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  1. Theon is smart running if he stayed he would of been killed or torched. But because he ran he was able to live another day to tell Daenerys what happened and to rescue or avenge his sister and friends. You could relate the incident to the Starks quotes if you leave one wolf alive the sheep are never safe (Theon being the wolf and The Lanisters being the sheep)

  2. Had he stayed to fight, Theon would not have been able to save Yara and most likely would have been captured if not killed. Theon will bury the persona of Reek when he returns for Yara. His character remained alive for a reason.

  3. Theon will be important, he has a role to play. He doesn't seem to care about himself. But he somehow cares about the others, at least the people next to him. He helped Sansa to escape Winterfell, he also tried to distract the hunters with himself, to save Sansa. Now he has his sister prisoner, he will help her(or at least try to help her), and this will be interesting.

  4. Just to play Devil's Advocate couldn't Yara flip on Dany? I mean Dany said that the Iron Born would no longer be able to pirate/pillage/rape. Yara hasn't showed any compassion other than to Theon and she was raised to pirate/pillage/rape. Theon was a traitor and I would imagine Yara to be no less of one. I bet she sells out Dany if she does get captured. Also it was Varys who aligned Dany with Dorne. I would guess that the Sand Snakes might allow themselves to be captured as some sort of diversion…maybe so that Dany can sneak up on Jaimie?

  5. Imho, Ellaria will most likely be tortured and executed in some gruesome manner (probably involving the Mountain ripping her to shreds), but I'm not that sure about Tyene (although I do see it happening since Cersei is a vicious vengeful maniac with nothing else left but her bloodthirsty revenge). The reason for Tyene's survival is the quasi-possible-romance that they have created by introducing her to Bronn (who is going to be in the vicinity of King's Landing, or will at least hear about their capture sooner or later, since that sea battle will be one of the most epic ones).

    The logic behind this: I'm somewhat familiar with the lineage of the Dornish family. Basically, if both Obara and Nymeria die in the sea battle with Euron, and Ellaria gets tortured to death, Tyene would be the oldest one remaining (Sarella, Obella, Loreza and Dorea are all much younger than her, and even though they all are Ellaria's daughters and Tyene isn't, it never had that much impact in Dorne; also after the death of Prince Oberyn, these children were all taken into custody and kept in the Water Gardens), meaning that Tyene could have the rightful claim to the Dornish throne and that Bronn would have the chance to save and marry that "bad pussy", and eventually become the lord of Dorne (since he always tried to get the best possible outcome for himself).

    Also, since Bronn is an actual lord and will still be in the employment of the Lannisters, his credibility to walk freely through King's Landing and its dungeons should be unobstructed, enabling him to pull some strings in order to save at least one of them (i.e. the more valuable one, Tyene).

    It's a long stretch of a theory, I know, but for me personally (even though I'm not a "sugar-coat-it-happy-ending-type-of-a-guy"), it would be a nice ending for both Bronn and Tyene. Although, knowing GoT, it most likely won't happen and they'll both die by getting devoured by a giant flying hamster whose mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse.

    EDIT: P.S. once again, an excellent video for which I thank you for. Cheers!

  6. 3:20 = The Sand Snakes captured or killed? SWEET!!!

    Oh man I really really hope that Jamie personally kills Ellaria Sand & her surviving Sand Snakes thus avenging poor innocent Myrcella!!!

    Get ready Sand Snakes, IT'S PAYBACK TIME 🙂

    In regards to Yara, I think she's done for. I hope that Theon does not end up abandoning his own sister, I hope Yara herself tells Theon to go so he can get word to Danearys on Dragonstone. I think Euron will publicly have Yara executed at King's Landing after his victory parade just as the ancient Romans used to regularly do whenever they marched victoriously back to Rome with a defeated enemy commander in chains. It was nice knowing you Yara.


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