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An exploration into the ancient words of House Stark

The forth in a series: A Feast of Thoughts – theories, ideas and speculation videos surrounding A Song of Ice and Fire and A Game of Thrones.

Other Playlists from Secrets of the Citadel:

Dark and Disturbing Westeros and Beyond

Characters Profiles: Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire

The Story of Rhaegar Targaryen (Three-Part series)

A Feast of Thoughts

Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, The Ice Dragon, The Rogue Prince, The Princess and the Queen et al.

Special thanks for for the amazing OST

Images and footage of HBO’s Game of Thrones used under the Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007: (IV) Public domain works; (V) Public interest work and research



  1. I'm guessing 'Winter is Coming' is brought on when whatever 'We Remember' is forgotten. Perhaps it has been coming on for many years as the Night's watch forgot that it was not Wildlings they should be fighting & watchful of, but something far harder to fight.

  2. The others came back to bring balance. They sense that fire is being dominant again. Stark as warden of the north kept a Targaryen blood and raised as wolf. And now as a king the north. There's always be Stark in Winterfell. A leader. But it was a Targaryen Blood.

  3. The Stark words mean "The white walkers are coming." The North does not remember. They don't even remember what the words of their house mean. The Starks have known for 8,000 years that the white walkers would be back. Memories faded into legend, legend faded into myth.

    Bran the Builder was a greenseer like our Bran, only Bran the Builder could use magic as well as warging and greensight. Bran the builder would have used his greensight to see the future, and would know there must be a Stark in Winterfell the next time the white walkers return or all would be lost.

    GRRM was a big fan and freind of Roger Zelazney. In one of Zelazneys books, one of the the main characters would walk from world to world to repeat a pitched battle, with minor variations, to see how the battle played out. Greensight would do the same thing, witnessing possible futures. Hence, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell.

  4. Another intriguing tale and interesting interweaving of history of the Northern Houses and their words and the legends and curses that come with the House words, even planets and their moons, the breaking of ancient pacts… etc.

  5. The ideas and the work you put in your videos is amazing. I was actually thinking about stark words and there's another phrase that's hard to miss, i.e., 'the north remembers,' I can't seem to find a lot about it, but I think there is a whole lot that is hiding behind it. Maybe you've made a video about it, I haven't found it yet. 'The north remembers,' three simple words, yet oddly enigmatic enough to conceal it's true intentions. Again, amazing videos, amazing insight, keep up the good work.

  6. It is indeed a warning, but mot for the Starks. I think that the Starks consider themselves as winter. We've heard Rob Stark warning Lord Tywin Lanister that winter is coming for him. And in the first episode of season 7, Arya said that winter came for house Frey.

  7. "Winter is coming" is scarier than anything else that could be said in Westeros. It always sounded like a threat to me. Like "Winter is coming for you all". These are the words that white walkers would use, making everything else seem like child's play in comparison.

  8. Is it possible that the lone wolf dying means that a sacrifice has to be made by a Stark? Or a Stark must be sacrificed for the "pack" to survive? It may go back to the old gods and blood sacrifice to the weir woods. Stark blood is in some way special. Therefore, a Stark must be in Winterfell to fulfil the ancient rite.

  9. I like the idea of "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell" Would prove why the Gods gave Sansa 'the time of her life' when she prayed so hard to leave Winterfell. After Jeoff she chose High Garden again over Winterfell – then came Ramsay. Winterfell is definately looking better to her now – after all that leaving brought her
    Possible the Others have the sight. The Magic is connected…. they knew of the war of the five kings???? Craster (in the show) told Mormont that he had 99 sons (little Sam would be 100). The WW have been preparing for a while. I thought it was the death of House Reyne that 'woke' them, but now I dont know… There wont be baby WW fighting I assume. Does that mean we have to wait til all the babies are grown before the attack? 🙂

  10. I'm sry to say this now but when the night king made crasters son given by the nights watch rebels the nights king peirced his skin with his finger nail and did not touch him with his finger so his touch does not turn baby's please respond love ur vids the episode I'm talking about is S4 e4 thanks

