Game of Thrones season 8 won’t air until 2019, but certain organizations are already looking ahead to the grand premiere. Right now, you can win a chance to attend the red carpet event, meet the cast, be put up in a four-star hotel, and take in the first episode of the last season of the biggest show on TV before almost anyone else.

It’s all part of a promotion with Omaze, a charitable organization. (They worked with HBO on its recent Night of Too Many Stars charity drive.) Head to the Omaze website to purchase entries into a pool to win a trip to the premiere for yourself and “your luckiest friend.” Proceeds go to benefit NEXT for AUTISM, “a nonprofit organization that transforms the national landscape of services for people with autism by strategically designing, launching and supporting innovative programs.”

Autism now affects an estimated 1 in 68 American children. The need for support far exceeds the current services available. With your donation, NEXT for AUTISM can continue to address the needs of individuals and families living with autism right now.

Different levels of donations net you more chances to win the trip, or “entries.” Here are the levels we’re talking about:

The bigger your donation, the better chance you have of winning. As a reminder, here’s what you and a friend of your choosing will get to experience, should you win:

  • Attend the premiere of the final season of Game of Thrones
  • Meet the cast
  • See the first episode of the last season before almost anyone else
  • Get flown out and put up in a 4-star hotel

So, if you like, head to Omaze and make a donation to a wonderful cause, and if you’re lucky, you could get to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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