Why the Wight Hunt & Frozen Lake battle happened with Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, Season 7 episode 6 “Beyond the Wall”. Dragons from Dragonstone to the Wall. Dragons fighting wights / zombies / White Walkers and the Night King. Viserion death & zombie ice-dragon.



  1. The show may as well be a silent movie. In fact, I think one could edit it down to a few great silent fantasy epic films. I'd like to see it done.

    I am happy that you have shown how little of this crap will resemble future books.

    I lost hope after two decades of waiting for an ending, now I'll just be happy to read the next book. I had worried that the show had spoiled too much, but the show is honestly forgettable

  2. During this season I lost all hope for the show. I don't even care about the 2 year wait for season 8 anymore. I already know it's just going to be as shitty as this one.

  3. I never understood hardhome. It was literally a letter in the books. It’s been at least 2 years since I read that book (re reading now) and I can still remember “dead things in the water”. It was chilling, eery and most of all it keeps the others shrouded in mystery. I didn’t watch the show until season six because I didn’t want spoilers. My God. Hard home was a disappointment. I liked BOB though. It was a marvel in terms of directing. Then story is… eh.

  4. The best thing about season 7? I am no longer angry or agitated about season 8 coming out in 2019 and that I have to wait for so long to know how it ends. Season 7 killed the show for me and it's now on the level of (bad) fanfiction. When the season 8 comes along I will watch it, but won't consider it a true ending. It may (unlikely) be enjoyable to watch s8, but in the end it won't truly matter because this is no longer a true show about A Song of Ice and Fire.

  5. OMG. I haven't even thought that the Night King plot line could be invented! I've read about the horn of Winter, but I couldn't connect the dots. Actually, this whole Night King plot and the Bran connection with him was so captivating for me, that I didn't scrutinize the plot holes before. But this 7th season was utterly disappointing. So here i am, learning the hard truth from you. I've already watched many of your videos and you've opened my eyes. But it's hard, it's hard.

  6. 47:05 – "That's how 'the Oner was born, out of the idea of what if you just stay on the ground with Jon."

    – Holy shit, that's what such a scene would look like in a video game! Maybe D&D played too much Skyrim and somehow got it into their heads that it would be a good idea to do it like that in a TV show. o.O

  7. In the books Tyrion keep Thorne waiting then it rots, but he stout at them that the Others are coming. In show you are right they said that send Thorne to King Lannding, but there NO FOLLOW UP.  Sir I love your videos but D and D had plenty of materials, but they (deicide to skip it Feast for Crows and some Dance of Dragons) Books 4 and 5.

  8. the wall is not breaking in the books well kind of sad I thinking the wights crack wall of ice  and then poor on the other side to attack greenside of Westeros. PS I heard they wanted the story centre on Shae and Tyrion as major love.

  9. Honestly, the main issue with Jon/Daenerys is more the fact that Kit and Emilia have no chemistry whatsoever (at least compared to Kit with Rose Leslie, understandably). They are so stiff and have such vacant expressions around each other on Dragonstone. Now I understand your point that they may have been attracted to each other because of their similar positions of power, however, if this were the case, why did the show never depict this? Why wasn't there a scene of them discussing their struggles or, at the very least, having an argument about their differences in leadership that ends with them acting flirtatiously towards each other? Even that would have been better than what we got: scenes with Davos and Missandei literally telling the audience that the characters fancy each other to compensate for their non-existent chemistry or romance development. Isn't the rule of television "show, don't tell"? In fact, given D&D's obsession with emoting, it's surprising we got no "I'm attracted to you whether it makes sense or not" emoting. Either Kit and Emilia are so bad at faking chemistry or they were instructed to act blankly around each other. I honestly have no clue

  10. Their not enough time excuse never fooled me, cuz I noticed from jump that they loved wasting time servicing Ros the whore' s "acting" skills. The show sucked from jump, it just took them a few years to get brave enough to completely ruin it

  11. Dragons have been there for centuries. If the night king is a greenseer and if he needed a dragon to breach the wall he could have done that centuries ago, For instance when a Targaryan queen visited winterfell. D&D lead us to believe the night king waited 8000 years for this moment to come ! What if Dany decided not to help Jon ?