  11. i think that the Great Black Stone that fell from the sky and was worshipped by the Bloodstone Emperor(which may also be the same that fell near Starfall) was a meteorite that kicked up a dust cloud into the upper atmosphere, causing a 2-30 year Winter
    we know this can happen from from large volcanic eruptions as you have mentioned
    but if a volcano chain larger than Yellowstone national park doesnt plunge the world into volcanic winter, then i doubt a non-extinction event sized meteorite could

    and neither of these address the irregularity of the seasons

    UNLESS the meteor does kick up a dust cloud just barely enough to cover half the hemisphere(because its fantasy), from the far east, around the world to Westeros, and leaving Valyria more or less unharmed.
    and this great cold period woke up and gave power to already existing ice demons, and their fluctuating magic since then is what influences the seasons

  12. I get that they want to simplify things, and keep some characters, but having Sansa marry Ramsey in the show, instead of Jane Poole seems to create some plot holes. If this theory is true, it would be a big one, also why is Jon made King instead of Sansa as Queen.

  13. "Winter is coming" for me sounds a lot like a phrase we have in spanish: "Guardar pan para mayo…" ("Keep bread for may…"), that´s part of: "Guarda pan para mayo y leña para abril / que nunca sabes el tiempo que ha de venir", that means: "Keep bread for may and firewood for april / because you never know the times to come". It's the same idea basically, I think.

  14. "Planetos"? Has anyone ever actually used that word, or is it more of a tongue-in-cheek kinda thing? Maester Pycell did refer to the world as "this good Earth" during Tyrion's trial in the show. A distinction that didn't HAVE to be made, but it was anyway.

  15. Clearly, the magic that holds the Wall up and stabilizes Winterfell has been severely damaged. Two lord commanders in a row assassinated would have to weaken the Wall. At the end of season 6, Sansa and Jon have regained Winterfell, but at a great cost, including the death of Rickon. Now that it looks like Bran and Meera are likely to make it to Winterfell early in season 7, we might imagine that Bran will remain there except for warging.

    I think your ideas about a complex agreement between WWs and Starks along with the children of the forest make total sense.

    On the other hand, Bran and Rickon are hiding in the crypts when the Boltons burn Winterfell. Conversely, the fire could not destroy the stone.

    One must assume that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell means always which would put the date of the abandonment at the moment Ned's father and brother travel to King's Landing. But Rhaegar and Lyanna were already in love and making Jon which could have also been a huge trigger. Do the WWs use weirwoods too?

    I agree with you that the hot springs at Winterfell are part of the magic and somehow recall Valaria and dragons.

    What is not at all clear is what is the heart of the imbalance. Clearly, no dragons in the world did not lead to peace. And Robert was such a huge fool as a king, he did nothing but leave the kingdom in a precarious state. Even had Littlefinger not poisoned Jon Arryn, the twincest was bound to lead to chaos sooner or later.

  16. I don't believe Winterfell is named because winter actually fell there, and I don't believe there's any dragon living under the crypts. The crypts do fascinate me though, and I'm barely able to contain myself until the next series. What I don't expect to see is that there is a tomb down there for Jon, or even a marriage cloak to prove that Lyanna and Rhaegar were married. Anyone can buy a wedding dress, and still not get married. I think the answers to the puzzle are only to be found at the Citadel, and Sam and Gilly will find the documents by accident, while Sam is looking for a foolproof way to combat the white walkers.

    In the UK, a fell is a high and barren landscape feature, like a moor covering the hills. This sounds a lot like the North in Westeros – the countryside is quite inhospitable, towns and villages are not very close together, and it takes days to get from one place to another. Being so far north, winter will always be coming – even though the seasons last for many years in some cases. The name Winterfell might simply mean that it is named for the inhospitable countryside surrounding it.

    As a side issue – where is Jon's dragon egg? It was tradition for Targaryens to place a dragon egg in a child's cradle at birth. Could it have actually hatched when Theon burned Winterfell? The egg could have been placed beside the hot springs underneath the crypts to incubate, and the fire caused by Theon simply accelerated the hatching process.

  17. when benjin said the children of the forest saved him could that be a hint that starks have the blood of the 1st men and the children of the forest. as in a 1st men ansestor of the starks married and had children with a child of the forest.


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