I am probably going to get hate for this, though this bugged me a lot. This was improvised.

Also has footage of Game of Thrones and Inglorious Bastards, so extra spoiler warning.
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  1. i see where you're coming from and in most cases i would agree, but after everything the player has fought through, gathered and killed and the mental breakdowns that realistically would ensue i think that for the character's sake a happy ending is a good relief of tension.

  2. Wow! I think this is quite interesting because of how they added a twist. which is nice because we the players don't have a bad feeling about the ending but i do agree that it is seen in much more products of games and movies. It kinda sucks because it isnt different. Just my thoughts :0 Keep doing great things Farket! Cheers 😀

  3. 100% agree with you. Just inconsistent with the theme, when we first cleared the game my friends and i were just gobsmacked.. and had goosebumps for ages.. This just eliminates that climax at the end.. Great video! Big fan 😉

  4. They never stipulate why we were on the plane to start with. Was Megan on the plane with us, or did she arrive earlier? A Survival book seems odd for a young kid unless he was looking forward to a trip in the wild, so it could simply be a vacation trip with the tennis club. That's why everyone had so many tennis balls :). Notice tho, that there were no tennis courts?

    The research facility was researching the alien artifact and longevity. Maybe Timmy had some condition for which we were hoping we could find a cure, but was shot down instead. This theory adds to us shooting down a plane ourselves just to save Timmy. We'd do anything to save our son. This theory would lead to a sequel. Living happily every after, or turning into a monster and getting killed would not. It sounds like there is going to be another plane ride.

    It's possible that Eric found something in the lab that would temporarily stop a transformation of Timmy and gave it to him. But I'd think Timmy's eyes would have betrayed that theory.

    The Forest does not have to continue with Timmy. That Artifact is still there. It's been there a long time. Maybe Timmy being okay is the calm before the storm. Did the Red Cannibal ever get killed?

  5. My guess is that it’s not the actual ending. The developers had us going thinking that the previous version was the ending. But then they go in and add this curveball. My thoughts (or I should say hopes) is that this new scene isn’t where they are going to end it. Maybe later on, they’ll make another scene that makes Timmy immediately start mutating before your eyes right after he smiles. Because remember; Megan smiled in a similar fashion right before she started mutating in the lab. That’s my theory, they’re not done yet.

  6. kind of another retcon of the whole Lovecraftian flavour there, let's hope this is an unlockable ending (like after gathering all of the toy parts you know)
    but well it do makes the struggle matter in some way, player character brought back timmy knowing that he will turn soon or later, but yeah for that father it means a little more time with his son, in a way it's kind of dreadful, there will be a terrible end to this just not now and not there.

  7. The original ending was perfect. You're right about that. It just made sense, it added up, it was the perfect story for The Forest. Shocking, upsetting, but in the end it just fit the game better than any other ending I can imagine. The sad thing happened to Maria (or whatever her name was), she became that super-mutant as the final boss in a way. Why wouldn't Timmy? It's a result of the machine made by whoever, it was an inevitable effect. Whether or not it was intentional by the original creator, that it could make some kind of supersoldier for the savages, it happened and it was inevitable. So why wouldn't it happen to Timmy? I mean, it is a nice though to think that Timmy and the player are still alive and well, it just doesn't fit near as well.

  8. It's not like its a happy ending though. The seizure just stops; that doesn't mean they won't continue to happen or maybe mutations take longer to happen. It still opens up a lot of possibilities but if the devs want to make the game seem like all hope is lost, they need to change Timmy's model at the end somehow. Maybe they originally meant for his eyes to be black and didn't add it in properly.

  9. So basicly you just hate happy endings. I see It like this: If theres bad ending then whole thing you did in the game is for nothing. I mean my idea always was that they should add different endings like they did in other games so that player can choose himself.

  10. To be honest, you deserve a lot more subscribers and viewers, I'm writing this not for attention, but to appreciate your hard effort into making these videos, ur like the one YouTuber that i can watch without any boredom. I love your content, and keep it up. Love ur voice by the way. So calming.

  11. I really want a story, i'm done with theories. They should make a consistent story explaining things like why the restricted order, why Cross got fired,how megan died, why they broked up.

  12. Hope you do not mind some text, but if so, TL;DR included 😉 My two cents about the updated ending!

    In the current state, could not agree with you more! Wish I could prove you wrong, but that would be impossible for me to do. However, maybe my ramblings below help you to broaden your perspective on this update.

