Epic Game of Thrones Theory about which major characters might die in Season 7.

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Intro Music: Game of Thrones
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Outro Music: Game of Thrones Theme Western Cover
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Obituary Music: Light of the Seven, Game of Thrones.



  1. Littlefinger dies on 7/7. Arya kills him. Ah and Thoros of Mir in 7/5 fighting a bear (white walker) beyond the wall 😉 Everybody knows the plot already. Even the dragon turns into a white when Daenerys goes North to help John. in 7/6.

  2. Having finally watched Episodes 1 & 2 in Season 7 what I want to give a reaction to is the part about Sansa Stark. From both episodes and from what Sansa said in Season 6 that she'd die first before she'd ever be returning to Ramsay. I also think she is never ever going to leave Winterfell ever again. Bad things happen if Starks leave Winterfell.

  3. If Sansa is killed I will be furious. If Baelish does kidknap her I think more likely this will lead to Brienne's death than Sansa's, on account of her still lasting dedication to protecting the Stark children.

  4. Wouldn't it be cool if he just slipped on a slippery rock, banged his head and bled to death?, I would enjoy 1 stupid death like that, little fingers, killed a king, betrayed hands, began wars, died to a rock.

  5. yeah I think that will be way wrong lol…I see sansa playing littlefinger…she's protected well..have you ever seen littlefinger fight? I doubt he'll be taking her anywhere…if anything.. arya will come home just in time for another carving.

  6. i do feel like lf is destined to die, soon.
    He was directly involved in neds death, sansas disappearance/kidnapping and any mental/physical harm that was put upon her.
    On top of that arya hates him, shes on a mission.
    once the truth about his involvment is let out he is surely going to be put to death.
    Also brienne is sansas protector atm she wont let little faggot touch her.

  7. I just realised something that pretty much confirms Cersei as The Mad Queen.In the first trailer,when the song Sit Down was playing,right at the point when the song plays "Those who feel they're touched by madness"There was a closeup of Cersei.To me,it's confirmed.There is no way that was a coincidence.I'm sharing this to various GoT channels because I'm so psyched about it! 😀

  8. I'm hoping The Hound will be the one to reveal that Littlefinger betrayed Ned and got him killed. He was there when it happened and the photos they've released show The Hound and the Brotherhood up north.

  9. i think Cersie will imprison Bronn for his Allegiance with Tyrion and will stage a trial by combat where Bronn will have to fight The Mountain, but just as The Mountain starts to win The Hound turns up and kills The Mountain. Jaime is forced to Kill Cersie and welcome his brother Tyrion back and Daenerys takes back her thrown. And imprisons Jaime for the murder of her father and offers him up for trial by combat, where Bronn is again the man to step up but this time he is fighting one of the sand snakes the one who poisoned him, this time Bronn kills her, and sings 'i fucked a dornish mans wife'

  10. All of Martin's major characters have a lot of grey in their morality and this has been a big theme is the books and Martin refers to it often in his talks.

    Littlefinger has been nothing but morally reprehensible.

    I suspect he will do something to redeem himself and force the audience to like him for it before he gets offed.

  11. I thought euron would marry cersei, and kill her to take her throne, then be killed by mountain on Jaime orders, but now, I think, the song of ice and fire, has two meanings, lyanna fell in love wih rhaegar after she heard him sing a beautiful song, they ran off together, and had jon in the tower of joy, but the other meaning of the song of ice and fire, is a horn owned by euron to control dragons

  12. In my opinion since robyn is a "sickly" boy and supposed to die soon I feel like little finger needs him alive to have power and if robyn is alive sansa needs petyr to manipulate robyn so that the Vale helps the north
    however if robyn dies(has no children or siblings) then the arryns will have to have a new Lord or lady probably next closest relative. I think it'll be sansa because the only other people from the Vale we know of where at baelishes trial most were irrelevant except for Royce who I don't see as a leader Lord or possible heir and since lysa wanted robyn to marry sansa I feel like she'll be the next heir.
    1. If she turns bad she might kill robyn just for power.
    2. She waits for him to die and let's petyr control him in her favour
    3. Petyr changes allegiance to cersei leaving sansa no choice but to kill robyn to keep the arryns on there side
    Ps:I also think she'll stick to trying to marry robyn and asap just to get her closer to full control of the vale

  13. i think Sansa is safe tbh, at least for a while. idk if you read the books (i've only watched two of your videos so far), but it's very clear from the first book that Ned Stark would not have ever gone to Kings Landing if Sansa hadn't been so adamant about wanting to be a princess/queen and marry Joffery and be lovey dovey and have princes and princesses of her own. He was actually quite against it, even when talking to Catelyn about it iirc. Sansa's desires are what set the entire "Game of Thrones" per say into motion, and it might just be a little detail, but i think that this context kind of makes her one of, if not THE most important player. Ned, though he was one of everyone's favorite characters, was just kind of a convenience to get her to where she needed to be, and Littlefinger is essentially serving the same purpose but through romantic/lustful means (and money and greed and whatever else motivates Littlefinger) instead of feeling some sort of fatherly duty (tho i wouldn't doubt that LF feels a lil bit of that too)
    ………tldr: Sansa's way too important to kill off rn, especially being a POV character who set the entire series into motion

