“Zeitgeist: The Movie” is the first film which is directed and produced by Peter Joseph in 2007.


More information can be found here:

Jordan Maxwell, George Carlin and Peter Joseph.



  1. Total lies! Everyone knows Jesus was a magic water walking man who made bread out of fish and busted out of a hole to rise to be in a magical heaven place full of singing angels and shit. Wait, okay, no that's even stupider.

  2. The devil knew after what happened in the garden that Christ was gonna come and destroy him so he put all these "sun gods" and other myths out there in advance to distract and confuse people of the truth and lay a foundation so that people don't realize who or what they're worshipping. You worship the "Catholic Jesus and Mary", you're worshipping Nimrod and semiramis. It's not hard.

  3. You know, I try to see other people's perspective and beliefs on things but it is very hard to believe that some people actually watch movies like this and study and believe in things like this, GOD IS REAL and to put movies out like this to people is horrible, I know we are all going to stand before GOD one day and what are the people that believe he doesn't exist going to think when they meet GOD face to face , how will they explain to GOD that they don't believe he is real when they are trying to beg for his mercy at the same time , just a thought

  4. The representation of a story, may be – everything,
    something you prove here .. with great convincement.

    Let us look upon .. another (completely logical) way,
    to perceive it.
    A group .. learned up .. in The Highest truth – of all
    truth's .. from God.They attended the same university .. and their mission
    was to spread this knowledge – all over the world.Well .. The Result would have been .. exactly the
    same – as you describe …. exept for the conclusion,
    that THIS UNIVERSITY and THESE PEOPLE – doesn't exist.

    If we read The Bible .. thoroughly, that is exactly
    what it says.
    It adds: The people were disobedient, so God had to
    confuse their languages .. before this started to
    happen. (Tower of Babel)

  5. Its good to question everything, but you also have to look for answers. The absorption of pagan practices in the Roman church is obvious and historical; however the Roman church is not biblical Christianity. Denying Jesus existed is so wrong I don't know where to begin maybe watch the debate between John Lenox and Richard Dawkins at Oxford. Dang there's so much, but have fun w/ research. We will never forget 911. Never stop seeking truth

  6. Moses in a basket? That is actually Mizraim, or Egypt, Mizra, Moses. And the basket is actually a cornucopia, which is a basket based on the broken horn of a goat, the constellation capricornus, that appears at the top of the horizon, hence, Moses the leader at 'the top' of the mountain. Be sure to smoke more pot before you read the bullshit I just wrote or before you watch this BS.

  7. I see a lot of comments, saying the facts are incorrect on certain attributes to ancient/ contemporary messiahs. Maybe some facts are indeed wrong. Are they close enough for question? What I do not see are comments debunking the most intriguing aspect of this documentary. The astrological/astronomical aspects. Its because of this video, even after almost a decade, that I can't claim religion, when I do believe in God. I am a very spiritual person. However, the astrological aspect of this documentary is astonishing.

  8. Ummm the bible never said Jesus was born on the 25th of December…..I am not defending religion i am just saying if this documentary is meant to be believed then maybe basic facts should not be distorted….How is this documentary any different from religion both are meant to brain wash anyone who is easily persuaded….However very interesting film lol.

  9. Many of the similarities claimed in this video are false but even if they were true, let's say I write the story of my life, and I write that I had facebook, that I drank coffee everyday etc. Then another person also writes the story of her life, that she had facebook and also drank coffee, can't many people engage in these activities at the same time? or does that mean that I plagiarized from this person? Back in the old times, people had common customs, activities and traditions.

  10. This video is simply talking about whats going on in this world wth our govt or lack of and most of you people still debating religion which proves that what it was sent to do( disrupt and misguide) the masses is still working after you see the destruction!!! Use this analogy—- religion a mystery but the false flags like 911 are factual— orchestrated so sloppy right b4 our eyes!!!! ? What r we as a nation of people going to do????? Timeout for the religious debate it serves only 1-10% of the 🌎 time for a better plan that will benefit the rest of us!!!!!!! Thoughts or suggestions???

  11. Whomever did the subtitles clearly does not fully understand the English language. I am NOT criticizing Zeitgeist, I am criticizing the person who took it upon him/herself to do the subtitles. It rather takes away from the crux of the video than add to it.

  12. I have never been so blown away as I am right now, at 59 I have been thinking a lot about wasted time tasing my tail for what? It all goes away anyway through one thing or another, divorce, recessions that are great depressions a way of taking what we've earned for 40 years and foreclosing on it or just letting it evaporate , they can tweak the current anyway so no big deal . We dont understand and I didnt until tonight how sinister these evil peopler they have everything anyway cant we have a few crumbs? The answer is no no you cant we are going to fuck you from birth to death and along the way we take everything you have civil liberties  money wealth why? Like a SNL skit said "cause fuck em thats why" for fun and pleasure and best of all we do it all willingly, What do I do now? I feel like just cashing in my chips and going to Fiji or a tropical paradise and just having a few years of my life to myself at 59 I am not the strong young man I was working and getting married children all just to create debt more and more debt thinking I was doing the right thing, I sit here now confused lonely feeling powerless , at leastI'm not on not getting on my knees praying for Jesus to help me like so many believe I did for decades but science and common sense deprives it I wish there was thats why its such a brilliant scam wouldn't be nice the wicked get punished the good go to paradise, bahaha not going to happen, yes the plan is working. Please advise HELP. One more thing I have a terrible case of TINNITUS IS THERE A REASON SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE THIS ANNOYING MADDENING  PROBLEM, but one good thing came out of it I stopped watching tv because it makes the ringing unbearable why? because everything that comes out of that box is bullshit, like the great George Carlin said, "its all bullshit and its all bad for you". TURN OFF THE TV PEOPLE you will feel so much better Watch Carlins video on bullshit we are the number one producer of 100% U.S. Grade A American Bullshit its worth watching, he doesnt make my ears ring after watching this I am unnerved and angry confused its like 10,000 locust in my head I cant fucking take much more of this, why dont they find a cure its damaged hair follicles in the ear canal? And theres no cure? I think there is something more sinister about this TINNITUS. Sorry for the novel I just wrote  wow didnt think I had that many words left in me. GREAT WORK THE BEST EVER!! NOW WHAT DO WE DO?

  13. There is a strangness about what passes for media nowadays. That's all I can say. Current news: what Trump said or didn't say and Caitlin Jenner picking out heels and a new Philipino boyfriend…

    This stuff seems mildly more important subject matter.

    On a related note, I still remember seeing a news report from Fox 7 in Miami, where a reporter outright calls a Frenchman who brought up the Pentagon not having sheared off wings anywhere, "an idiot". Ahhhh modern media…


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