As more info comes out about Fox’s upcoming second swing at Xmen’s Dark Phoenix saga, does it look like this movie will fix the wrongs of the past? Our SJ News Team breaks this down along with other movie news of the day. It’s SJU!

00:00:50 X-Men’s New Dark Phoenix Movie
00:10:07 Joss Whedon gets Writer credits for Justice League
00:17:47 The Walking Dead “Pokemon Go” style mobile game

Roth Cornet
Andy Signore
Dan Murrell
Spencer Gilbert

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  1. I don't understand why the tease at the end of Apocalypse has to have an immediate payoff. That could just be played off as a nod to the Phoenix Force that won't come to fruition for a while, but it's fine because fanservice and stuff. Instead, the producers think that they have to immediately put that into a movie. That wouldn't be so bad if the storyline didn't involve Jean as an adult. Consider me very reserved.

  2. They wanted to do it right they should have broken into a 2 part story so you get the first movie with Jean Grey's power growing, maybe add some version of the Hellfire storyline of someone manipulating her mind broke the precarious balance she had to manage her powers. As a crescendo from the first act as innocent person who is getting over her head with her powers until totally losing it in the third act could really work and on the second movie you deal with Shiar Empire, how to solve it side.
    I think it is workable as a 2 part film that allows time for relations to develop and shows a gradual change on Phoenix, how her friends and lover still want to find a way to save her. In a 2 hours we will have 40 minutes before she goes full on Supervillain. It will lack the ambiguity necessary for the story to work.

  3. The problem is that they already blew their Dark Phoenix wad by revealing that she is already the Phoenix – so they can't really do the "Jean gets possessed by the Phoenix in space" storyline. Whatver they do, it's going to suck. Imagine… imagine if a writer and director with vision got Marvel's permission to take the story into space and bring in the Starjammers (exactly the same as the Guardians of the Galaxy, ironically), or just replace them Starjammers with the GotG. Jean and her X-Men friends take on the Shi'ar, and it ends in sadness. A trilogy.

  4. I hated DOFP cause I waited 20 years to see the Sentinels in the movies and THAT'S what they gave me? just stop Fox, please. there's no connection between Jean and Scott AT ALL in the other movies. it's Jean and Logan in every movie except DOFP cause she wasn't in it and Apocalypse cause he was 90 and she was 16

  5. Nobody worries aswell about the fact that normally a PRODUCER is DIRECTING now? Isn't there tons of nightmare stories around that? I think that could make it even worse.

  6. Fox grounding the Phoniex saga last time failed so if you do please just cancel everything besides Deadpool and use his movies to connect the xmen to the Mcu, we've already seen versions of xmen characters that don't appear to belong in the convoluted Bryan Singer-verse as well as a helicarrier in Deadpool, and in the mcu, we've apparently had Skrulls in the universe this whole time but just didn't know so who's to say we can't have mutants too, it's not impossible to do

    Pull a Sony move and share the rights (including the fantastic four) back with Marvel Studios and reboot
    Allow all the characters to crossover with each other
    Let Feige and his team produce and serve as creative lead while you get the distribution and box office profit
    While at the same, allow Feige to use you as their venue for the r rated movies for all the mature marvel characters since that seems to be what you made the most success off of

    Some of you will disagree, that's understandable. Call me what you will for still wanting all my favorite characters to be in one collective cinematic universe, these are my thoughts on the subject, if you don't like it, whatever just don't be rude

  7. So are the cyborg bettles the new villens? Look, if you are making a film with the shi'ar it seems more then likely they are talking about grounding the comic lore side of things into the film. Please don't mess this up. The shi'ar exist in space just as the phonex force does. In fact i would argue that Cyclops's experince with that force was much more chaotic then Marvel girls'.

  8. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with them doing the Phoenix saga if they committed to splitting the movie up into TWO parts. There needs to be a big chunk of time where she is using her powers for good, eventually turns bad and then the team has to team up and defeat her.

  9. It's already going to be bad. Way worse than Last Stand. Can anyone really imagine Sophie Turner playing Dark Phoenix, let alone the fact they haven't developed any characters. Especially not Jean! I'm expecting totally crap. 💩

  10. the funny thing is ik not many saw this but logan rogue should have been together in the films cause those two just work on so many levels ik they had to do the scott logan jean thing but if i recall no one even liked it and found it boring. in dofp the new timeline logan rogue should have been together not bobby rogue shit again. i feel kinberg has no idea wtf hes doing and just doing whatever.


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