    sorry if this isn't coherent, smirnoff is a bitch

  14. I don't think, LF has much chance to kidnap Sansa and not even returning to Cersei. He will stay in Winterfell, possible actions from him:
    – Trying to get into Jon's inner circle, small council. He can tell, he was member of the Small Council in KL for dozen years, he is experienced, and Lord protector of the Vale, the "father" of Robert Arryn, he wants a seat in Jon's council. And I think, Jon will deny it and call Lord Royce from the Vale instead of LF: "But this is Winterfell, not KL, Lord Baelish." At least I hope so. Someone has to represent the Vale, that is for sure and Lord Rosce would be a much better choice than LF.
    – Trying to assassinate Jon. Davos was practising close combat, why? Maybe there will be an assassination attempt against Jon in the first two episodes? Anyway, it will fail, Davos-Ghost will take care of it, half of Winterfell is going to be nuts to find out, who tries still kill their king.
    – After Jon is leaving, LF tries to dethrone Jon in his absence for Sansa. Probably making Jon's stories and preparations for the Walker ridiculous.
    – And Bran returns with the NK's mark on his arm and LF's efforts will be failed. There is a proof on Bran's arm (the mark), Bran is telling about the same threat as Jon and the wildlings, it has to mean something.
    – LF tries to influence Bran as he influences Robert Arryn in the Vale. It would make sense from LF's point of view: Bran and Robert Arryn are about the same age, both weak/cripple, both lost their two parents (because of LF), both attracted to birds (Bran to the ravens). So I think, LF might try to influence Bran the same way to dethrone Jon as Robb's true heir, as the eldest trueborn son of Ned Stark, but it won't work on Bran. I think, after Bran hears what Jon has done: saving the wildlings, prepare the Wall for the Storm, killing the Walker, sees Hardhome on the weirwood.net, then he will 100% support Jon as king for the Long Night. And maybe a little powerdemonstration as the 3ER, just not being handled as a stupid little boy anymore, while he is the Old Gods now.
    – After that, good question. Only Sansa remains for LF, but with Bran telling the same stories, Sansa would not want to turn against Jon either, so… Something desperate move from LF, which could end tragically for Sansa, and definately deadly for LF.

  15. warden of the north is not more important or prestigious than warden the west or south lol … west have 3 times more people in it, unlimited gold and metals in their mines, third larges city (lannisport) .. and south have largest population, second largest town in the continent (oldtown), largest fleet (redwyne), good land etc .. north have nothing in comparison expert huge wastelands ..

    i dont know where did you get that warden of the north is something super special in comparison with other wardens ?

  16. Nice vid. I would argue that the Warden of the North is not more or less important than, say, the Warden of the West and the food and economic stimulation that the West provides.

  17. I think Sansa will play him. She learned so much in past years about how to play game of thrones. I think she will make him believe that she is against Jon and that she wants Iron Throne with him or something but at the end she will kill him (or have him killed by someone). I like this the best because I'd wanna see someone playing LF with his own games and it would be his end. That would be so poetic.

  18. I actualy think that Baelish should win the game of thrones. He's been playing it so briliantly, and has caused so much chaos, and also started the war of the 5 kings, and even more. He deserves it.

  19. I dont believe Sansa nor Petyr will die. Sansa because of the "Roberts Curse" theory which basically means that in the first episode of season 1 when robert comes to winterfell he touches only a few of the starks: Catelyn, Ned, Rickon and Robb. And guess what? They're all dead now. And Petyr because I believe he will win the game of thrones using his mischievous mindtricks. Also alot of leaks points towards Sansa going bad and that she will become the next "Mad queen"

  20. Season & Deaths

    Cersei Lannister
    Theon Greyjoy
    Euron Greyjoy
    Peter Baelish
    Beric Donderion
    Jorah Mormont
    Sansa Stark (I just feel, no real reason)

    These are the mains ones but there are others as well. Only one i don't know about is Jaime.

  21. You missed a course of action that Little Finger could take – he could go back to the Vale under the pretense of providing further guidance for his ward Sweet Robin. However, Little finger would actually arrange an "accident" for the boy, thus bringing the banner of the Vale under his command. His next move would be to make an alliance with Queen Cersei… or at least that's the way I'd write it. I'm not GRRM, so it's anyone's guess what happens next.

  22. I think the story of Petyr is really sad, he has put his believes and will to the throne after he was on his lowest point. Seems like some kind of revenge. I dont want him to die, i like him very much :(!

  23. i don't think cersei is a good player, but she knows how to change the rules and use opportunities for her advantage. the problem that i see in her way of playing the game, is that she doesn't get rid of her enemies without standing in the frontline like LF does. Now she has the Martells and Dorne against her, in addition to all the others.

  24. it would be dumb for Littlefinger to die that soon. He is a master player and seeing him killed by Arya or Sansa would be as outlandish as the sand snakes killing Jaime
    by yuron perhaps I guess


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