R.I.P. old DCEU…. Hello new DCFU! a place where directors and passion projects come first. a place that can right the ship and get us back on course…..

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  1. Joss Whedon only did a few weeks of reshoots. It's mostly Snyder with Whedon filling in a few missing pieces to make it flow. The actors said it themselves. Some people would still rather believe the anonymous sources though smh.

  2. Just so you know Jody, because it doesn't seem like you know, but Snyder is coming back for Justice League 2. I consider this terrible news, but it seems as if he's staying for good.

  3. This video is lit Jody , Man ,,,,, Talk about some serious changes in WB ,,, But we know that this movie aren't gonna be that great , Marvel is on a roll in 2018 , You got infinity war , Ant-man 2 , Dead-pool 2 , Thor Ragnarok , Black panther , and more futures movies that is yet to be announced and also the Venom movie , Damn it marvel , this shit is tight .

  4. Just speaking in general….I do agree with X-Files with the Batman / Superman do overs…..I know it's a money maker but let's look at aquaman. Nobody cared about him but look now every body loves him. Take some chances and grow some characters.i agree with Jody about cyborg should be out Manhunter in. Personally I think Justice League should have been a team from the very begaining (opening) with a epic story and then have separate films and then come together again in a Justice League 2…. don't do it like marvel. You could then bring in characters like knight wing, Batgirl super girl etc. Even if they are just background characters… I'm just tried of do overs. I think we don't always need a origin story….it is the struggle of characters and a epic story that have you on the edge of your set. Once again I think it should have been in this order: Justice League (opening with team/epic story… 3 hours), team have there own separate movies, Team comes back to gather again in Justice League epic movie 2.

  5. This has been one of the most intriguing speculation videos on the DCEU I've seen in a while. Like you Jody, I was completely won over by Wonder Woman. I really hope JL is , at the very least, decent. Here's hoping . 🤞

  6. Jody my boy I love your videos, man. Even though I LOVE a lot of aspects of the DCEU and even though you trash the DCEU and even though I watch some of your videos and disagree with everything you say sometimes, I still gotta respect that you always keep it honest and try to stay as factual and think as logically as possible. cough Unlike Jay3 and Marvin *cough*. Much love man.
    Now questions:
    – What exactly do you mean that the DCEU is dead? Like literally they're scrapping all continuity or…
    -At 13:53 MarvinXFiles starts trashing the DCEU for not releasing a movie for over a year. But the complaint about DCEU has always been that they rush things and don't take their time. Now that they want to slow up and take their time it's a problem? Fuck is that bullshit?
    – Has the DCEU officially been named DCFU? From what I know the only name that Warner Bros. refers to them as is "DC Films" because that's the name of the production company they organized last year.
    16:37. Jody… miss me with that bullshit. A man's daughter passed away and he decided he needed to put his family and loved ones above his job. Warners Bros. did not fire him, he stepped down. ALSO my nigga what we not gonna do is disrespect Junkie XL like he didn't deliver straight heat for the Mad Max Fury Road score.

    Like I said, much love and respect bro.

  7. No disrespect to X Files but why do you have to be such a marvels fanboy sometimes. Usually/Normally idc bc its his opinion and people have the right to their own opinion but sometimes its just a little too overwhelming to listen too. He's good guy and everything I like him but like I said just a little overwhelming sometimes lol I just have to skip through the parts he talks like that

  8. I don't like the fact that so much is put on Wonder Woman's back to save the (DC..whatever) It has been more than ten years and they are still dragging there butt's do to a huge lack of planning and not understanding there characters core canon by screenwriters, directors and studio heads mudding things up. Marvel's MCU is not perfect The Age of Ultron could have been a great movie if Ike Purlmutter and others had let Joss Whedon make the movie  his way. Because of that now Joss is now at DC.

  9. Whoa, I'm normally on board with you bro, but I dobt think you've read the new Geoff Johns interview correctly. Wonder Woman didn't change didlysquat with the DCFU. Those changes were already done while Wonder Woman was still being shot.

    You guys this is really simple and I have no idea why people keep making this complicated- WB allowed no creative control to the filmmakers, or even the heads of DC comics, for MOS, BvS or S. Squad. Post public reception, they made the nessesary adjustments with the suits running DC. THAT has been the entire problem.

  10. These two are the dumbest people I’ve seen. They take unconfirmed rumours and put a twist to them to sound negative . Don’t know where they get their film knowledge from


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