We here at WinterIsComing.net enjoy Game of Thrones, and its forthcoming progeny. We also like The Lord of the Rings, and The Wheel of Time, and zombies and stuff in space and real-world history other fun genre fare. There are a lot of good TV shows out there right now, and movies, and books that are getting turned into TV shows and movies, and we want to offer perspectives on as many as we can.

But we’re not omnipotent; we can’t watch and read everything, much as we’d like to. So we’re looking for some subject matter experts to come on board to help us cover as much as we can.

Here’s the kind of stuff we cover, with stars next to the ones we could use particular help with. This is not an exclusive list, but should give you an idea.

  • The Crown*
  • The Dark Tower
  • Doctor Who*
  • Dune
  • The Expanse
  • Game of Thrones, obviously
  • His Dark Materials
  • The Last Kingdom
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • All things Marvel — can throw DC in there, too, and superheroes in general
  • Outlander
  • Penny Dreadful
  • Star Trek
  • Star Wars, including spinoffs like The Mandalorian
  • Stranger Things
  • Supernatural*
  • Vikings
  • The Walking Dead and assorted spinoffs*
  • Watchmen
  • Westworld
  • The Wheel of Time*
  • The Witcher

And so on in that fashion. And maybe there’s cool stuff out there you know about that’s not on our radar. Bring your passion to bear!

Anyway, are you interested in reviewing one of these shows, probably in this style? Or maybe you have an interesting take on one you’d like to share with the class? Are you embedding in one of these fandoms and tapped into things like fanfiction or fan-art? Get in contact with me at [email protected] and pitch yourself! Please include a little about yourself and what you’re interested in, plus a writing sample or two if you’ve got ’em.

We will pay for your work. I mean…you’re not gonna get rich off it but you will get a little money.

Thanks and I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Next: Join the WiC Club and get extra articles, videos, stickers and more!

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