Hi everyone!
Here’s my new Star Wars video, about why I’m all over Rey Solo Theory, why I’m becoming more compelled by it. I really want to know your thoughts, do you still think Rey Sky is more likely or Rey Solo!
Here’s the link the article I mentioned, please read it. Like I said in the video it really changed my mind and gave more to think about

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  1. One major point most theories like this leave out is that if Snoke was watching Ben from the day he was born, why didn't Snoke know about Rey from the day she was born. Rey is obviously strong in the Force, if she's Ben's sister then she has the exact same heritage that Snoke so valued in Ben. Snoke was watching the Skywalker family. Leia was obviously not strong enough to keep Snoke away from Ben, so she wouldn't have been strong enough to keep him away from Rey. Maybe this would hold water if Rey was abandoned when she was an infant but she was five years old. Old enough to be a jedi youngling if she had been born in the prequel days ? can you explain your thoughts to this don't get me wrong i still want her to be of skywalker blood

  2. I think Rey is a Skywalker or Solo and the points you brought up could work for either theory. Pretty much Rey is the Jaina Solo of the new canon and Kylo Ren is the Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus of the new canon. I had this idea if they could have an unknown Skywalker being Luke's son in the new canon which could be the Ben Skywalker of the new canon. Also they could bring Luke's wife Mara Jade back into canon just like how they brought back Grand Admiral Thrawn & Ruhk into the new canon via Star Wars Rebels. I don't think Rey is a Kenobi, Palpatine, Bridger, or Versio.

  3. I love the Rey Solo theory because it's so emotionally satisfying and I don't know if I could accept anyone other then Han and Leia being her parents. I really loved the father/daughter relationship between Rey and Han so making someone else her real father just wouldn't feel right to me. Not to mention Chewie chooses to become her companion after Han's death and takes an immediate liking to her which he never does with anyone. Rey also owns the Millennium Falcon and according to the editor Maryann Brandon, Leia and Rey have a 'special connection they don't know about yet' which was really apparent by the way they hugged each other. I also love how it would make her rival, her brother. There's so much potential for an interesting relationship between Kylo and Rey which is similar to Luke and Vader as well as Leia and Vader. I also think it's so cool how they parallel each other in the opposite way and according to the Star Wars databank they have a 'mysterious connection' which I think makes a lot of sense when you realise they're siblings, especially since and they both don't understand what the connection means just like Luke and Leia didn't as well. Knowing all this it's really hard for me to accept that her parents are two randoms or even Luke.

  4. I'm reysky but reysolo is v compelling and i would LOVE to see it happening. (plus carrie's daughter auditioned for the role of rey so imo she's definitely related to carrie). and obviously making it rey's abduction a causation of kylo's fall make it interesting, much more than "hanleia are shitty parents". but nevertheless, even if kylo had his reasons to go to the dark side, he's still responsible of his actions.

  5. Great video! Overtime, I've begun to love the Rey Solo theory more and more. I still want Rey to be a Skywalker (Luke's daughter) though and if there is a secret Solo, I really want it to be Lt. Connix (Billie Lourd's character) as the ultimate way of paying tribute to Carrie Fisher. However, what you said in the video regarding Rey Solo does make a lot of sense and I think it would make a great storyline with Rey finding out Han & Leia are her parents and Kylo Ren is her brother. If that were the case in Episode 8 and/or 9, I would love it just as much as I would love Rey Skywalker. I'd be very happy and very satisfied with either reveal. And who knows? If Rey is a Solo, Lt. Connix could still be a Solo as well and then you'd have three Solo kids just like in the Expanded Universe. Or maybe Lt. Connix could be revealed as Luke's daughter instead. She does have the blonde hair after all (or at least she did since Billie had dyed it dark brown, I believe), "Connix" could possibly be her mother's last name and there are some people out there who look more like their aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. rather than their parents. So anything's possible. Only two weeks left until The Last Jedi comes out and we finally get our answers. Just like your Rey Skywalker video, this was a very in-depth, well-done video and I loved it 🙂


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