  12. I agree with your criticism of the writing or lack thereof, but as a professional actor, i have to say your comments on acting vs emoting are way off base. The strength of an actor lies in their eyes and what happens inside. Dialog is secondary to what is inside the character. The impact inside them impacts the watcher. So your comments about emoting is not acting is all semantics to make your point about D&D. And yes subtext is EVERYTHING in the hands of a skilled actor. If you’re saying the actor is not impacting enough then that is another story. But I dont think that is what you’re saying. Cogman is 100% correct. Do you believe the actor “emoting”? Then they are doing their job. AS THE CHARACTER. Not liking the writing is truth. But stop criticizing the actor of which you know nothing. The writers and directors have become lazy. YES. But dialogue is not needed at EVERY SECOND to tell a story. Want to be angry at decline of got? Me too. Wight capture was shit. Logic out the window. But stop calling subtext “face”. I’d like to see you do it.

    00:00:00 – Introduction to the topic of the video;
    [Greeting newcomers; "provisional" video explanation; the usual ranting]
    00:01:44 – The Dragon Demanded, Steven Attewell (Race for the Iron Throne) agreed;
    [Rhaenyra's army grows]
    00:04:44 – Table of content (the BIG points);
    00:05:45 Ad. 1) Cited quotes confirming the Wight Hunt will not happen in future novels (nor the Wall breached like this);
    [Martin's 2012 outline reveal; D&D's streamlining; orphaned scenes of seasons 1-3; the Tysha story; the Horn of Winter & the Dragonbinder; Pycelle's Holy Grail]
    00:29:48 Ad. 2) Q&A with GRRM about whether the "Night King" even exists in the novels;
    [The Night King versus the Night's King; super-condensed Lord of the Rings adaptation; Japanese anime versus manga – "Trigun"; Ad. 1 re-hash; future video baiting; Luke Holland's GoT season 7 review for The Guardian; Emmy awards baiting by emoting]
    00:44:55 Ad. 3) Predictions made in the Battle of the Bastards video about the upcoming season 7 finale… which were *accurate*;
    [Vanity projects rant; Harington at Castle Black / Hardhome / battle of the bastards; book Stannis' battle of ice; "strong" actors and battles by D&D versus "strong" fictional characters and battles by GRRM; Wight Hunt versus the battle of Blackwater; Miguel Sapochnik's insurgence versus Alan Taylor's obedience; Kit Harington waving his sword; significance of Ygritte's death and slow-motion shots; #YouWantAGoodGirlButYouNeedABadPv55y versus #WhereAreMyDragons AKA the unbleachable memes; the infamous Bryan Cogman clip; the Emmy-level subtexts; fireworks of these actors… faces; dragons versus giant mecha-robots versus pacific-rimmers]
    01:15:04 – Conclusions;
    01:16:30 – Brief observations on Jon x Daenerys.
    [The Dragon Demands… more; the Knight of the Laugh Track – The Big Bang Theory; #boats3x; #ThesePerformances; #TheseFaces]
    01:21:24 – Call to Arms;
    [GoT prequels; D&D's "Confederate"; Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" TV series; Entertainment Weekly jab; red carpet perks; because Rhaenyra has an army]
    01:23:27 – Where you can find GoT's plot logic and why this video is so short. <3

    I did it… now, kill me with kindness, please. <3

  14. I thought GRRM for years has said that the two stories are going to be different. They will get to the same ending but will take different paths. Do you really want GRRM to give them everything? I sure as hell don’t. You guys are crazy. I don’t get everyone talking so much trash on the TV series. If you really don’t like it this much and have to put 1 hour plus videos trashing it. You mush have spent 4 plus hours on it. Do something else w your life until the books come out and it’s up to your spectacular standards. Otherwise sit back and just enjoy. I don’t get all the hate.

  15. You have been a godsend my friend. Contrary to your thoughts that this all may be in vein, it is not. Meticulously analysing and criticising D&D on their bs has been cathartic for me. I love your videos(especially the Stannis one) because you dont stand for the opinionated crap; facts are your virtue. I cannot wait for your "plot mechanics" video ! Btw: i feel like you are being too nice to D&D in this video. The harsh and passionate Dragon Demands is legendary.

  16. Very insightful video. Thank you for actually putting in the time to make quality videos like this. You're the voice of reason in the Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire side of YouTube

  17. Jon/daenerys was bad in my opinion, from the beginning- there was never much shown interest or chemistry. We’ve seen how both jon and daenerys act when they’re in love with someone, and they present none of that with each other. I mean when do they fall in love? When he takes her to the cave and they bore holes into one another?? There was no dialogue and just more “showing off the actors talents” I thought it was the opposite of serviceable

  18. Just my opinion, but for me one of the biggest reasons Jon/Dany didn't work was that the actors had zero chemistry. Which surprised me, quite frankly, because I had been anticipating their meeting for a long time. But in the end, there was just nothing there. That is a highly subjective thing, I realize…and I do agree with most of your analysis. Bad writing (or sometimes no writing at all) in these scenes between them does not help.


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