Backstory of Lord Brynden “the Blackfish” Tully

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  1. Dude, the show is so LAAAAME. All these cool characters are being killed off to give more screen time to stupid Daenerys. There's Jon, Bronn, Jaime, Tyrion (but they are fucking him up badly), and Podrick off the top of my head. No cool, gruff old guys left to peak my interest anymore.

  2. is there enough information to make a video on how good tywin was with a sword? ive always thought of him as someone who leads from the back, and i dont remember it being mentioned in the show

  3. Hey Kev, i got to thinking about Lord Edmure, and i remembered Walder Frey telling Jaime,
    "Edmure's back in a cell…."

    Do you think maybe Arya will release him, or use Walder's face to release have him released?
    Ooooohhhhh….. yeah, that'd be freaky as hell bro….lol.
    Arya using Walders face to raise some hell….lol.

  4. Episode 8 of Season 6 of Game of Thrones is the most dissapointing episode of ALL the show. They set up Brianne to bring Blackfish to the North. They set up Arya vs The Waif. And what happens? Both Blackfish and Waif die offscreen. So anti-climatic. And no Tully to help Jon. Specially when Blackfish was saying "the war is not over as long as i am breathing" it makes ZERO sense for him to refuse to help Sansa. D&D blew it here.

  5. I would argue that the Blackfish escaped with Rob's real wife. When she is introduced it is noted that "at least she has wide, child bearing hips." Later, when Jaime meets her he describes her as a skinny little thing (or something like that) – I think it is possible she is pregnant with Rob's heir and escaped with the Blackfish.

  6. fan boy Jamie lmao I can see that dinner too lol I don't blame him I crush on the Blackfish too and I can't stand his nieces or idiot nephew. . He must have got all the good stuff in that family

  7. Blackfish was the coolest. Question is why did he always refuse to marry? I don't remember an explanation in the books, just that he never did. Related question-During the War of Five Kings why didn't Hoster Tully or later Edmund just order the Freys to both fight for Robb and let them through the Twins? The Freys were sworn to the Tully's right? Can they just refuse their liege lord? Red Wedding might've been avoided…

  8. The Blackfish is one of my favorite "minor" characters, especially as he's an honorable man and a fine warrior. So I'm very happy that he's still alive in the books to play some part in saving Westeros. Jon will need all the proven fighting men he can get, especially if they are canny tactician. This is reaching a bit, maybe a lot, but I'd like to see the Blackfish working with Tyrion on battle strategy in the books. If Westeros survives, everyone will have to put aside house/family loyalties and pride as well as old feuds, grudges, and enmities, in order to prevail.

  9. For some reason, I think Blackish is still alive😕
    Until I see his body this season I'll continue believing so. Because I wasn't even convinced that Benjen Stark was dead and there he was… He came through last season😂😂😂

  10. thing is this is typical misdirection in a story. until you see his corpse or see him run through then he's not dead. look at how different the the Hounds "death" was from the Ned Stark's. my money is. Blackfish is still alive. and will be back. can't put him in a trailer cause it'll just spoil too much.

  11. I just wanted to say thank you, You and few others have made the past year bearable waiting for this season to start and I've never loved a show so much, thanks for all you work.

  12. So I've never read the books. I'm waiting til the end of the series to do that. Until then I spoiler the f' out of the books with Bridge4 videos and such. 😉 so I don't know what the Blackfish was like in the books, but I LOVED Blackfish in the show. Even though he's not in a whole lot of scenes, he's so stinkin' cool. I was PISSED they killed him off the way they did. It seemed forced. I'm not mad they didn't show it. I'm actually glad. He's old and not what he used to be. He said so himself right before he died. It would have been horrible to see this guy that's been built up to be a battle legend be so incredibly BAD at combat. But as Jaimie said: Hes an old man. He's slow, his joints don't bend the way they used to, he's got a lifetime of injuries on that body that he feels every time he moves. I wouldn't be surprised if he were drunk at that point. Hahaha it would have been a lousy fight and we don't need to see that after he's been built up to the fricken sky.

  13. I just read the chapter where Jamie explains him going to Riverrun and admiring the Blackfish which I thought was really cool, I loved that chapter. I also love how Jamie doesn't want to take up arms against the Tullys. Anyway, I agree, it does add to the scene between them in season 6, which I loved.


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