

  1. My wife just found out this week that her grandpa was a mason. We were wondering what type of prayer needs to be prayed to break whatever may be there? Your advice would be awesome. We don't want anything to do such a thing.

  2. I live in a very old town in Scotland and its riddled with Freemasonry…I come from a long line of masons and eastern stars for the lady's all stopped wae me..thank God…they were good people though….only the top eshalon get to know who they really serve

  3. Hi guys, since the comments weren't available on the vid about Tom listening to Ozzy's book I am sharing this with you here. I just wanted to share with Tom that when I listened to Black Sabbath- Master of reality as a teen i was afraid they were satanic too. So I prayed that the Lord protect me. And as I listened to "children of the grave" the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that they were singing the truth, and the song "after forever" really blessed me.( I was born again around 3 years later.)The presence of the Lord was powerful that day, and I became a fan of their music, but hated the artwork on their albums. And when the whole backward masking came about I was despised for defending Black Sabbath. And as I understand it Tony Iommi did dabble in the occult, and also Geezer Butler said he read some of the stuff Tony was reading but he was wise enough to push it away. But I think that now days I have to question everything they put out because the song titles I have seen are blasphemous on their own, and I have not liked any of their music since Ozzy left anyway. I seen a interview with Ozzy where he said he is very thankful for all he has and thanks God every day. But I still pray for him to give his life to Jesus. I usedto like to check out the artwork at record stores too, and the Lord really blessed me in that as well. I was truly taken by the artwork on an album by "Arkangel" so I bought it. And as it turned out it was awesome music and it was Christian. I hope you check it out if you haven't already liked them for years. God bless you and yours, here is a link to Arkangel on Youtube…..

  4. Thanks for this video man. I found out my grandfather is a 32nd Scottish Rite Mason. I've confronted him many times on it and get the same excuses we all know from Masons. Gramps is 93. It seems everyone on his side of the family… i.e. His children, wife, grandkids (my sister and I) have befallen tragedy. This makes me seriously question that there is something generational going on. Something that needs to be renounced.

  5. Every member of congress (power of the purse) must sign a pledge of allegiance to Israel or the RNC and DNC wont fund their re-elections.. Israel determines who gets to be an American politician. Masonry is Judaism for the goyim.

  6. If you have spent a lot of time studying the structure of Freemasonry and satanism , you find the mirror each other fairly well . luciferianism/ satanism use levels , oaths , threats and most importantly blackmail to steer and keep their followers in line . They use many of the same symbols ( I've seen older Masonic lodge signs with inverted 5 pointed stars that even go so far as to make the lower point elongated to mimic the goat . Levels are what many do not seem to grasp especially in the luciferian / satanic world . BOTH …. Anton LeVay and Albert Pike made it know that it was perfectly acceptable ( and beneficial ) to have and deceive the lower members . Anton LeVay went on to mock his lower members and basically call them " useful idiots " . satanism / luciferianism both mark their membership with symbols , the pentacle , the pentagram and the baphomet . This is why the wiccans work under the pentacle because , the are misled about their " craft " and are kept at this lower lever , no matter what they tell you . satanism is like the " dirty " or public part of satan worship . LeVay also made that clear by basically making a joke and mockery of satanic worship ( making it all seem ridiculous and unbelievable ) . Have you never seen him in those ridiculous halloween looking devil costumes complete with the pitchfork ? It is also a mark of low level understanding to wear or display the Biblical mark of the Beast 666 . This is another thing you have to observe and understand . Power ( or perceived power ) comes from blasphemy , inversion of Godly symbols and what they refer to as the profane . 666 is actually a curse … from God on satan . A mark of imperfection . Knowing the symbols gain power with inversion ( which is very important ) we can start to see what number luciferians hold sacred as lucifer's number ( one single 9 ) and WHY it is so . Have you ever notice how many government vehicles use 999 as the first prefix ? it also come to light in government bills and other identifications . The number 9 is an inversion ( rejection ) of 666 and once again a boast and declaration that he is ABOVE God . Using 6 is a sign of deception and position within the satanic / luciferian world . Have you ever noticed in most movies and tv shows that hotel rooms , home addresses , most all TV STATIONS ect . either are 6 or add up to six . I have also notice that the camera will fade in and out on the number 6 ( or numbers adding up to six ) three times at least . I believe the number 9/11 has been designated as the code of destruction . This might seem obvious to you . But , knowing how 9 is an inverted number held by luciferians as sacred and lucifer's number should make it clear it's a date ordained by lucifer himself . 11 is the date most people are believing is the actual date of Christ's birth ( September 11 – 9/11 ) . By luciferians using this date as a date of destruction is making Christ's most likely real birth date a mockery and blasphemy of the Christ's birth date . Understanding the tructure of the Masonry and luciferianism / satanism is central to understanding HOW they work and why the numbers and symbols appear where and when they do . hollywood is a SEA of deception , especially with the actors , musicians and directors . Even when we seem the flashing the pathetic 666 hand sign and see it in movies and tv shows to seek acceptance and inclusion in this world . We see just how little understanding they actually have . That is why we also see them die very mysteriously and suddenly when they are no longer useful or step out of line . hollywood is following the purposefully deceptive version of satanism cooked up by Levay . The real world of satanism / luciferianism is with Michael Aquino , the deep state , royal bloodlines and the new world order . I expose this too many ( what I call ) bookstore pagans or B Dalton pagans . I can ask them less than 5 questions and show them how deceived they really are . I've done this several times with very hostile and vile commenters who CLAIM to be satanists and are harassing Christians or people talking about sad or serious topics ( like the death of JonBenet , if you can believe that ) . I probably have blurred your eyes or bored you to death but , I hope some of what I said clears up some things . PK

  7. Great topic.  Great information.  This is very serious stuff, indeed!!!  I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night needing to pray.  You guys always come to mind, so I pray for the furtherance of the work you do and for your safety!!!


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