This is easily my biggest Game of Thrones theory as I explore Who is the Night King? In this video, his true identity is revealed!

There is a minor Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoiler in but it is essential in backing up this Night King theory/Bran Stark Theory!

What do you think, Is Bran Stark the Night King?

There is much to discuss! The Game of Thrones Time Travel, Bran, The Three Eyed Raven and how it is all linked through the God’s Eye!

Is Bran also Bran the Builder, and will he go to the Isle of the Faces on the Gods Eye?



  1. That would be a crazy mindfuck, but I don't think this is the case. I don't think Bran is the night king, it works until you think about how winter is here, the night king breached the wall and bran still isn't a grown man so he'd have to survive the downfall of westeros in order to become old enough for this theory to work…

  2. I think It's not Bran. GRRM likes to make you shift your thoughts on characters and stereo types. What if Azora Ahai is actually the current night king. "You battle with the beast you eventually become it." This would bring Melisandre's vision into clarity when she says when I stare into the flames and only see snow. Granted it might mean John snow but wouldn't it be interesting to have the original Azora Ahai fight the prince that was promised and the new Azora Ahai reborn John Snow. Ok drinking too much and leaving comments on you tube…. don't judge you do it too.

  3. I think the Night king is Petyr. It is farfetched, but he has a reason to hate the Starks and Jon. Plus, he is said to aim for the throne even if it means that we would be the king of the ashes. Therefore it seems that he would have no problem of making some dark pact only for the purpose of becoming the king of westeros, even though he would command a dead soulless army

  4. I believe that night king is not the first white walker but was created after they emerged and the first men and children were at peace and through a losing fight the children retreated within the forests while the men fought what the children to be a losing fight. the knights watch was former of 13 men one being the last hero they only one to make it to the tree where the later three eyed raven would reside as a keeper of knowledge much like the citadel but instead the children way of gathering information. so the last hero reaches them to beg for help through magic to which the children have only one option which goes against their beliefs by using magic given by death the least prayed to god of the seven therefore  to change now a man rather than one of themselves into a monster. despite being apprehensive the first hero had lost his friends and wouldn't want his journey to amount to nothing thus sacrificing himself for his cause leading to the children turning him into the night king. the spiral their fore is the residual magical sign showing fans that the gods power created him. he then at that point had the soul of a human but as a walker could not order the walkers to destroy themselves but could in fact order them away but would need to be present leaving behind his former life behind and the only ones who knew would be the children and the knights watch which would later be lost after many of the WALL's castles were abandoned. Not knowing this the rest of Westeros continues on and the night king watches man as it is his last connection to his former life. the night king then see's more being that of the continents beyond Westeros to the valerian empire growing impressed and when the Targaryen's finally came he was content up until the Targaryen line was greatly diminished in Westeros truly bring an end to the valerian empire and hoping things would get better the night king continued to watch from his dwelling until he saw it all how men were abandoned beyond the wall as those known as wildlings the children of the throne were illegitimate twice fold and that men were willing to kill each other for no reason realising now that his dreams for humanity have failed crushing his spirit and will to hold back the walkers thus replacing his sadness with hate for humans submitting to the god of death not knowing that two Targaryen's now wanted to fix the world so the result will be battle on a massive scale with the north and the white walkers including the dragons but bran will surprisingly warg the night king giving his memories and discoveries igniting the king spirit once more when all of a sudden the king screams wait walks to dani and jon showing them his memories of his past as well as the history he's witnessed in the world but now with men's numbers so large the walkers could be wiped out and so brings his white walkers forward to be cut down by jon and those others in the series who have access to valerian steel and realising he needed to die the night king allows them to kill him also but before that happens he grants them a gift of killing cersi as she is giving birth as well as her child giving truth to the future told to cersi but before jon cuts him down he warns them both that there dreams need works as in his time he has witnessed other attempt the same plan and fail mostly dying as a result telling them that they should consider giving up the hierarchy system altoghether as the familys of great houses have caused the most problems and with those words he raises his arms tilts back his head and allows jon to kill himand the instant he is his of the wights and walkers still alive turn to dust and rise into the air and at this point if thi theory were to pan out the tv show would show the characters still alive at the three eyed ravens tree seeing the last child of the forest with the camera showing them contemplating their concern and joy leaving the end of game of thrones being ambiguous as they are their to pay respects to the last hero who was the pedestal to what they wanted to achieve but not confiming it bringing the reality game of thrones represents that this story isn't a fairy tale tuse their is always the possibility of failure pulling out on a world scale with the sun represent the opening of the show as an emotional end to over 70 hours of an amazing show.

  5. this time travel shit gets kinda stupid. the night king already exists before brann goes back in time or is even born. I really hope they don't go that route. so if he never goes back in time to change anything then it never happened to begin with idk that shit gets confusing.

  6. Well, it's common knowledge to anyone who followed the behind the scenes videos that the wolf and dragon crews are simply just the names of the belfast and croatia crews. There was a third crew too, but I forgot the name.


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