Loved WWF, just reacting to some old Rock’s video clips of him being savage! Probably the best in the business with the mic in his hand, Ket me know who’s your top 3 of all time.
original video:
Yesterdays Video:
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SNAPCHAT: smcqueeen
Please react to the rocks most savage moments 2 it's even funnier than this one!
React to inna – yalla
react to anniversary MC Algiers 96yo please
bro,if u need views… GO REACTIONS ON RUSSIAN CLIPS WITH SUPT. 100K MINIMUM (if u change good clips)
p.s. u fucking savage,i like u
Mcqueen Kurt angle maybe wrestling in wrestlmania this year
Miz has become awesome see his savage moment
there's a mistake in the description , you wrote " Ket me know " hahaha np
Wrestler Test March 17,1975 – March 14, 2009. Died drug overdose. RIP
The People Eyebrows
Good Ol Days
3 Favorite wrestler would have to be Stone Cold. Undertaker and Y2J
Do some vlog in wwe row or smackdown
نتا فايت فايت ربي يحفظك الوالدة وترضى عليك دي اشتراك ومردودة والله
honestly if ur looking for more "savage moments" to react to I would say: Roman Reigns, CM Punk, and Undertaker
Yes died …too much steroids
if you smell lalalalalalalalalalalalal wht the rock is cook………ing
the rock….the best
Hello how are you
يا اخي حاول ان تترجم فيديوهاتك الى العربية اننا لا نفهم ما تقول اشك انك تتجنس بالجنسية الجزائرية