As requested! A breakdown analyzing Loki’s charm and appeal 🙂

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is pretty much the only thing guaranteed to get me to the movie theater on opening night. I am literally counting down to Thor: Ragnarok! But even though the Marvel movies are amazing, there is popular criticism that their villains are kind of weak.

And yet, from Thor to Avengers to Thor The Dark World, Loki is the one villain that everybody seems to adore and root for.

While most Marvel villains get killed off or captured after just one film, Loki has now played a major role in 4 films. Loki won MTV’s sexiest Avenger. There’s even been petitions for Tom Hiddleston to star in a Loki standalone movie.

I believe there are four major reasons why Loki has literally gotten away with murder and become one of the biggest fan favorites in the Marvel universe.

And understanding these four things will help so you too can get away with making mistakes or screwing up, without it being something people hold against you.

0:55 Loki is the best villain as he is charming
3:38 We understand and relate to Loki
7:32 He is a tortured soul as shown in these Loki best scenes
9:50 You can’t keep Loki down being the brother of Thor

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  1. I know that he may be the best villain..but honestly, I would love to see him more as a hero.
    Spoiler alert from Ragnarok!
    I really loved the fact that in Ragnarok they tried to make him some kind of hero. I hope that they will make him act good in the next movies too! ♥♥

  2. uhhhh I'm getting chills whenever he says " you can di this with your life!!!!!1111" like it's just feels like.. manipulating people AND not being yourself. I mean those are great WRITING advices how to make character likable but uh. Lot of character I love I would punch in real life :I

  3. What I find most captivating about the character Loki is that he makes us feel the "dark" side of the human soul and accept it instead of shoving it back down. He opens our eyes to the ecstasy of seeing someone's life run out and reversing the poles of your morals for just a second, he makes us see that sometimes, evil isn't bad and we all have a certain fire inside of us that craves destruction. He's not an empty villain that is just evil for the sake of being it, he has a backstory, and yet shows us the illusion of pure power as no one else in the Marvel universe has.
    Not many villains (or characters in general) are "evil" in the Loki sort of way, but some that did manage it in my opinion are Moriarty, the Master, Dorian Gray and perhaps Severus Snape.
    I'm not saying you should murder someone, it's just that it's okay and human to want mayhem from time to time, to feel powerful and not be ashamed.

  4. This does a great job representing Loki and why we like him. Although, Loki himself (in hindsight) would not agree that he is "unpredictable" (myself included) Loki loves his family…and that is why he hates them and himself. He hates to hurt them but also feels that is the only way to get their attention. He doesn't want them dead or maimed (not really) he wants to cause trouble and get in their way to make them notice him. Loki hurts his own feelings by hurting his family…and thus is torn. It has cons and pros (not all of them liked even by Loki himself) I love Loki above all others in the Marvel or DC universe (my love for him is only matched by the love of the Doctor, whom I see as equal trickster types) HIs flaws are truly related by all who love their family. I love this video too.


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