaryen blood through his dad 🤔 he just needs the name 😎

  5. Jon and Sansa.
    Jon has a thing for redheads (Ygritte). Martin once had Jon falling for Arya. Tyrion and Jon were supposed to be at odds over Arya's hand, but that was scratched. So the love triangle connection still sort of exists because of Sansa and Tyrion. Tyrion did marry her after all. Of course I don't think he loves her now or ever. Jon and Sansa complete each other. During the reunion scene Sansa had to convince Jon to take back Winterfell. Jon is a warrior, a man of his word, honor bound, and the charismatic leader everyone wants a chance to fight for. Sansa knows Jon would give his life for hers. Jon also does not try to manipulate Sansa. Recently Jon left Winterfell to her. This surprised Sansa and may have triggered some sort of romantic feeling for him. He doesn't try to persuade her to accept only his view and actually listens to what she has to say. I suspect that if there is to be some sort of fireworks between them, it will be once he returns from the battle we've seen in the previews pitting Jon and company against the white walkers.

  6. I think they will either marry or one of them will die…probably Dany. However it pans out, I feel (even as some are disgusted by the idea) that the show has definitely been working up to creating a pairing with these two. Their parallel experiences, emphasis placed on Jon's refusal to sleep with Melissandre, and Dany's last speech to Daario where she put emphasis on needing a matrimonial alliance and then later confessed to Tyrion that she was supposed to care for (never said love) Daario but just wanted to get on with it. All of this feels like a setup to establish any interactions between J&D as being more than just attraction. If they do get together, we'll know it's something deeper because Jon doesn't just bed hop and Dany can't afford to just casually have lovers in Westeros when she's trying to play the political game and use matrimony as a tool. As for happily ever after? Not so sure about that. keep being worried about the legend of the original grand hero having to plunge his sword into his beloved's heart to fulfill his destiny. Is this to be Dany's fate?

  7. how would a marraige between them work? dany probably would stay in kings landing unless kings landing gets destroyed and she makes another capital. and jon would never leave the north for more than a visit. having a queen is already a huge shift in culture for westeros and marrying would make her much more accepted to those who think a woman is not fit to rule, but how would they have heirs? how would they decide where the child or children live? who would r be the monarch and who would be warden of the north? what if they only have one child? wat if they have none. it's a smart move to get the north but i think that their blood is what will get jon and dany to form an alliance if they even do. although i dont believe game of thrones would end on anything other than a peaceful westeros because what would be the point of having a series that isnt about the most interesting story of westeros? the only two endings that would make sense would be if westeros is peaceful or if the white walkers kill everyone.

  8. There is Samwell's brother in the reach—– Dickon Tarly. Although he would probably be a better political match with Sansa. Young Robyn Aryn future husband of Lyanna Mormont. Euron Greyjoy will likely wed Cersei for the gold he believes she owns. But Euron might be a candidate to marry Dany to bring the storm lands under control. Political alliances are just that for political advantages. Jon & Dany may come together. Although Dany can't give him an heir having the North on your side has advantages . The show might bring in some new characters from Dorne, the Vale and other politically unstable kingdoms. Dany really doesn't need to make a political alliance with the North since John is willing to bow the knee. But we shall see since it says a song of fire & Ice. They might have them marry for love and the child will be the "promised prince." House Lannister will bow the knee under lord Tyrion. So no need for a Lannister or Tyrell alliance. House Baratheon & Tyrell are extinct. I can see the alliance between Jon & Dany which creates the "promised prince."

  9. if you remember Sansa has already been married to Tyrion and he is returning to Westeros. so what about Jon to Danny. Sansa resumes her marriage with Tyrion and Aya to Gingry to recreate house Baratheon. once again uniting the 3 most powerful houses.

  10. how about they just fooled us with the 13 episodes ? the universe is so big that 10 episodes each season is already thin and now they wanna stuff so much story for the finall into 13 tiny episodes ? nah fam cant be

  11. I don't think Jon will marry her, he still has feelings for Ygritte. Also Jamie Lannister could marry? And although I would hope he will marry Brianne he may betray Cersei and marry Dani, and have we forgotten about Theon? Yes he may not be able to reproduce but if Greyscale can be cured they can find a way to give Theon his genitals back!!!

  12. I'm 99 percent convinced that Daenerys won't have anything to do with the White Walkers storyline this season. She's going to be too busy in King's Landing, brokering alliances and wrangling all the southern houses. Besides, there is going to be a Season Eight and it makes sense to end Season Seven on a darker note with the Walkers defeating the Starks and conquering the North, which sets the stage for Dany to set things right as usual.

    Dany is ruthless enough to marry Euron Greyjoy, but only if it gets her ahead. She already has Yara and Theon on her side with no reason to alienate them, and I don't see Euron giving up the Ironborn lifestyle of raiding and piracy – not the best match if you're trying to ingratiate yourself to your subjects who just want peace and prosperity to return. The only living men in Westeros worth marrying are Jon Snow, Robin Arryn, and Jaime Lannister. Jon Snow is her nephew, and Jaime is a member of he current ruling family.

    . . . . Holy s**t, an autistic teenager whose mother never weaned him is officially the most eligible bachelor in Westeros. War is hell, people. War is hell.

  13. But she's his aunt….! I know I know "You can't help who you love", but this would be an arranged marriage, and as far as the character's background's go, one of fire and one of ice, it's a little too perfect. But that is the title of the book so… maybe I just need to get over it.


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