Why, in the books, is Jaqen in Oldtown? Is he there to kill someone or to learn something? If so, what, or who? And how does all this fit into the Faceless Men’s overall objectives?

In Deep Geek – Insight and intelligent discussion about Game of Thrones and more.

This video contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Seasons 1-7 and some random theories about season 8.

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  1. Okaaay, now I've watched all your clips on GOT and I'm stoked. I'll watch your videos time and again as I continue reading the books. Can you recommend another channel you personally love to follow? Keep up the great work!!!

    Best wishes, a subscriber and devoted GOT lover 😉

  2. Your videos are the best GoT breakdowns on YouTube. Keep up the great work and I hope your channel has great success. Have a like and a sub, I look forward to future content!

  3. I read the books the past 2 weeks again and I'm nearly through ADwD atm. But since I discovered your channel while ending AFfC I was actually double reading the mentioned parts.
    I can't answer your questions since I don't really favor any of the theories I know of.
    I'm also sure that Pate is Jaqen and want to know more, while at the same time the Maester with the glass candle made a huge impression on me and I hope we learn much more about him. Dammit GRRM…

  4. Hellow Robert…This video is a kind of answer on some of my questions about the connection of Jaqen and the Maesters…So well..I had think always that Jaqen and the alchemist [the man who takes Jaqens face]are the same FM in disguise that tells to Arya to go in Bravos to find him ..Also that man appears in Eurons chapter…in this chapter that man is ordered to kills his brother Balon and Euron gives in him a petrified dragon egg as payment for his services and the FM/alchemist throw up that egg in #to the sea ..The description appearance of this man in this chapter its the same description appearance that you describe in this video..Could this to has a connection with what Maester Marwyn says about Aegon the Conqueror VS The Drowned God and Jaqen/alchemist to has a role to play in that?What do you think? Also i do think that Jaqen was in Citadel ..not only for that…but also he killed Pate for this key..This key propably is to unlock something important .and its a clue that the FM need something important.. the Books of the Dragons[The death of Dragons] and the Books with Legends of the Long NightThe WW book..that book who read Gilly in S7 maybe]..The FM need those two books for to destroy the Dragons and the WW also..because both they steal their work..collecting faces and giving the gift of death to the peoples….Dragons burns the peoples and the WW resurrect them..and the FM they want to stop them both…That what i think for Jaqens strange research to Citadel..Also Maester Marwyn seems to know those books , to know where they are and what is their theme /plot..could there also to are instructions about the Dragonsbinder's using[Euron is somehow connected with the FM and he looking for some way to use this horn]..What do you think?Qyburn in the show also is suspicious about the WW and for the Dragons too[ i assume for this because of his impression with the dragons in the scorpion ballista scene]..He as Maester Marwyn considered by the other Maesters as weird maester ..and they disagree with his methods and his knowledge..that makes me wonder if he is working with the FM and why?for to stop the Dragons and the magic through them? or for to stop the WW and also the magic through them?What do you think?Also what do you think about Eurons connection with the FM and the Maesters?Can he be the Drowned God who will clash with Aegon The Conqueror[Jon or Danny or both or their son]in the future..and what role will play the Maesters and the FM to this?Make a video about this..i will be glad to hear your opinion about this..

  5. I don't think the book is about the flying kind of dragons. It might be about the sources of magic. It would explain why the book was locked away. I think its a book to awaken the dragon…..the 3d one thats missing…so Jaqen trying to awaken the dragon would be Jaqen serving his God. I think its also why he trained/protected Arya, she is meant to kill someone with her (ceremonial) dagger. Like Syrio said Arya is a sword. I think she might be Lightbringer. She is the ice in song/spell of ice and fire. She will stab someone cause only life can pay for death…someone will die to awaken the dragon. I don't think the WW are evil…they are one of the 3 dragon heads. I think Mell will be the one getting sacrificed to awaken/resurrect AA (she did say she would meet arya again and she is coming back to die…I think she saw her own death when she saw Arya the last time around). The dragon must have 3 heads (so that magic is in balance again). Considering Mell said she brought ice and fire back together again I kinda have an idea on who they are…and its not jon/dany cause they are both fire. What did mell do? Which actions did she do of importance? She resurrected Jon and took back winterfell……which send arya back home (ice). And she told dany to send for jon yet when he got there she hide from them. Why hide..she did as he asked…. he came to her? I think her asking dany to summon jon did reunite ice and fire….its just not jon. Mell hide cause Davos couldn't know she was there….if he knew she was there he would not have gone to gendry. So he brought gendry back to introduce him to jon…and take gendry back to Winterfell…..bringing ice and fire back together. Arya will either have to kill gendry or she will resurrect gendry by killing Mell. I think she was always meant to be his sword…she protected him even as a small child. Mell saw gendry in her flames as well. I think jon/dany are the prince that was promised (to unite the kingdoms and stop the wars) and they have a roll to play…but they are not AA…the Lord of Light… the 3d dragon….its Gendry (the guy working with fire that made a bullhelmet….Mitras= bull slayer = resurrected sun god aka the lord of light). People are so focussed on AA being a guy with a sword…. it might be the only guy that doesn't know how to handle a sword… cause his sword is the little girl walking in front of him protecting him… like a sword.

  6. Death 💀 and dragons 🐉 more like magic is Ruining the Balance life and death < people coming back from the dead like jon and being reborn like daenerys from fire 🔥 more like

  7. One might think that the faceless men would be against Valyria, dragons, and magic because they hold a grudge from their days as slaves. There must be a reason he doesn't just kill Marwyn to slow the spread of magic. Do dragons come from magic or does magic come from dragons? Which is the cause and which is the effect? If magic is increasing because of the reappearance of dragons, then Jaqen may be looking into how to kill dragons to stop magic.


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