Hope you enjoyed this installment



  1. i've never stopped playing during wotlk, every other espansion got me 1 or 2 months away or i didn't played till the end.
    WOTLK got me lured from day 1 to cata launch.
    I loved the LK theme since warcraft3 and frozen throne, it was the essence of warcraft to me.
    And some areas and raids/dungeon can still graphically beat up other ones in legion aswell

  2. I've played since launch and it was during Wrath that people started to complain the content was getting dumbed down. But then it was probably the same people who complained BCheroics were too hard. In Wrath, there were also lots of people moaning about Dalaran's existence making everything too convenient. Northrend had some of the best virgin exploration of the entire game. It's a shame they removed that zone which ended up as the Old Kingdom and Azjol-Nerub. What wow needs is a non-linear dungeon zone introduced… A vast multiple route labrynth, like vanilla BRD/Maraudon/dire-maul…Imagine an entire underground zone, and no don't tell me Deepholm really fits that bill thanks. Something like every single instance of Black Rock Mountain, as on big ZONE. You could even have it instanced at the entrance. That's what I thought the scrapped Nerubian zone would be like… The game needs that. I wonder If they've got anything planned for the future….Oh u mean the Nerubians live under Silithus!? An underground Nerubian expansion where I glow in the dark cos I'm a void elf and can descend down 50 floors get an epic and feel like I have to fight my way out, yes please Blizz!

  3. It feels like warcrafts story, whether RTS, MMO or otherwise was supposed to originally stop with the death of Arthas as the Lich King. Everything else has seemed oddly paced and whacky.. Add that to the fact that Blizzards storytelling is exactly the same now as it was back then and you've got a recipe for some really cringe worthy narrative. I'm hoping the next expansion focuses on an improvement on blizzards ability to tell an engaging story with as few cliche's as possible.

  4. WoTLK is how I earned the achievement Leroy Jenkins, because I got tired 40 fucking people bullshitting on Vent and not playing, that I pulled the room and wiped the raid and hearthed out before I died

  5. 4 hours to do Naxx? I call Bullshit. I remember all the way through WoTLK and even into cata that NO ONE could run Naxx in under 12 hours. that is when Vent came out and 11 million bastards wanted to go into Naxx or Uld and bullshit chat about stupid shit and kill a boss once an hour if we were lucky, that was every damn run. groups would ask "looking for such and such….must have Vent to join". I am truly doubting 4 hours

  6. I preferred BC. I felt like the UI overhaul and some of the system updates were cheesy and felt like it was appealing to children. I also didn't like the art style as much as in BC. Too much snow and ice. I really liked Zangarmarsh, Nagrand, SMV etc. And the gear was ugly in Wrath; just looked like some crap some goblin glued together… I liked the shiny and glowy, smooth looking gear and weapons from BC, and Wrath just looked ugly. Wrath is when I stopped liking WoW as much; then Cata destroyed what was left of what I loved in Azeroth… so I never even played Cata. Just seemed to be going down the same crap path.

  7. Here are the reasons why i liked and disliked wrath. The PVP every spec was fun and op in it's own way (expect for fury warrs) i rolled multiple classes during wrath and i was really enjoying them such as Fire,Enh,Surv,Destro,Feral. I liked the Dalaran and Ring of Valor for whatever reason. WPVP was active i remember killing couple of players while they were trying to summ rest of the group/raid and to this day wpvp is my favorite thing to do. I felt like every zone in Northrend was alive and there was something to do. Speaking of zones feel,music and design were very well done. Achivment at the same time they were good cuz it gaved people something to do like doing them for rewards like mounts,titles,companions,tabards but at the same time they were bad becouse people would ask for specific achivment to join the raid even if you knew they tactic you couldn't join cuz you dont have the achivment they are asking for. Speaking of PvE not really a fan of it but i like some dungenons like Utgard Keep,Azjol-Nerub, Ah'Kahet,Gundrak and from raid only Ulduar and Icc had my attention.

    Now i didn't like bgs they added Isle and Strand i think they were really boring not a fun of vehicles. Same i could say for Wintergrasp i didn't like the design, the objectives and vehicles fight. LFG did dmg the social aspect unlike LFR wich killed it, some people would say LFG wasn't that bad becouse it could find you a group in less than 1min i mean i can understand that but again it was a terrible idea.
    Every expansion has something good and bad in it but i would still pick wrath as my favorite exp.


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