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  1. 3 star Firefly have 280 hit and have 2 rocket damage and enemy tank stunned…. King Tiger have 240 damage ..YES AXİS NOT NEED NERF!!!!! it`s NOT realistic game.. panthers not heavy tank panther is med tank … a panther 200 fuel….. a t 35/76 80 fuel and destroy enemy infantries and enemy tanks.. 4 T34 destroy > 1 panther .. panthers can't hit enemy infantries. SO BAD GAME ! Every patch only nerf axis.

  2. 4:23
    You skipped one of the bigger changes regarding FRP, +20% reinforcement cost (global) while FRP is active (in team games, because both ostheer and OKW use the FRP battlegroup HQ in team games). That applies to the forward assembly and the major as well I think, your thoughts about it?

    Skipped the leig smoke too.

    I think you were a little bit in a hurry when analyzing the notes because you didn't want it to be too long. But honestly, I've watched both tightrope and Hans' vidoes analyzing the notes, they were both 1 hour long and I enjoyed them. Don't be too afraid to make it a long video, because firstly there's no problem with long and interesting videos, and secondly it just causes you to skip things by mistake and to analyze less thoroughly.

  3. Nerf the jd tiger reduced its damage make it slower more costy and more pop cap then on the other hand make the jackson more hp so you reduced the jd tiger damage then give more hp to the jackson so how will the jd do its job now i lacks the punch to strike fear in the allied tanks

    Relic should consider this the jad is 1 unit at a time kinna of a unit its super expensive its not like u can spam it how is that making it OP its a HEAVY TANK DESTROYER how is it a Heavy tank destroyer if in cant do a serious punch to the allies tanks its really frustrating when allies spam jacksons and fireflies u cant literally bring your tank to support your infantry becoz it outranged both panthers and p4s the jdpanzer is also outclassed by the firefly and jackson it has the range but not the punch compared to the high damage per hit of firefly and jacksons how will the okw tanks scale with the allied tanks then? Okw tanks being so expensive compared to allied cheap but super effective tanks its like paying huge about to bring out 1 tank but lesser performance againts its allied counter parts

    The only tank that can get rid of the church hill god tank is the jd its the only tank in the axis that can really hurt that super tough tank build panther it doenst care build a jdpanzer4 it bounces off

    This balance patch is not balanced its like KILL OKW FACTION patch

  4. The garrisoning thing sounds annoying, but i was okay with in COH1, it will probably be fine in COH2. The Jagdtiger, is a FUCKING TANK DESTROYER. The Jagdtiger is not an assault gun, it is a tank destroyer. It should only really be capable of destroying tanks, and IMO it should be absolutely fantastic at it. Just like it is now. i hope they come back to their senses and change that back. The panther thing isn't that concerning to me, the 10% armor Nerf is the only thing i am even slightly worried about with the panther. But as long as it has enough armor to reliably bounce Sherman's, t-34s, and Cromwell's at distance from the front, i dont really care. The Sturmtiger nerf makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. It is not even technically viable against anyone who pays attention to their units, why would you Nerf it when its only barely justifiable on very certain maps?

    I haven't used the elephant in two years, but i dont see why a super heavy, doctrinal tank destroyer with no real anti-infantry capability should be nerfed for doing its job particularly well. Seams kind of retarded if i am going to be honest, but who knows, maybe two shots is a bit to quick? The Jackson was already good, i have a feeling we are going to see a lot of Wehraboos crying about that one. Smokes on rear echelon instead of rifles? That's an interesting change, it gives me more of a reason to bring rear echelons into my assaults i suppose. Chances are i am just going to use mortars or Sherman smoke instead however.

    Also, are conscripts great again? Thank christ, maybe we will see something other than penals again.

  5. Mostly good but the over-nerfing of some units, notably the Panther and DShK, is ridiculous. I also hate the way they're nerfing forward retreat points. They should have just made it come out later. Adding these stupid cooldowns (even to turn it off) is retarded.

  6. "We want to decrease the power of off map insta-wiping abiltiies"

    >Proceeds to buff the stuka dive bomber, an ability that drops no warning flares, and can instantly kill vehicles, infantry, and emplacements alike with very little warning and time to react.

  7. What’s with nerfing the panthers and the jgadtiger ? Jgadtiger was already a sitting duck if not supported by tanks like the panther, the only reliable okw/ostheer non doctrine vehicle.

  8. I agree with you that some units have too many buffs, especially the panther. Also, if the problem with the Soviet conscripts is that they don't scale well, why not tie their effectiveness to veterancy? That way they literally scale better. Great videos! Will donate next tournament.

  9. Overall pretty happy with it in general – feel a bit too heavy on the nerfing some units, but in general the right direction chosen for each unit. – Will be keen to play/ cast games in this patch please get on with play testing it and getting good replays people. – Get a good game upload the replay to COH2.ORG or send it to me personally


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