While characters from popular TV shows such as Game of Thrones and Stranger Things are popular cosplay choices for Halloween, a woman in New York City, US decided to go as the last season of GOT. Her costume? Garbage bags.

A photo of the woman, who goes by the name “Rad Thibodeaux” on Twitter, posted an image of herself wearing a load of garbage bags. On top of it, she wore a placard that read, “GOT The Final Season”.

Remember the rogue Starbucks coffee cup that erroneously appeared on one of the episodes in the Season 8? By way of adding an Easter egg, the conscientious cosplayer completed her look with a Starbucks coffee cup in her hand.

In case you are missing out on the inside joke here, the costume is a play on the reactions people had to the greatly awaited finale season of the super it HBO show that saw one of the protagonists, Daenerys Targaryen, metamorphose from the beloved “Mother of Dragons” to “Mad Queen” in just three episodes.

Fans and critics alike complained about the sudden transition that several characters on the show faced in the last season as well as the hurried trajectory and botched ending.

Posted barely seven hours ago, the photo already has over 14,000 likes and close to 5,000 retweets. Many commented on the accuracy and cleverness of the costume. Some even said that the woman had “won Halloween” this year.

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