Why must there always be a Stark in Winterfell? What does Winter Is Coming really mean? And what’s hidden deep underneath Winterfell?

This video contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Seasons 1-6 and plenty of theories and potential spoilers for season 7.


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  1. URmomsleftBREAST also, referring to an older post, Jon isn't COMPLETELY stark since the husbands name has to be taken at birth. Sansa has been wed..unwillingly…but wed nonetheless…and isn't Bran warging at the time of the night kings breaking of the wall? Meaning….HES NOT TRULY there? It was just something to ponder, so what if the theory of a stark needing to be on the North to reinforce the wall is true? Also, I pray and hope that Job does not have to kill Dany or her sacrifice her…but instead since he does have ice and fire in his veins….he could venture further down into the crypts( because I really do think that rather than a dragon (which would set Dany on a rampage, because she states that Dragons are not slaves a couple of times in the show) that it should be the lightbringer. If I'm not mistaken, that's the only missing piece of TPTWP. I get wite walker vs white walker mixed up, so even if Jon has to end up sacrifing himself…with the knight king defeated (which c'mon has to be done or the series really couldn't have a conclusion) couldn't Dany and Jon still have a loving relationship, or would Jon have to stay north of the wall? Oh and also, how will Jon or anyone for that matter, find out about the crypts…unless Bran (whom I am totally convinced became the knight king or connected in some way sadly) tells him from one of his visions? I think season 8 is going to HEAVILY rest on BRAN. As for the starks being whitewalkers themselves, I dont exactly know how…if someone would explain…id love the insight…as well as the difference between wite and white walkers and jon possibly being one? P.S. I can't help but to want Jon and Dany together so much….shes the only one I will have approved of besides Ygritte. AND (sorry for the caps, in addicted to this show more than any other ived watched) was there any mention of an ice queen at all? And does anyone believe these leaked scripts that are posted, because that would be the ultimate disappointment of my life. 😭😢😭😢😭

  2. Even the surviving Starks don't know what's in the crypts. They don't even go deeper than Ned Starks tomb. But if I had to guess it's probably a sweat shop with kids making Yeezys and air Jordan's and forging Valarian swords for the war.

  3. Im just rereading the books and there are certain hints.
    It depends on how its phrased, like ygritte asking if jon felt too that the wall was so cold (Cold in cursive).
    And then her crying, explaining that they never found the horn of Winter and that the wall wad not build of ice but with blood (–>the trees as you said need blood)
    My guess is, that the horn is at winterfell, or at least down in the crypts lies something hidden to recreate the wall.
    Maybe the horn was never created to bring it down or a Legend or myth has been created deliberately to conceil what lies beyond winterfell.
    Several quotes are about how cold the crypts were even if the Castle is kept warm by hot springs.
    Also, a few pages before jon climbs the wall, he describes the pink sky when the sun comes up as the morning sword.
    Its an unusual way to phrase a sunup.
    Is the red evening sky then the red sword? 😅🤔
    But i think it makes sense that bran the builder hid his wallbuilding secret at winterfell.
    And the north forgot

  4. An excellent video. There is definitely something going on with the crypts. I never made the connection between the hot springs and the cold crypts before. It definitely seems like a contradiction.

  5. I think there is connection between Targaryans and Starks as well. Once maester aeomen told a Targaryan alone in the world is a horrible thing much like the saying a lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

  6. You know, Ive not given any thought as to what would lie at the bottom of Winterfell. But after watching this video you have given me something to think about. What if the crypts held the spells and magic that Bran the Builder had learned in his time when he was alive and they were the key in destroying the Night King? What if the Starks and the Targaryans were the keepers of such magic but it had been forgotten about over time and it was buried with the crypts. I shall think on your questions some more and leave another answer.

  7. Hey thought it might be interesting to note that fell as a noun means something that could add even more insight to the meaning of Winterfell 🙂
    Definition of fell

    : skin, hide, pelt
    : a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly under the hide

  8. Hey thought it might be interesting to note that fell as a noun means something that could add even more insight to the meaning of Winterfell 🙂
    Definition of fell

    : skin, hide, pelt
    : a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly under the hide

  9. I have a theory about the knight king and the Starks in Winterfell. The knight king's move south correlates to the gradual downfall of the Starks in Winterfell. The knight king is a Stark and he foresaw that Starks downfall. The knight king's final destination isn't King's Landing but Winterfell. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. With the knight king in Winterfell, there will always be a Stark in Winterfell.

  10. Wasn't winterfell empty of Starks when the mad king killed rickard Stark and his eldest son. Then only Ned and Benjin we're left. Benjin was nights watch, and Ned road all the way to Dorn. No other Starks at the time, right?

  11. Wouldn't it be awesome if the night king and his army of others pass right by winterfell and head straight to kings landing? Maybe winterfell is like the tree where the three eyed raven lived and the night king can't go inside. Maybe everyone will hold up in winterfell and the night king will pass by head south and kill the lier cersei.

  12. Lightbringer must be in there,and i belive that Azor Ahai must be the Targaryen because only they can wield Lightbringer and don't get burned.That's why Azor Ahai must be Jon Snow or Denerys(probably she,her blood is more pure 100% Targaryen,Jon is half Stark)…

  13. When the Night King touched brans arm, he was able to not only know where he was, but also able to enter the cave that was otherwise protecting them… since bran is now in winterfell, on the other side of the wall, do you think that the magic that once kept the dead north of the wall will now have no effect, and in turn any magic that may be keeping the dead out of winterfell?


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