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  1. doesn't matter if nouns are gender neutral because pronouns are not, jesus, so many idiot feminists online:
    “There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and HE who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before HIM" —" HE" "HIM".. IS DAENARYS A HE, IF SHE'S NOT A FUCKING SHEMALE SHE ISN'T THE PRINCE THAT WAS FUCKING PROMISE.

  2. I think Dany's child with Jon will be the 'sword-the LIght Bringer' which would make Jon Azor Ahai but Dany Missa Missa and she would need to die at some point by giving birth..that would explain the theory which states that the PTWP would kill his wife (through their baby) and that the dragon needs to have 3 heads ( Jon Dany and their child-also a Targaryen)

  3. The prince that was promised hasn't been born yet..he will be tho in season 8…..His mother and father ?…Dany and Jon…you can thank me next year when we found out in season 8…

  4. What about the child of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen? I know that she is technically his aunt but the Targaryens kinda have a history of "keeping it in the family". Only one person alive knows the truth about Jons father and mother. So if Daenerys is a dragon and if Jon is also technically a dragon because of his father and there child would be another dragon that would be three dragons to satisfy the vision. And Jon technically represents ice and Daenerys represents fire, so that satisfies the song of ice and fire. That's just my thoughts.

  5. While Jaehaerys himself had married for love, he later commanded his son, Prince Aerys, and daughter, Princess Rhaella, to marry each other, despite neither desiring this match. A woods witch, brought to court by Jenny of Oldstones, prophesied that the prince that was promised would be born from their line

    So that leaves Jon or Dany or Young Griff aka Aegon who is in Exile with Jon Connington

  6. Azor Ahai is Jon Snow. The Prince(ss) that was promised is Daenerys. Jon is going to stab her with the flaming sword and Daenerys will become the Ice Queen. I think there is a double meaning to the The Prince that was Promised – there was a child that was promised to the Night King.

    It makes sense that the prophecy hasn’t been fulfilled yet because there hadn’t been any female heirs that lived this long or brought back dragons. It also makes sense that the Night King is moving south now because he is coming for what was promised him in a past treaty. It also ties back to the wildings sacrificing their sons.

  7. Hmmm the Arthur Dane theory works well …. He could be papa , making J+D's baby the prince that was promised … Dang would then kamkazi herself w/the pence to the nking and settle the debt … Everyone goes about their business … The books do pant a better picture for the scenerio w/ knight of the laughing tree … Also Dane's swords close up and cameo …. That's what's waiting in the crypt. Dawn brings light . … Or not ….. Non of that gives good reason to why JS is liked by the dragons !!!

  8. Azor is not the prince that was promised
    Two separate people
    Azor must sacrifice the prince or princess who was promised to create lightbringer
    Which means Snow will stab Danny who will be pregnant with their child

    You're welcome for the spoilers

  9. the prince that was promised is going to be Jon & danys baby!! both ice & fire! it can't be Jon he's already a king!! dany & Jon are going to hook up & their offspring will be the prince!

  10. What if in High Valyrian "prince" is not only neutral in terms of gender but in terms of plurality? In English a noun, generally, will become plural by adding an "s". Sometimes the word needs to be changed, like goose to geese. But, some are the same word, singular and plural, completely unchanged, like deer or elk. That would mean the three heads of the dragon theory doesn't necessarily conflict with the other theories. We know that R + L = J is true. A + J = T may well be true. We know that two of the dragons got along with Tyrion well enough to let him take off their collars on their first meeting, without Daenerys present… and didn't eat him after the collars were off. They seemed to understand his intentions, lowering themselves to allow him access to the restraining bolts. Targaryen control over dragons may be a kind of latent warg ability. In the books one in a thousand will be a skinchanger. One skinchanger in a thousand will be a greenseer. Brynden Rivers, the Three-eyed Raven and bastard son of Aegon IV Targaryen, was a greenseer. It may be Targaryens are predisposed to be wargs, just as Starks seem to be. It'll be interesting to see the dragons' reactions to Jon. In the books, according to Varamyr Sixskins, he is a strong warg, although untrained. Dany's their mother, but Jon may be able to actually be able to warg into one. It would also be interesting to see if Jon has Daenerys' immunity to fire… or if Tyrion does. It may be a unique thing that only Dany has ever had even among the Targaryens. But, if Jon and Tyrion do have it, it would give credence to the A + J = T and three-headed dragon theories.

  11. it has to be either or both jon snow and Tyrion, jon snow was born under a bleeding star and born again after dying, and Tyrion is smart, capable, rational mind, and get along with everyone, Tyrion should be on the throne at the end, I hope come true

  12. it's clear to me Mel still believes Jon is Azor Ahai and is not necessarily advocating for Daenerys as AA now, but obviously wants the Dragon Queen to put her power behind Jon's destiny (which has nothing to do with the Iron Throne, but saving mankind from the Walkers) In conclusion: Melisandre wants Daenerys on the Iron Throne to unite the realm, but she believes Jon Snow is the Prince who was Promised, the Warrior of Light, who will save Westeros from the Long Night.

  13. Well to me Jon seems a most likely candidate, except for the dragons out of stone part. But the song of ice and fire fits him more than anybody else. So I don't know what to think anymore.

  14. After re-watching the Tower of Joy scenes, Lyanna definitely tells Ned Jon's true name and, with my poor lip reading skills, it seems to begin with the letter A. My theory is that Jon's birth name is Azor Ahai (considering Rhaegar's love of the tale not a completely mad leap). Whether that means that Jon is the actual Prince that was promised is obviously yet to be seen, but it's a thought that struck me while re-watching that episode and it would be an interesting twist that the most obvious piece of evidence was known to Ned from Jon's birth.

  15. It might be Dany:
    – She was born (reborn) in that fire at the end of season 1 as mentioned in this video
    – The Lightbringer can turn out to be Drogon. The first dragon will be lost/drowned to Euron Greyjoy (water – something maybe with his dragon horn), the second one to Lanisters army (lion), but they will be defeated (lion got killed). Now, the final piece (putting sword through the beloved's heart) can be killing Jeroh Mormont with Drogon or leaving Jon Snow to die beyond the wall.

  16. Is who is the prince as important as the promise itself? Martin takes substantial issue with promises. But WHO promised a prince and to WHOM? Was part of the pact made with the Children and the First Men to provide them with a prince? Is this why there must always be a Stark at Winterfell? Did Bloodraven attempt to fulfill this promise holding off the great winter until another prince could replace him? I couldn't find any reference to the fate of Azora Ahai after the first defeat of the Others. Did he then become the Prince of the Weirwood kingdom and become one with the great tree. Too many questions in my tin foil capped head. I love your theory process, can you help mine?


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