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Will Tyrion Lannister have his tongue cut out?


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  1. A better parallel to Tyrion's tongue and Jamie's hand is Cersei's children. At the beginning, she derives all her power through her children. As she loses them, she has to figure out how to maintain and grow her power without them.

  2. I agree. I Can see tTyrion living through to see the Dram of Spring and intead if speaking the great deeds of the of the Savage Norse men and the Old Valaryions. "The Wit and Adventures of Tyrion Lannister"

  3. I doubt very much you are right about the tongue thing. Tyrion has already fallen from on high and rise again (in the show at least). He was born a dwarf and protected himself by shielding himself as a wealthy Lannister. But then his father sentenced him to death, accused by his sister, for the death of his nephew, and then betrayed by Jaime because of Tysha. He completely lost his tenuous grip on his good as a Lannister and has risen, in the show as a respected hand of the Queen. He’s already gone through the transformation.

  4. People were pretty brutal in the old days. That saying "to cut off your (own) nose to spite your face"? That's derived from the pretty common practice of cutting someone's nose off for some perceived insult or whatnot.
    It was kind of like punching or pushing someone in a bar nowadays. Some dude looks at your lady the wrong way or spills your ale? Pull out your dagger and slice his nose off. Some wench talks shit behind your back at work? Track her down and off with her nose!
    It was quite common. In fact, part of the civilising of medieval Europe involved forbidding the wearing of one's dagger at the table and the adaption of the blunted, specially made eating knives we use nowadays – people kept knifing each other at dinner over trivial slights and arguments. Next time you go to a nice restaurant and order a steak, notice how you have to have the dagger-like steak knives brought to you and think about how uncouth it would be if you started jabbing at the bread rolls instead of reaching for them with your hands (or tongs, if you're really posh). Our ancestors were brutes who had to be restrained from being bloody thugs with all these rules and etiquette we take for granted now.

  5. I'm sorry, but your analogy about Cersei losing her beauty is simply wrong. She didn't "lose her beauty", or her reputation – she actively got rid of it by being a gigantic bitch. In fact Jamie's most symbolic crime, crippling Bran, was partially commited to accomodate Cersei.
    I guess my point is, Jaime, while being a man without much morales, was the victim of incredible cruelty. Cersei on the other hand barely got a slap on her wrist for magnitudes greater crimes than Jamie has ever commited. In fact if the same symbolism would apply, Cersei would die the same way Eddard Stark did – disgraced, tortured, crippled, and beheaded without honour. I hope that doesn't happen until a while though, she is a key character. Just wanted tp point out the obvious difference between the two characters.

  6. i think you make a really good point. i think it's really probably that this was at least Martin's original intent. but Tyrion has already gone through a transformative moment having his nose hacked off in the books. and it's too late in the series for that kind of moment to happen.

  7. Honestly, that would feel like really bad writing. Jaime and Cersei were able to get back on their feet after their losses, and that made their characters evolve, but Tyrion wouldn't be able to. He can't turn to fighting because he is a dwarf and must have one of the least healthy bodies in the story from all the drinking and whatnot, he is already an excellent reader and steward/administrator, unless he went on to become a fisherman or something like that.

    Also, it doesn't fit with the pattern of the main/secondary characters that lose something physically. Theon's castration, torture and subsequent arc as Reek is what allowed him to follow into his current redemption arc as a better man than he ever was, Jaime starts to doubt himself and that is one of the things that eventually leads to him leaving Cersei and finally going to fight for the good side and finally become a noble knight like his childhood heroes, Cersei feels like she has nothing left to lose after she loses her children and is not one of the most beautiful and noble women in the realm anymore and goes full black queen, advancing the story significantly with her actions and becoming one of, if not the most intimidating and powerful person in Westeros right now that doesn't have dragons or is not incestuous Jesus, finally having the power she always wanted even with the "curse" of her female body. The Lannisters specifically become something they always dreamed of being after losing the thing that defined them, and I don't see Tyrion losing his tongue making him respected by his family or "undwarfing" him, two things he always wanted to help him feel more normal and accepted.

  8. I have a feeling Tyrion is just going to be killed off altogether. No character as major as him as died anytime recently, and him being a fan favorite would make it hit home for a lot of people. Also, since he knows people on both sides (he works for Daenarys but is still very close with Jaime, for example) would mean his death would affect everyone in a pretty big way


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