Valar morghulis: All men (and women) must die. But when?

Welcome to Valar Morghulis, a weekly column about death and destruction in the wide world of Westeros. Each week, we’ll try to predict how likely EVERY character on Game of Thrones is to breathe their last in the upcoming episode. We’ll also review what we got right, as well as what we got horribly wrong, last time. With our last episode coming roughly two years ago, we’ll skip the review and jump straight into our thoughts for season 8, which promises to be a total bloodbath!

Predicting season 8 is a hard game to play. We’ve only gotten one proper trailer, and there hasn’t been much in the way of leaks either. Still, we do know there will be a massive battle at Winterfell in Episode 3, and we can expect some sort of rumble at King’s Landing at some point as well. That all adds up to a whole lot of death, which is good for business even if not for our poor hearts.

We know lots and lots of our favorite characters are going to die this season, but the body count might not be terribly high for the premiere, which only makes us more worried for later. But enough talk, let’s get into the odds!

****Percentages refer to how likely the character is to die, not survive.****



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