    Regarding Timmy, when I played the Forest for the first time (Aug/Sept) 2014), at best I remember rumors circulating about people having found Timmies body hanging upside down in a cave. I never really tried to find him, as the cannibal raids during the night, freaked me out enough 😛 Surviving the forest was hard enough, no way did I want to go in the tunnels back then. Then, for quite some time did not play it anymore. A year ago or so, picked it up again. Although there was a bit more focus on Timmy-backstory back then; ensuring that Timmy could live in a Forest Citadel Palace after rescue completion had prio above the actual rescue to me 😉

    The first time I started the endgame (as in entering Sahara) I knew that it could get a bit boring as the dev's warned about it. So going in with low expectations, the concusion of the ending amazed me as much as it did to you. After seeing the new, current end the first time, was not thinking to much about. But after hearing your opinion, I remembered from the first time watching the end, that up untill the point you and the show host pick up the axes, it felt quite tame like a "stock happy end". Sure, there was some controversy with resurrecting your kid and crashing a plane; but nothing to unpredictable. And then Timmy started to change. I was surprised to level mind blown at that point! Replacing the old end with this end, would be a big shame and loss indeed. That said, a small part of me can also imagine, that players who are not deeply invested in the back story, could experience the old ending as a Deus Ex Machina narrative. This is seen by many as a "bad ending", and at most is considered to be a cheap shot for a cliffhanger. As said, the endgame movie is pretty much a "hollywood industy standard", predictable happy end. As the old end would shatter the expectations that these players had, leaving these now happy-end-less players with more questions; it could be the devs are looking for a more mainstream-happy end, and save themselves from a lot of potential negative criticism (especially in the early access stage).

    Caring about potential negative criticism and changing the game to prevent it, does however not really fit in the profile of the devs, imho. Also, updating to the current end, just for having a happy-end's sake, also seems unlikely to me. The info about the almost mandatory happy endings in mainstream movies is spot on, but as the Forest is a game, I doubt that adherence to the happy-end "hollywood industy standard" is mandatory.

    So do I think we just need to live with this crappy new ending? No, absolutely not! After seeing Timmy live (instead of mutating) in the new end; combined with your info on the (lack of) emotional bond wit Timmy, got me thinking (and hoping). Personally, the first time I actually started to consider more about Timmies rescue situation, was in my first 100 days+ playthrough. Like with the Gazebo, the achievement text was the trigger. As the game has no earlier: "Jo, go rescue Timmy first now" trigger and the achievement text at best felt that the game seemed disappointed in me for not saving Timmy. It struck me that not a lack of bond with Timmy made me "neglect" the search. The simple fact that the game only gives me two passive aggressive achievements and no other/further penalties for the neglect at all. This only makes it more easier to just forget about the kid and rescue. So much other, more cool stuff to do anyway.

    Given all above and the fact that only a snippet of the movie was changed; I am hoping that they are testing the implementing for multi-endgame options. Imagine with me, that if you in a game spend:

    > 100+ days of waiting with the rescue, Timmy passed away in the Sahara Institute. Following the old end, the player fights Sascha and attempts the resurrection of Timmy with Saschas body, that, depending on different game variables, could work put or could fail. If it worked out, the "old" ending starts. Movie studio, Timmy mutating, end. If the resurrection would fail, end movie starts, but Eric is alone on the show. timeskip We see Erics house, middle of the night. All seems well and at peace. All peace; up until very familiar screeches sound from inside the house, moving towards the door faster and faster! What has Eric done?!

    > 50 to 100 days waiting for the rescue, could offer the option to not use the body of Sacha. Eric realizes that merging the head mutant's body with that of his son, has a high chance to result in unwanted Timmy mutations in due time. Now, the player can choose to forget about the resurrection. The talkshow scene could now, at the same point as the old and new ending replace the snippet, jump to images of Timmies funeral. To sad, want to avod? Well, you crahsed a plane not to long ago. Looked big enough. High chance there is a nice, unspoiled kid in the plane that you can us… borrow. (you will bring the kid back afterwards, promised!). Leaving Sahara with one kid only (Timmy), was however the only option. Thinking no one will find out, the talkshow starts. Only now, halfway in the show, the "borrowed" kid's parents enter the show. Somhow, someone found out about your endeavors to rescue Timmy. Without proper proof, surprise confrontation in a talkshow was the best move the parents could make. Still, being confronted with the grief and sadness of the parents and personal guilt, make Eric think jail would have been the better option…

    > (only for the elite players) under 25 days, you find a living Timmy in the institute. You both escape and in the endgame movie, Timmy now assists in picking up the timber, Eric and the host just chopped. He slips, falls and the new ending, where he lives, is played


    Implementation of multiple endings has possibly started. As different endings require different endgame movies. The first test on the live environment was to change one snippet of the movie and monitor for issues, both on player and server end. I refuse to believe that the new, simplified ending, is the end product. If this however does prove to be the finalized, new ending, I end like I started, saying: "could not agree with you more!". Fingers crossed and hope for the best! ^^

  13. I strongly agree with what you said, i didn't like the extention either, i expected for shit to hit the fan and Timmy turns into Megan, and basically just jumps at the main charcheter, and that's the end, i do think this doesn't suit the game, but we will see what the devs add in the next updates

  14. I just can't imagine they go the "easy route" and just make this a happy ending. They make him spasm out like megan before mutating and than he "overcomes" it? Nah…that's cheesy as hell and not very typical for Endnight Games. I got a feeling there is more about this change than we know at the moment…

    @Farket, did they ninja implement this with V0.68? …I can't find anyhting regarding this int he patch notes.

