This is just a fan theory. I love to see your theories and thoughts in the comments below. Happy Holidays!



  1. GRRM has used historical monarchs like Queen Zenobia, Elizabeth and Henry Tudor to mould Dany as a Queen. D&D have also spend lot of money on Dany giving her the most epic scenes, music,costumes. She was always the fan favourite. Only the online asoiaf fandom irrationally hated her. Dany has also similarity to previous heroines of GRRM like in Windhaven and Icedragon.One of GRRM's favourite books 'The last unicorn' also has a protogonist who is similar to Dany. GRRM has also published Dany's chapters as independent works and won awards. Dany is essential to rebuilding Westeros , she cant't be replaced by anyone else. Sadly I am not so sure about Jon's fate. He has been making a lot of mistakes similar to Robb and Ned Stark. In the Feast for Crows (2005)'s Samwell chapters itself mistakes made by Jon was noticeable, it finally culminated in his stabbing in ADWD.I hoped after returning from death he will be more smarter, but the showrunners keeps on adding mistakes made by him.


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