The eighth and final season of Game of Thrones has come and passed, leaving audiences very divided in opinion. Whether or not people were left disappointed and angry or left satisfied and without complaint, there is no denying that Game of Thrones has been one of the greatest and most popular television shows of all time. There have not been many shows that can boast the depth of characters, lore and history of the world like in Westeros. That’s making it a powerhouse before even mentioning the massive financial budget that it amassed.

The success and popularity of the show means that from this day forward any medieval themed series will be compared to, or described as similar to Game of Thrones. This is with or without the fantasy/fictional elements going along with it. Netflix’s The Witcher series has already had heavy comparisons in expectation and reviews.

How much of a Game of Thrones expert do you fancy yourself? Will you emerge victorious or fall to the quiz like many before you?!

Feel free to leave your results in the comments section below.

Answers are at the end!



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