In this video I give my opinions on the death of the Tyrell’s and Margaery’s death.
Plus I give a quick take about why dorne sucked.

Voice Over by Gordon Reeves-



  1. I wish she woulda fought Cercei and we could see some fucking titties flopping around and shit. Jubblies all bouncin around in eachothers face in slow mo and then cut to porno. Season finale right there! but Cercei just had to be rude and blow everyone up! This is why everyone hates D&D amirite?

  2. The series deviated heavily from the books. In the books the king of Dorne is more cunning than Cersey and Tewin combined. He thwarted the vipers daughters plot and even cersey's plans. He is still alive in the books. And according to the books Dorne was the only kingdom which Aegon couldn't conquer with his dragons. That speaks volumes about their strength and why Tewin wanted to strengthen lannister ties with Dorne by marrying off Marcella.
    Secondly Loras wasn't gay in the books. Renley wasn't a pussy either. He was described as the younger version of Robert- as in strength wise. And Loras wasn't a pushover either. In the series he wasn't shown as such a domineering character, but in the books Tyrels were still a force to be reckoned with simply because they had Loras.

  3. I think they should have built all the 7 the main families of the seven kingdoms: The Starks, The Lannisters, The Tyrells, The Martells, The Baratheon, And the Tygareons, all within season one's first 3 episodes to help diversify and establish the characters. That way it wouldn't feel as rushed.

  4. They should have either cut Dorne, or combined Arianne and Quentyn. There is no reason Quentyn being sent to Danerys would have been all too complicated and would have been a nice compromise.

  5. with s7 done that whole high garden battle was bs. they gave a skilled warrior his only defeat and over 14-16 yrs the high garden standing army went to hell that fast. it's easier to hold a castle than face open battle. what a crock

  6. Historically, the Tyrells' approach will likely to work, in the long run. Daring campaign that achieves astonishing victories against seemingly insurmountable odds is fascinating, but it tends to sow the seeds of unrests and reversals years and years later. Slow, methodological advances with ample preparations and supplies tend to win out in the end. I am paraphrasing Sun Tzu but basically, he said: you lose by making mistakes, but win by making yourself as secured as possible, and wait for your enemy to make a mistake.

    Alexander the Great's campaign was astonishing, but his empire unraveled the moment he died. Justinian the Great's Italian campaign under Belisarius was astonishing: Belisarius winning stunning victories with 7500 troops; all the gains reversed in just few short years. A cautious approach later in Justinian last years with 20000 troops was considerably more successful and lasting.

  7. What a great trend to treat customers as retarded. Both on tv/cinema and video games. Don't you love it when content creators produce a lesser quality product because you are dumbfuck?

  8. Two words: Bad Writing. Many more than two words: In season 6 and especially in season 7, the writers for Game of Thrones have demonstrated that without the novels to crib from, they just don't have the talent to continue such a huge and complex storyline. The High Sparrow storyline-one of the most interesting ones going on at that time–was clearly too sophisticated for their skills, so they decided to end it in the most unsubtle and frankly ridiculous way. This leaves them with a very simple good vs evil storyline- Cersei (evil) vs everyone else (good)–which seems to be about all their tiny brains can accommodate.

  9. They died because they were the "knights of summer and winter is here". Margery and Ollena played a great political game, but thats all it really was to them – a game. They played for power but without any real stakes.

    The Tyrells hopped from powerful alliance to powerful alliance without risking much. Whenever their family was in danger they just switched to a stronger ally. Renly to Lannisters to Sparrows to Danaerys. Olenna was even eying a Stark alliance a couple of times through a Loras Sansa marriage or plotting with Littlefinger.

    Sure Ollena stuck her neck put there with Joffrey's assasination, but 1. it was most likely orchestrated by Littlefinger and 2. Joffrey was never the real power in the Lannister family. Their real oppostition to power (Tywin and Cersie) actively plotted the murder off opponents and destruction of house.

    Margery's story was absolutely finished. She continued her families low risk games by submitting to the High Sparrow to buy time for Littlefinger to hand deliver them new allies. Margery was not the character to advance the plot into the end game or "winter". Meanwhile Cersie continued to play for keeps and didn't hesitate to make a bold move to destroy her rivals even if it would certainly not bring her new allies.

    I though it was very fitting for these knights of summer to be wiped out just as winter arrived.

  10. Keep your fucking thumbnails to yourself stop spoiling man i never watched game of thrones I was watching twd and Spartacus and stuff and don't have the time for another tv show now I'm bench watching it started like 2 or 3 days ago and I'm on season 4

    Look something up about it on YouTube once and I get shit heads like you blatantly spoiling

  11. Its so pathetic how the Tyrells COULD have survived with Margeary's help. I know the wild fire reached far, but son…ATLEAST there would have been a chance if the dumb sparrow moved their asses.

  12. Well, I disagree. They played it right and safe. They saved the Lannisters after the battle of blackwater Bay and got rewarded. The mistake was that not theirs. Cersei gave the fundamentalists the power. The only mistake was that the queen of Thrones offended Cersei before the trial. Otherwise she might have warned them (and her own son would not have committed suicide). Cersei was always lucky. It is like playing poker. You maximize your chances to win, but there is no guarantee that the smartest wins.

  13. The Tyrells died because the Dan and David wouldn't be able to handle so many storylines on their own without the support of the books. So instead of designing a well thought end they just decided to blow them up. Kevan was an inconvenience too so he was also in the sept. And this is proven by how season 7 was. In the first chapters D&D are determined to kill Olenna and the Dorne plot forever. Now we have Cersei, Jon and Sansa and Daenerys. The Tyrells weren't playing to safe, it's just that D&D decided to play the conventional medieval fantasy series and ditch what characterised Game of Thrones in the first place, intricate plots, character developement, and character profoundess.

  14. I don't think they played safe at all… I mean, Olenna killed Joffrey with a very complex plan that could've gone wrong easily. The Tyrell women were extremely cunning and Margaery outsmarted Cersei at every turn. Loras and Mace on the other hand were completely ruined by me, and it was not an acting mistake. They reduced their characters to the gay one and the stupid one, and I think that's just unfair. The Tyrells deserved better, their end was too rushed.

  15. I read the title and I'm not watching it cus the title is fucking stupid. With that being said, the tyrells did not suck. Because people liked them. They where a part of the plot. They contributed to the show. Their acting was great. And the show is basically rated #1 in the world right now. Partly because of the plot. The disappointments. The tragedy. The humor. Everything. Even the worst rated scenes made more money then the creator of this video made in the past 10 years. And now the creator of the video is making a living off these supposed sucky tyrells. And so I ask. How did the tyrells suck if your able to get this many views from it?


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