  15. is there any theory that the game will have a new story?
    because they changed the ending,
    we all know that the game updates will keep on coming for improving the gameplay and graphics
    but is there any chance that this game could get a part 2 forest or another forest game cuz ive already completed the story 12 times and want something new story but still in love with the games crafting and mechanics

  16. I loved the original ending when I first beat the game in under 100 hours between last October and January. It took me so long to beat the final boss. The ending of this game really fit in well with the theme of struggle that we as the dad were put thru to find our son. I wish they hadn't changed it. I'm only replaying the game because I want the achievements…

  17. I could not agree more; this is an insane move given the stunning impact of the original ending. There isn't ANY reason to leave Timmy alive for any sequel games either, because the same premise works with an entirely different cast of characters who crash on the peninsula. And I have not forgotten that I was forced to bring down a plane full of people and kill some random kid just so my kid could live… yeah, that happened "off camera" but by the rules and logic of the game it surely did happen. So, we take the brilliant ending of my massively selfish mass-murderous choice to revive my kid by any means, and now I get to walk away with no repercussions? I loved the fact that you didn't get to win, no matter what. Side note: Had the devs given me a choice I would have stayed on the peninsula and spent the rest of my life wiping the place 100% clean of cannibals and mutants. Also, I like my chances for eventually getting rescued since there appear to be a ton of jets flying directly overhead whenever you need one.

  18. I'm one of those 'Whose Timmy?' people. Wave a child at my face for 10 seconds and then tell me to go after it? Never worked for me. I only go enthusically after dead wives who write strange letters 😉

  19. I agree, but I think they will extend or change the ending again. It's too clean and happy.
    How can it happy when he brings down a plane, killing dozens of people them putting an innocent victim possibly a child into the machine that Timmy's attached to. The ending has to reflect that death is something we must all accept. Obsessing about bringing people back to life has never had a happy ending in literature and drama.

  20. I don't think it's supposed to be a happy ending. Unless I've missed something it could be that people get multiple seizures before turning into a mutant. The girl looked pretty rough already before she turned.

  21. GAH. I'm with you, I completely was blown away by the original ending. I didn't expect it, and it was eerie as heck and chilling! Doing this is just so ehhhhh…. 🙁 I don't like it, they'd better have a good explanation – but even still it was perfect as it was. That makes me sad.

  22. You said exactly what I was thinking Farket.

    I have no idea why they thought a game about cannibals, mutants, and a man who decided to bring down an entire plane just to save his own son needed a happy ending. The player character doesn't really earn a "happy ending" after sacrificing so many, and Timmy isn't really humanized in the game enough for his happy ending to matter all that much to the character either.

    Him being okay at the end feels tacked on when the story foreshadows the original ending perfectly! The player effectively becomes the red man at the end of the story. Why should his fate be any better than Matthew Cross?

  23. I really liked the plot twist at the end of the original ending. Maybe if they implemented a specific thing to do in the facility it would give you the new ending where he doesnt die. But if you dont do it, it plays thr original cutscene.

  24. I agree 100%. I'd also add that the previous ending was more coherent; having the final scene cut out with Timmy undergoing the same violent seizures that Megan did pre-transformation gave the player a pretty clear implication that he was going to transform. What happens afterwards is left up to your imagination- maybe he wreaks havoc upon the audience, or maybe his own father is forced to cut him down- but the point is made clear that using the resurrection obelisk has a terrible cost.

    With this ending, I'm left wondering what exactly happened. Did Timmy's transformation actually stop? Was that just the 'first symptom' of the transformation to come? Are we looking into his eyes during the last moments of his humanity before he transforms? It's not nearly as clear-cut as the implications of the previous endings. I can't even say with certainty that the developers were going for a happy ending here… maybe they were just adding some extra content to the scene.

  25. 100% agree. I love the moment when the player decided to hit the button and crashed the plane. It is the moment the player turned into an evil from a caring father. The sad ending of Timmy is the player's punishment by bringing the secret of The Forest into the public. I wish the game have two endings: the player crashed the plane and returned home with Timmy, or the player buried Timmy and decide to live on the island for the rest of his life. The first ending brings the game to an end, the second ending allows player continue the game.

  26. In reality, it could be very possible that Timmy is just beginning his transformation into a monster like the girl (I forget the name) did. Depending on how much time was spent exploring and building, it could be that the transformation takes a year or more. The time spent finding Timmy and surviving could be the perfect amount it takes for the girl to finish her transition when you meet her. Or maybe it affects people differently and he is able to fight the first few impulses. Or maybe even depends on how long the host has been dead. It really just widens the spectrum that the transformation has.

  27. I found the original ending funny, I cringed in my seat and laughed at it, but I agree that the loss, at least, was more satisfying than a generic happy ending. I wish they would just rework the original one – even just by taking away the awkward TV show setting.

  28. Totally agree, Farket. Has anyone else had problems with your character holding weapons a foot from his hands since the last update? Aiming the bow has even become difficult now, as well.


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