Who is the Great Other? The Red Priests say that he is the god of the White Walkers, the others, but who is he or it? Does he even exist?

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  1. Hello Robby..another one great video from you…I do think that the Great Other and Rhilor are somehow related..What we just know is that Rhilor represents the light and that the Great Other represents the darkness..but we dont know who is their story?Why they are fighting?What caused their fighting? and why they had choose their champions [Lord of Light/Danny/Jon/Sandor and the Great Other/Night King/Euron/Cercei] to fight one another ?What they want both?Also what if that Great Other was a good [?]god before and then get fall or goes rebel against the other gods?..In the Bible the Satan/Devil was before he becomes evil/dark a great angel..almost the most perfect creature that the God did ever create [can the Rhilor to have create also the WW/NK ?]..but then he becomes power thirsty and goes rebel along with other fallen angels against the God..Did also and the Great Other was a good god who got fall[for power] and goes rebel against Rhilor?What do you think?Also Mellisandra did believes that Bran and the 3 Eyed Raven are the boy with the wolfs head and the Weirwood Tree[The Wooden Face]..So im wonder if the theories about Bran/NK /Great Other can be true?..Maybe /Rhilor/AA[he or she]should to sacrifice Bran [nissa nissa]for to defeat the NK/Great Other ..because Bran has a very very special connection with them..Also that COTF created the NK..can be also fallen gods[angels]?..you know Demons that are in the service of the Great Other god?I think could be ..but i want and your knowledge/opinion about this..What do you think?

  2. The Great other is death and destruction but, destruction is a form of creation. R hllor is the God of warmth, light and fire but, fire is a form of destruction as the Targaryen's words: blood and fire.

  3. R’hllor at least does exist and does have power, enough to raise the dead and re-animate them, with some variable degree of success & fidelity… The White Walkers also have the power to raise the dead, although what results, seems (in most cases although not all) to be very zombie like.
    Personally, I think the Children called on big strong magic in a couple of ways, during their war with the first men. They split a continent, put a San Andreas fault in where none had been before. I think much of the 'magic' in the world of Ice & Fire, stems from this big magic back at the first long night. Things like dragons & direwolves and trees that are conscious, those are side effects. The main purpose or subject of that magic, was genocide, and the main weapon was the long night, which is a mini-ice age. It lasts about 40 ~ 80 years, not millions, and it brings the whites and other nasties, to kill off the men. It takes their crops and their herds and their children…
    In George RR's world, the supernatural is real and it is effective and it works, but the reason it works seems to be that people believe it… There is a god of light and fire, because he has followers. There is a many faced god, of the faceless men, because they believe in him. In a manner of speaking, Danerys is a god, because millions of people believe in her….
    I think the conclusion of the show, and the books, requires that the big magic of the Children, be stopped or destroyed or put back in the bottle. It requires the end of the whites and the dragons and the direwolves, and the end of the Long Night. A real world for adults, doesn't have fairies in it, and that seems to be where we're going. Part of the irony in this, the dramatic twist, is the people who need to bring it about, are the major beneficiaries of magic… For example, Danerys is down to 2 dragons now, and if successful, she will end the magic and she won't have any, and she should perhaps be a bit more careful about walking into fire… John Snow has been brought back from the dead once… The Hound's brother, the Mountain, has been brought back, and while it's very unclear, it seems he is obedient to the person who brought him back. He didn't seem to have a great deal of brains or common sense when he was simply human, but now he has virtually none. John Snow doesn't seem to be bound to anyone or anything but his own will & conscience, but that's unknown… Who is the chap walking around with a burning sword? He has been brought back several times. Who or what is he bound to?

  4. See i always saw it as; And might be the reason for Jons acceptance of the situation as depicted in his conversation with Beric, If in the religion of the old gods there are gods for everything, Rocks, Streams, Trees, The wind then why not Fire and Ice? Light and Dark, Life and Death; I could see it working.

  5. Found this channel about 1 month ago. Seeing how regularly you've uploaded quality videos I feel the need to incentivize more of this, so you can count me in as a patreon! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  6. The followers of R'llhor are zealots and use magic to prove their God exists. From their perspective all other religions are evil and must be converted or destroyed. As has been seen in history many times they will attempt to take over when humanity is at its most desperate and present themselves as the savior of the world.

  7. The show left out a key detail in the otherwise faithful scene with Stannis and Mel on the beach, see if you catch it. “Lord of Light, we offer you these false gods, these seven who are one, and him the enemy. Take them and cast your light upon us, for the night is dark and full of terrors.” They are not just anti other religion, they consider the faith of the seven to be worship of the Great Other. While the faith of R'holor has extremists sure, but it also coexists in Braavos with a great many faiths, and in several other cities as well, this is something the Faith of the Seven is unable to do almost anywhere. The Red Priests consider all other gods to be false, but have a serious hatred for the Faith of the Seven.

  8. Excellent theory Robert! And I really appreciate that you are The First reviewer to address all the discrepancies regarding the pronunciation or mispronunciation of the various names and places discussed. Some are quite cringeworthy. But I figure it's because people with no languages aside from English read the books, make up in their head a way for an unusual name to sound, and forget that the show says "Cait-lin" they say Cat-a-lin, or other obvious dumb mistakes. Dynearus, Kee-burn, Danarius, oooh…that drives me nuts. But I loved your explanation about the apostrophe use in the name of R'llhor (forgive me if that is misspelled), you obviously know something about other languages. But your mastery of English makes me wish you were writing all this stuff down…you must be a writer, as well. Thank you for your work.


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