Who will end up on the Iron Throne? Will the White Walkers destroy everyone? Hodor? Whatever happens at the end of Thrones, you know it’s going to be dramatic. Alltime 10s looks at some exciting theories about how the show could build to its eventual climax.
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How do you think GOT will end?
i think the show will end with credits.
The grey scale came from a curse… From Roynars.
Yet another moron who doesn't know the difference between a White Walker and a Wight.
I know how the show will end….with me crying in a fetus position on the floor; then drink my self to sleep because for the night is long and full of thoughts on bills, existential dread, loneliness, meandering ideas about nothing etc……
you can see the waiths face when arya kills her. Jaquens Haggar puts it in the faceless men temple when arya gives it to him.
the hound isnt scared of fire because he was burned by it, he is afraid of what he saw in the flames when his brother pushed his face to the fire
your theories are gay af fag
You know… the number 1 theory about Jon Snow taking the Night King's place to rule the white walkers souns A LOT like WoW Lich King and the whole scourge thing…
That Maggie the frog prophecy really bugs me, She did not say the little brother thing on the show, wasn't there like. `If it was so important then why was it left out? my feelings are the show runners didnt want to tie themselves into prophecy and so left it out. What does that mean? most likely it wont be Jamie, Tyrion or a death during childbirth or at least we are not locked into that. Basically Show Cersai may not even die or can be killed by anyone. Maybe the show want that to be Arya.
The iron throne will be melted by Drogon (because it was forged by his preincarnation Balerion) and democracy/'freehold' will replace monarchy. There have been several allusions to 'breaking the wheel' and building a better world. All the dragons will be destroyed as they're all named after dead people. Viserys was Dany's enemy, which is why Viserion will now be used against her. Azor Ahai/the prince who was promised is either just a myth (the show often alludes to the folly of believing prophecies eg Dany believing in Mirri Maaz Duur's prophecy that she'll never have kids, Stannis believing Melisandre) or even if the prince exists, s/he won't play a vital role, perhaps only being revealed at the end by killing the NK. But it'll be a hit that others could've achieved, it will be more a chance thing than a skill thing. The prince could also be Jon and Dany's child or Jon and Dany together. Thing is, the prince/Azor has to save the world…but wights can't swim, meaning killing the NK would only save Westeros…unless white walkers can swim? So is the prophecy really relevant?
I think it's going to be Arya that sacrifices herself. She now has Valyrian steel blade, she can disguise herself so could get close to the Night King, and they've alredy set the one liner up. "What do we say to death?" "Not today" as she plunges the blade into the night king. Also Martin has said that Arya is his favourite character so he would see that as particularly bittersweet.
I was waiting for one to be that the red priestess are wights. Melisandre looked like one in season 6 early episode when she took off the necklace. Maybe the wights want necklaces and that is why they are coming south. It would be nice if the wildling that sent her children south enforce becoming a wight became almost human again. Then all the wights and surviving good guys could go kill Cersei. I don't think Arya is dead, but she did heal very quickly from all those stab wounds. It would be neat if someone we think we know turns out to be a faceless man.
There must always be….
A Night King.
All dead characters are going to come back to life as white walkers!
Civilian shift mental ideology combat military.
A theory i have is that somehow Jon Snow takes the NIght Kings place. Similar to Bran taking the place of the Three eyed raven. If he becomes a Whitewalker or not, i don't know. Perhaps the Undead army is somehow similar to Davy Jones and his crew from Pirates of the Carribean. The Night King was forced to become what he is, and he wanted revenge, with him abandoning the duties the Night king may have (which we don't know about) he and his men becomes Whitewalkers and undead. If Jon Snow takes his place he is not becoming a Whitewalker like the Night king and his Whitewalker men, but normal (with blue/ice eyes) unless he abandons his duties.
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uhhh.. bran would now about arya being death and replaced im pretty sure
Wouldn't it be awesome if Bran could control one of the dragons?
But Cercie is pregnant from her brother, which would make the child she's probably going to di having the 4th child a/k/a the other "little brother" – so not Jaime. The little brother who kills Cercei will kill her.
The night king may just be on his path to restore balance. His time has ended and so did the original 3 eyed raven. Now he is doing what had to b done originally. A leader who could unite all the humans even when they hate each other like jon snow in order to control the undead without allowing the power to overwhelm him. Then a new 3 eyed raven to record time for long enough to make sure after the next thousands or years passed and the next time has come for the replacements have come to make sure they are shown the truth and can teach how to do the job right until winter returns. So jon has to show one last great sacrifice like killing his love and child to prove he is completely self less and can truly control undead which unlike living have no expiration date and bran has to prove he can warg and time travel better then 3 eyed raven. So in end jon is new night king and bran is new raven and winter ends under their watch until time comes for their watch to end and winter return and their replacements to take over for them.
"One of the most unpredictable and complicated series out there"? With all the fan service in the show, I highly doubt it.