A lot of characters are still going to die. And I’m not even talking about heroic deaths in the the war versus the undead army. Most of the world doesn’t know or doesn’t believe that the undead army even exists.

The wall hasn’t come down yet. The humans continue to play their Game of Tthrones. Arya has had a kill list since the beginning of the show. She vocalizes her list. But she is not the only character with vengeance on her mind.

In this video, we are going to take a look at 10 characters whose end is drawing near: the Mountain, Cersei Lannister, Olenna Tyrell, Ellaria Sand, Qyburn, Peter Baelish, Melisandre, Randyll Tarly, Euron Greyjoy, and Jamie Lannister.

If you don’t have time for all of these predictions, I encourage you to watch the end. Jamie’s death is going to shock the world.

There’s no better place to start, then Arya’s kill list.

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(Deleted Scenes from the Books) Barristan Selmy:
10 People Who Might Die in Season 7 of Game of Thrones:
Qyburn’s Death Prediction Theory:
Tyrion’s Revenge Theory:

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  1. I'll just be talking about the ones that haven't died yet.

    I don't see Cersei, the mountain, and Qyburn dying in the season finale. There just isn't enough time.
    I don't think Melisandre will die, at least not this season. She's off in Volantis.
    I think Littlefinger will definitely die. I'm just disappointed how dumb they've made his character in the show.
    I don't think Jaime will die, but he will probably leave Cersei.
    I don't think Euron will die either considering there's only one episode left and his character still hasn't developed enough.

    I don't know though, GoT could shock me, but I don't really see that happening.

  2. Here are my speculations of currently living characters in season 7 as of this comment post.

    Arya or Littlefinger will die. Arya is spying on Littlefinger but he's actually the one in control. There will eventually be a confrontation and one of them will not make it to the final season.

    Beric will die north of the wall. In the books his character is already dead. The TV show is just keeping him alive for something, maybe his breath of life or whatever it was called. In the scene of the trailer with his sword becoming encased in flames I believe that will be him staying behind to hold off the army of the dead while the others flee with a captive zombie.

    I think Cersei is going to kill Jamie. When she told him about being pregnant she also said "don't betray me again." Jamie will do something that she considers a betrayal and she will end his life in order to protect herself or her baby, if she is even really pregnant.

    I also think that Jorah is going to betray Jon because of his jealousy and love for Danny. I don't expect Jon to die from this but Jorah will make the attempt, possibly dying himself. If Jorah does die by Jon's hand it could cause a rift between him and Danny as she seems genuinely glad to have Jorah back.

  3. thoros and beric will probably die since they are not as importand as the other characters that went north to the wall. and im pretty sure that george r.r. martin wont let all those characters live. IMO the most badass characters with the hound and gendry

  4. I think Cercei on the edge of loosing the war will decide to burn down King Landing like mad King Aerys wanted to. Jaime will hear of it and will try to stop her and strangle her. But he will be too late and they will both die

  5. I imagine the deaths to be poetic, karmic, or both:
    * Sansa uses Littlefinger's pervy crush on her to get him executed
    * Melisandre will be burned alive
    * Tyrion and Arya will discover Cersei plans to burn down King's Landing, so Jaime becomes the queenslayer to stop her
    * Euron is drowned to death

  6. Littlefinger will be the first to die in Season 7. The Starks finally reunited and Bran being the 3 eyed Raven will lead to his demise. Also, with the valyrian steel Dagger Arya received from Bran will be the weapon responsible for Littlefinger's Downfall.

    For those of you who read the books, feel free to comment, for thos who haven't …. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!! Now without further adue…

    We also know that Arya is a faceless one and deadly assassin! Now…. Brienne of Tarth will eventually get caugth by the Brotherhood without Banner and their new Leader Lady Stoneheart who is a reanimated Catelyn Stark. Catelyn offers to spare her and Podrick if she accepts to kill Jamie Lannister, which she refuses. Catelyn then orders to kill her group. Seen Podrick die she finally accepts.

  7. *Spoiler Please don't read otherwise!*

    3:25….Wow good predictions although Ellaria is not dead juuuust yet I expect she will be pretty soon so you predicted that section pretty accurately so good analysis mate ^_^

  8. I thinks that Davos will kill Melisandra because he was more or a father to Shireen then Stanis ever was so he should get the kill and I think he is more likely to ignor her posible stratigic advantages and kill her out of emotion.

  9. I'd like to point out that "The Mountain" is already dead. we, the viewers, may know that he has been resurrected as Robert Strong, but the Westerosi do not. he may as well be removed from her list as well.

  10. There are some unkillables in GoT…Jon, Arya, Cersei, Sansa, Tyrion, Danys are all likely to survive till the very end…possibly Sandor, Sam, Bran also since they have their own storylines more or less….the ones who really have to watch out are secondary characters…Brienne i have a feeling will survive, Littlefinger has a "in it to win it" advisor-to-become-leader vibe so i think he will last, the Mountain is Cersei last line of defence so we will see how it plays out….but the more i watch, the more i find Jaime's situation, his inner conflict and all, more precarious!

  11. The only issue is that for Arya to take Jaime's form he would have to die so that she could wear is fave, there is no evidence of Jaime dying and even if he did how would Arya get his face? plus even now i think Jaime could be arya

  12. Taking into consideration how much havoc he has caused, maybe Littlefinger is with the white walkers, and that he is their "inside man" to kill off a lot of big threats and to cause a lot of trouble for everyone the white walkers are going to attack.

    Might be a stupid idea, but hey, we all have those

  13. Didn't Amory Lorch kill Elia's daughter? The Mountain killed the son and Elia. He's also the guy who fell over dead with a poison dart in his neck when Tywin answered the door in Harrenhal. Also, I'm wondering what story arc is left for Sansa, besides some drama with LF? I am having a hard time seeing a future for her, unless they romantically involve her with someone, like Sandor? He is 48 now in real life, what is she….21? As much as I see the characters liking eachother……there is a creepy vibe in the Sansan theory. Just some late night thoughts.

  14. wo, wo, wo. I didn't think it that way, but now that you are saying brienne is going to kill Jamie its really convincing and remember, Sophie said in an interview that sansa is going to do a very cruel thing in season 7 and what might be more cruel than that.

  15. Jaime has to die for Arya to "wear" his face. Also, in the show, it seems like they can only change their faces and not their bodies in any way. It would clearly be suspicious if Jaime would suddenly be a 14 years old height.

  16. If my memory serves me well there are 2 more seasons coming right? 7 and 8 .

    "Showrunners confirm just 13 episodes left after season 6 finale. The Game of Thrones showrunners have confirmed that there are just two seasons left of the much-loved HBO series. David Benioff and DB Weiss had previously hinted that they are “heading into the final lap” of the fantasy show."

    So I think that, yes a lot of these will die in season 7, but not all of them, especially Jamie and Littlefinger

  17. Qyburn whispers to Cersei that Jamie has betrayed her, showing proof. Cersei's paranoia gets the better of her. She weeps, and sends for Jamie. As Jamie enters the chamber, Cersei's tears end. She embraces him, tells him how she has lost everything she ever loved, and runs him through with a blade. With the blade still in him, he strangles her. She dies. Weakened by grief and disorientated by the wound, Jamie stumbles about and sits on the edge of an open window. Qyburn enters the room and removes the mask; it is Arya. Jamie looks up at her and smiles, and says "The things we do for love" Arya smiles and pushes Jamie to his death through the window. Jon Snow feeds him to Ghost.


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