Pakistan’s harbouring of known terrorists, initially used to fight India in a proxy war, has now got a life of its own. Will they reform themselves and their country? Watch this video in the special style that Bisbo is famous for…and don’t forget to watch the limerick at the end.

Watch some of our other videos related to International controversies:
Pakistan’s Game of Thrones:
OBOR’s China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, CPEC, gives India cause for concern:
Pakistan’s repeated attack against soft targets in India:
North Korea’s nuclear threat: Will America get into another war?:
Kashmir’s Children. How violence is affecting education in India’s most troubled state:

Bisbo’s Limerick:
Don’t forget to watch Bisbo’s Limerick at the end of each video, that neatly sums up the topic.

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  1. When we put finger on neighboring countries, they to show their finger! We in India always plays a Blame-Game? When NDA government Officially or Unofficially visited Pakistan and done Lunch or Dinner with them, than not any single Sangh-Pariwar cadre or like minded citizens Not made a statement? And when they (NDA) Top leaders (Mr. Modiji & Party), return back from Pakistan, made a Statement that Pakistan is a Terrorist State, and wanted UN Council to put blame on Pakistan, that they are sending Terrorists to India? Why India always plays a double standard game to get Sympathy from All over the World. Are World did know that India producing AVery Dangerous Terrorists? The Sangh-Pariwar? Yes! Sangh-Pariwar, a Notorious & Hindutwa based Terrorist Organization, which is a very dangerous to India itself. We all Indians knows that RSS was a 'Chaploos to Britisher's' in Pre-Independence India, and help Britisher's in every aspects, to woo its support, as RSS plays a major role to lure Indian citizens to join in Britisher's Army, for to destroy every true Indians who are against Britisher's. So RSS is and was an Anti-Nationals, and a True Desh-drohis. Jai-Hind!

  2. I maybe sympathising for the people of Pakistan, not for the government. The government is at fault, not the people, the businessmen/women, shopkeepers, sweet vendors, engineers and many more. What have the people of Pakistan done to India? Nothing! Thats dumbness without looking at the whole picture man. +John Wick

  3. Hey bisbo !!! When are you going to make a video on nagalim ( free Nagaland) and its impact in the entire north Eastern region !! As long as i know… Its one of the hottest topic in the north eastern region of India right now !! Please make soon as possible !!

  4. Why should the country be named a terrorist state? Why can't the government be named as one? The people haven't done a thing to India. They haven't sent the terrorists to the LoC? So why should they be at loss? But this is all thanks to the British. Thanks a lot for splitting our country into pieces. Thank you for corrupting Md. Ali Jinnah against Gandhiji and tearing apart this beautiful tri coloured cloth into two. Thanks for taking the Kohinoor, breaking it into 3 and not giving it back even though its rightfully ours. Today, we burst crackers not because of Indians telling we have to but the British. If they weren't here, we would have had high literacy rate, low levels of pollution and many more. The gift the British gave back after 200 years was amazing. Today if we weren't split by the British, we would have been one amazing country. All thanks to the British. An amazing gift you have given to us.

  5. Can you explain the tax system for imported items in India such as fuel, smartphones and elcteonics why these items are highly taxed? Sometimes taxation is so high it can even vary 50% + than the original cost outside India! Even an affordable iPhone's cost is compared to precious human organs.

  6. If there is any way that I can help you guys in making videos please let me know I am a student and I want people to be aware about the things that affect our nation directly or indirectly.


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