Do you think Jon Snow could be romantically involved with Sansa? Here is our two Sense on why Jon Snow and Sansa will not get married. Let’s debunk the Jonsa Theory



  1. So, in summary, Jon and Dany incest is "a technicality" even if their inbreeding makes them as close as siblings but Jon and Sansa is a NOTP because you think it's incest when in truth it's not incest at all in Westeros and they don't share much DNA.

    I don't ship Jon and Sansa but I read GRRM books and after all he said about Targaryens I call what you said nonsense because even if Jon and Dany don't know it doesn't change the fact that it's incest.
    Call it "a technicality" if it makes you feel better but it's still the real incest in the story and GRRM said clearly that Targaryen incest is bad and the Targaryens' incestuous marriages are inspired by Ptolemaic Egypt.

    You can read more about incest in Westeros here or you can keep calling it "a technicality", but ignoring the truth doesn't make it go away.

  2. I don't ship Jon and Sansa, but when you look at the case for a political marriage between the two it makes a lot of sense. I think they'll marry for political reasons and could fall in love later like how Ned and Cat did. Daenerys is barren. Just because she carried Drogo's child it doesn't mean she can conceive a living, healthy child. Targaryens have been barren in the past because of their inbreeding and their offspring were said to be dragon-like (how Mirri described Rhaego). Daenerys comes from 2 generations of incest between siblings. It's very possible she's barren because of it. Then you have the problem with the Northern Lords. They may turn to Jon to fight the White Walkers, but after there will be tension on who to support to rule the North. A true-born Stark or a true-born Targaryen. We've already seen how even Lyanna Mormont doesn't agree with Jon leaving the North. Some Lords wanted to make Sansa Queen because Jon was taking too long. How do you think they'll see Jon coming back with a foreign Targaryen who he bent the knee to? Also while having sex with her on the side. They'll see it as Jon bending the knee to get with this foreign whore, as they saw Talisa. This is what they criticized Robb for doing. Robb married a foreigner for love, broke his oath, and lost the war because of it. They just crowned Jon their King and he gives the North to a Targaryen, while being a Targaryen himself. I just don't see how the Northern Lords will trust Jon to lead them anymore unless he becomes a Stark by marrying into the House (by marrying Sansa). You can say all you want "but he has Stark blood from his mother." This is Westeros. Where it matters who your father is. You don't hear people saying who their mother is a lot to gain power in Westeros. Then you don't even know how Jon will react to him having sex with his biological aunt. He grew up to the beliefs of the Old Gods and they are even more strict on incest than the Seven. It's not like Jon just to go against something he believes in "because he's a Targaryen." And I just honestly love the hypocrisy of Jonerys shippers. They don't approve of Jon and Sansa (who grew up very distant from one another in both the books and show) who share around 12.5% similar genetics, but approve of Jon and Daenerys (Who share over 40% similar genetics because of their Targaryen blood) because they never met. Why is that every time you ask them? Emotional incest. So, they're pretty much saying they'd rather be with their aunt, who's almost genetically similar as a sibling would be, than with their cousin who they grew up distant from, but thought was their half-sister.
    Jon and Daenerys marrying and having a child is just too clichΓ©. There should be one more twist in the end.

  3. He's not going to marry anyone because he's going to die. The minute the night king gets killed, all the magic dies and since Jon was brought back with magic, he'll be toast. Also, you are just wishful thinking yourself, and you're just as effing crazy because you are shipping a dude with his aunt. Just say NO to all shippers everywhere!

  4. Jon and Sansa have about as much chemistry as an 80 year old low IQ couple. The mother of dragons has a fire in her belly, pardon the pun. She will bring out Jons kinky side, you know nothing Jon snow or whatever your name is now. Let's be honest we already know it's Dany and Jons story, I think everyone has accepted this apart from the crazy Jonsa cult

  5. Nahh, marry Sansa with Podrick, Bronn, Sandor or Gendry (Until they legitimize it).
    Sansa is the future of the house Stark. so the children must be Stark
    If he marries Tyrion, her sons will be Lannister, also with Jaime.
    If he marries Robyn, her sons will be Arryn.

  6. NoSa, NoWay, NoHow! The Jonsans are nuts. They see hints of hidden love, secret foreshadowing, and Jon wishing he was with Sansa when he's with Daenerys! And now, knowing Jonerys is likely, they see either that she dies and he turns to Sansa OR irresistible Sansa gets anyone else with a title, power, and a penis, no matter how improbable. I've even heard Theon, though he doesn't qualify. Tyrion or Sandor (or Robin, who they ignore because their Disney princess is too precious to marry a whiny kid) IMO at least have some foundation in show or book. But (now the late) Baelish, Davos, Jorah, and–most upsetting–Gendry? They're okay with Sansa stealing her sister's perfect match?!? Which reminds me–they cite evidence for Jon and Sansa in the books, where Jon and Arya were supposed to be a thing and there's a great great deal of evidence for that. No, Jon should not marry either of this sisters–even if they're his cousins.

  7. #whatsa.. Ok your points are valid here is some good for thought. Granted ive not had the time reading the books.. What ive seen sansa didn't want to be bothered with her "half" brother in anyway.. Like jon real name sake.. He married his sisters… Yes. He is attracted to his aunt dany.. Marrying sansa for political reasons makes sense.. They don't have to shoe that romance… It would be interesting of he did take two wives… One out of lust and the other out of political duty… Only time will tell. . your video was great

  8. I love you again πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. From my professional experience talking to Jonsa shippers, I think they are quite delusional. They continue to push that Jon will betray Dany and do a 100 percent U turn and get with Sansa instead LOL. They believe Jon and Sansa will rule the 7 kingdoms and live happily ever after. But but but the book was called a time for wolves, whatever Jonsa shippers.

  9. i don't care about Jonsa or Jonerys. I only imagined the gruesome twosome together. (PetSa) To play the game of trhones together. They had the most interesting relationship together.

  10. i Agree…Also i have to add that there that non sense Jonsa theory never will happen. bcoz.[a]there is no time and place for another one romance..We have already Jonerys[baby/marriage is coming],Gendrya[will happen somehow],Euroncei[too BDSM love lol] , Jaimenne[im curious if they will have a sex scene together] and GreyWormsandei[they are so cute together]..with all those relationships on the top , with NK coming and with Cercei bringing the GC to attack Danny/Jon …there is no place and time for Sansa disney dreams…[b]Sansa will marry Tyrion or Robbyn or nobody ..Tyrion respected her during their first wedding..she may appreciates that and got remarried with him..Robbyn is easy to manipulated..but i dont think she after her brutal marriage with Ramsay to decide to marry anyone..she had understand that will never get the handsome Mr Nice Guy.its GOT and those things doesnt happen or they turned against you ..may she decides to stay QITN without king like Queen Elizabeth A of England ..and [c]that Jon likes red heads it belongs to the his pro-death life actually..He now has change and has a newborn life and his love with Danny is considered [from his eyes] like first love..also there will be a child in S8 and he surely will comes closer to Danny bcoz he doesnt want his childrens to be fatherless/motherless bastards as he did confronted in all his life like this..He is too humble and honorable guy like Ned..he got raised him with those humble,honorable and love your family..He cant be like other untrustworthy mens and to leave his prego[with his firstborn] wife for to run behind another woman..This is not on his brave, selfless and honorable character


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