Will Tyrion Lannister seek revenge against Elllaria Sand in Game of Thrones Season 7? Or will he try to avenge Myrcella Baratheon, a niece whom he loved?

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Craig: Tyrion might feel gulty for sending Myrcella to Dorne, ironically, to protect her. Also, will Tyrion find out that Olenna and Littlefinger framed Tyrion for Joffrey’s death?
countArtha: Ellaria kisses Yara (Asha) in the trailer … will this be another poisoning? and if so, will Tyrion figure out Myrcella’s murder this way?



  1. I bet it doesn't even come up. I am sure the book is not going to have her doing anything or any other Dornish people in power killing Myrcella. They will probably kill off Ellaria before she and Tyerion meet or just not bring it up.

  2. I hope he kills her, or atleast Jaime does, as the bitch needs to die, Oberyn volunteered firstly, secondly Marcella was innocent of doing anyone harm, and thirdly when Oberyn spoke to Tyrion he specifically says ' we do not murder little girls in Dorne' well apprently she and her bastard daughters spat on everything Oberyn believed Dorne stood for, because yes apparently Dorne murders children just like the Mountain and Tywin, therefore yes let the bitches die and the ways that they disgraced Dorne snd Oberyn die with them

  3. I don't think Tyrion would act on revenge. He would mourn it for sure, but he would see no point given the circumstances, not to mention to get true revenge he would have to kill the sand snakes, but likely would avoid it in respect to Oberyn. I think this will be a plot point in the sense that Jaime and Tyrion will fight on, given as their relationship is not AS bad in the show as in the books.

  4. This is fast becoming my favorite GoT YouTube channel (not counting a certain awesome ASOIAF channel). Smart analysis, great production, no rambling monologues, no b.s. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  5. Two points on this. First, Tyrion would feel responsible for Marcella's death because he arranged the marriage (ironically, to help keep her safe). He will seek revenge but maybe not directly or immediately. Second, Tyrion also has major beef with Olenna, who framed him for Joffrey's murder, if he learns or puzzles out that she was involved. I don't think Olenna or Ellaria will survive season 7, but hard to say whether Tyrion will have a Hand 😉in their downfall.

  6. Very good point! I never even thought about it. I'm sure he will tell Dany first… and I think she will tell Tyrion to get over it, she needs them…. and then have her killed for him anyways.

  7. Yeah I really wonder how that's going to play out. I think they're going to have to lie to him about what happened to Myrcella and Doran, but Tyrion usually figures things out after some time and that's not going to sit well w/him. I don't see him wanting to forgive them for that, so not sure how they'll all work together. Maybe Dany will decide to execute the sand snakes as she'll see them as not good followers and they could try to betray her too, so not good allies. I wish Doran was still alive.

  8. I think if they lie to Tyrion about the circumstances of Marcellas death and he finds out later… the results would be far worse.

    I doubt Tyrion would turn against Daenerys if he is told as soon as possible, or endanger the Alliances made by Varys. Even tho he will mostlikely confront Ellaria publicly and shame her heavily for the murder of his innocent niece.

  9. Wouldn't it be a pretty silly plot hole if Varys goes to Westeros and collects an army and makes alliances over ~three months, but doesn't tell his queen or the hand of the queen? I can see how the conflict would be nice narrative wise, but it'd make very little sense for Tyrion not to be completely updated on the King's Landing and Dorne situations.

  10. So cool. Guessed you'd be pumped for next season! Only recently rejoined the nights watch myself. As one of those that Ozzy Man Reviews calls "book wankers" I was unable to shake off the sense that I'd read 7 volumes of spoilers!
    But the show is setting it's sails ahead of the books now. So I went back to a previous timeline – sorry, era – and sought out a binge-worth of choice episodes. And bent the knee all over again!

    You're channel is a perfect fit for this show. Bring it on!

    Btw I didn't get a notification for this. I wonder how many others have yet to stumble across the good news? I might just go and ask

  11. First off, with the Tyrion/Sand relationship, this stuck out to me too and i was thinking, when Varys was there promising them Fire and Blood, WHAT ABOUT TYRION?!?!

    But then I thought…
    this seems like a detail the producers would likely just skim over and act like we r just supposed to forget about season 5 lol… we'll see…

  12. I think a lot of GOT fans are worried about the show runners commitment to this type of subtle relationship continuity and that the shifts they have made away from the books may leave lots of threads hanging (and George won't be there to smartly sort them out). For example no one has really explained why Varys was accepted by open arms by Danny despite the fact that we were led to believe she knew he was behind her attempted poisoning – they just glossed over it – I guess they assumed audiences would forget or would assume they had a chat and he cleared it with her some how 😉

    I would love them to weave in some brilliant and unexpected twists and turns but I'm not sure they have the story time for it in the hours they have left of the show.

    It's been interesting watching westworld and being reminded just how much incredible content you can pack into an hour – I hope GOT doesn't shy away from complexity as it crescendo's towards the crux of the narrative.

    Oberyn was a total legend and that scene was one of the most unexpected for me – however since Jon came back from the dead I have become more acutely aware of this idea that the gods/fate keep people on the chessboard and take them when the time comes. In that ontological sense GOT and WW are total opposites with WW exploring self determinism and GOT exploring cyclical, fatalistic destiny.

    If it was Oberyn's fate to die there and Ellaria's to seek revenge then it could equate to something very meaningful for Tyrion/Ellaria's eventual meeting. Oberyn did die for Tyrion and the both HATE Cersie so maybe the news about Marcella is held back, maybe Jamie whispers it to Tyrion and he has this moment where he feels pulled back to the loyalty of his house vs Danny's cause?

  13. If you're going to do a video on the Greyjoys, Euron and Victarion and Victarion's tether to the show Asha/Yara, and Aeron Damphair, the choices made by D&D in the past have pointed in the direction of using Asha/Yara in Victarion's place, and we did see Aeron in S06, with Euron. They will most likely use a few plot points, especially from TWoW Forsaken chapter. Just a heads up! I can see Asha/Yara taking plots from both, just because we don't have a Victorian and we don't know a lot about Damphair in the show, he's only been seen 2 or 3 times in 6 seasons. I'm telling you, this does have a part to play.

  14. I can't even begin to start thinking about Game of Thrones again until the first season of Westworld is over! .. The two best shows on TV! .. HBO must be grinning from ear to ear! 🙂


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