The Strategy behind one of the biggest losses in Game of Thrones. Why did Vargo Hoat (Locke in the show) cut off Jaime’s hand?

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  1. Vargo Hoat cut off Jaimes hand because he knew Roose Bolton would send him back to Tywin.
    Vargo was a sell sword in the employ of Tywin and the Lannisters and him and the Brave Companions switched sides when Roose attacked Harrenhall. Vargo wanted Roose to be in trouble by Tywin making it look like Roose ordered his mutilation of his hand. Kinda protecting himself in a way.

  2. Jaime say it the book and he say it in the show i was that hand he was so much more that was the problem he always trusted his had or Cercei never himself he was always thorn between duty, honor and vows against his family, lover(Cersei) and right thing too do. That was Jaime in me opinion. PS. Sorry for not commenting for long time was busy:(

  3. Excellente vidéo. Merci pour votre excellente diction, primordiale pour un non-anglophone. Mon avis :
    1 pas très convaincue par l'idée que Locke/Vargo pourrait, de façon réaliste, espérer un mariage dans la maison Karstark ; mais c'est sans importance ; ce qui compte surtout, c'est le point 2 ci-après.
    2 en revanche, je croirais assez qu'il a deviné que Roose Bolton préparait un changement d'alliance, trahissant les Stark au profit des Lannister, que Locke/Vargo a précédemment trahis. Il est clair que ce changement d'alliance serait mortel pour Locke/Vargo . Couper la main de Jaime avait, en théorie (même si cela ne s'est pas réalisé) toutes les chances d'empêcher un rapprochement entre les Bolton et les Lannister. Même si Locke/Vargo est à la tête d'une bande armée difficilement contrôlable, il est clair qu'au moment de la capture de Jaime, il se situe dans le camp Bolton. Il est clair que Tywin serait fondé à demander compte à Roose des exactions de Locke/Vargo , dont Roose est responsable hiérarchiquement, et qu'il devrait être capable de contrôler, si toutefois il le voulait vraiment
    Autre chose: pourquoi Roose fait-il confiance à Jaime quand ce dernier promet de dire à son père que Roose l'a bien traité et n'est pour rien dans la perte de sa main ? (ce qui est faux ; Roose sait ce qu'il fait quand il emploie les pires bandes armées ; c'est un peu facile de dégager ensuite sa responsabilité).
    Mon hypothèse : la confiance de Roose, il la place surtout dans l'intérêt qu'aura, pour Tywin, le changement d'alliance qu'il lui propose. Intérêt qui pourrait le conduire à accepter d'"acheter" un récit, même moyennement crédible, effaçant la responsabilité de Roose. Les Bolton sont la seconde maison du Nord en force militaire. Leur changement de camp est de la nature à changer totalement le rapport des forces politiques et militaire, au détriment de Robb et au profit des Lannister. On peut donc compter sur Tywin pour jouer les naïfs quand Roose lui demandera de croire qu'il est pour rien dans la perte de la main de Jaime.
    Roose et Tywin ont des points communs : chez tous les deux, existe un penchant à utiliser des bandes armées pour faire le "sâle boulot" sans l'assumer mais en en profitant. Ils sont faits pour s'entendre si les intérêts convergent.

  4. In the books in vargo from qorok in the free cities he's part of the brave companion's sadistic prick I always thought he done it cos 1 it was his sword hand and and cos he thinks he's belittling him just cos of who he is I didn't read the books till the fifth season and could've of believed he mamed tywin son and heir hod or snapped his neck gd and proper or bran depending on which way we look at it

  5. I said this in a past comment on one of your videos and your replies with a LOL!

    I am sure jamie will get a sword hand like his gold hand it with a sword attachment.

    Syrio foresaw this “your hand must be like a sword

    Jon foreshadowed this hand when he was training with olly when he said “wildlings fight with 2 swords.

    Jamie still has the right hand skill and now he has left. He will become a dual wielding bezerker

    And……. we will say.

    “Jamie is a Painter, and his color is white” ? Because he will go full Retard killing white walkers, hopefully as jons kings guard (because Rhegar told Jamie to protect his children before his (RHEGAR) death)

    I’m starting to believe the dragon has three heads is jamie cersi and Tyrion ,
    As Tywin couldn’t make any babies at all that’s why someone said he was “always sad”

    Also alt shift x just did (today) a sick clip about everyone’s retribution and survival , bran loosing his climbing ability , jamie loosing his hand and swordsmanship ability, cersi her beauty when her hair was cut, etc and how these people have to go on and “persevere” without their one gift. And go through a TRANSFORMATION


    Jon will have to transform from ice to fire and Danny with transform from fire to ice (night queen)

    Sorry to post a reference from another channel but you are better than alt shift x in your own way. Great clip KAGE (Kevin and Mage) see what I did there 😉

  6. can you make a video on meera's valyrian sword i mean she didn't have that before she went on the cave and she cut down that wight with one slash and she had the sword when benjin saved them and the last owner of the sword darksister was blood raven

  7. nicely done Kev. Alt Shift X just put out a vid with a nice line in it about GRRM removing tongues hands and cocks in the story, making people evolve "growth, decay then transformation"

  8. I had to watch the video a couple of times but I finally got it. The show makes it all about Jaime existential crisis but it goes way beyond that. I never really understood the Karstark thing while it was happening and I have a lot more respect for Jon now too! Now can you explain the Umbers and why they saved Rickon and then betrayed him?

  9. Where's this video about Jon-boy's election that you mentioned?! We all know Slynt and Thorne won the popular votes, in the books and the show respectively; trusting the electoral college to an old blind man & a fat craven is a fool's errand. Although for the purposes of the joke I seem to be equating Jon with the Benevolent & Glorious Leader Drumpf so I think I beat them to it on the fool's errand…. Anyway I'm digressing

  10. Hmmm evidence real shaky on this one! What do you think about the strong likelihood that the Brave Companions are the sellsword company that Oberyn founded? Your theory doesn't make much sense with that I don't think…

  11. I forgot the stupid things people did. To use the meme:
    Lots of people betray their lord.
    Lots of cunts.

    Anyway, great video man, I love these breakdowns. Sadly, there isn't any speculation or magic or mythology I can theorize about, but hey, maybe Jaime gets a new magic hand like Victarion Greyjoy. Fingers crossed (pun intended)

  12. more proof of the in-depth story telling in ASoIaF. even Locke's (Hoat's) story sounds like an awesome drama….. ….. Jaime's a kin slayer. there's no way he'll survive. he's cursed


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