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  1. Before watching this, if there is no FNAF, I will be taking a knife and stuff it inside my throat and downwards into my left lung, and decapitate my oxygen and blood pumping system.

    Edit:Goodbye World

  2. I just have to say this but 'Navi' is pronounced "Nah-vee" like the beginning of "Navigator". It's even been said that "Navi" is just short for "Navigator". Also the faeries Tatl and Tael from Majora's mask got their names from "Taddle Tale"

  3. most Pokémon are harmless

    Motions to all the Pokémon that tend to steal children

    Looks at the entirety of poison type Pokémon

    Glances at the angry Beedrill swarms

    Pats the revenge seeking Banette

    Resurrects Kabutops

    Pokes teddiursa with looming urserang behind it

    Have you met a goddamn gyrados? Or any other Pokémon that can spew fire or poison you or drown you or can trap you in a dimension of only your nightmares and failures?

    I rest my case

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