Warning: Spoilers for “Game of Thrones” below!

Vice President Mike Pence apparently got a subtle shout-out on “Game of Thrones.”

D.B. Weiss, the co-creator of HBO’s epic fantasy drama, revealed that Jacob Anderson (who plays Grey Worm) repeatedly screamed out the vice president’s name while filming a scene for the epic Battle of Winterfell, which aired Sunday.

Weiss said it made it into the final cut, but was dubbed over with other audio.

Anderson, whose character leads the Unsullied army, was reportedly asked to improvise and yell something at his troops in the fictional Valyrian language during recording for the final season’s third episode.

But the British actor “was so tired and so delirious and so out of it” from filming almost 55 nights in a row “that all he could think to yell was ‘Mike Pence, Mike Pence, Mike Pence,’” Weiss told Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday night.

“So, in one of those scenes when Jacob is yelling and pointing, whatever he said was dubbed over,” Weiss added. “What he was actually saying was ‘Mike Pence, Mike Pence.’”

Check out the interview here:

Anderson, 28, whose recording artist alter ego is Raleigh Ritchie, has not commented on the showrunner’s story.

It’s unclear why the actor would pick Pence’s name to shout. HuffPost has reached out to a representative.

Anderson has in the past offered opinions on President Donald Trump:

Check out the preview trailer for the fourth episode of the final season of “Game of Thrones,” which airs Sunday:



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