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John and Matt play some Nintendo Mario Bros. arcade in his home basement arcade. At one time, they were trying to get the world record for two players and they failed miserably. This might the first part in a many part World Record Attempt series.
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I hear Track & Field in the background…
Have u ever seen a Nintendo dual system with bubble bobble vs smb? If so whats a value
John, you should do more of these Mario Bros world recored attempts with Matt. Kinda like quest for 300,000 points in Donkey Kong. Would love to see more Mario Bros videos! (One of my favorite arcade games next to Pac-Man.)
First time I played this at home was on my Apple IIe with my cousin. That version was really fun and we used to get really good scores. And that was both of us playing by keyboard. I was on one side and my cousin was on the other half of the keyboard. We rocked it.
I noticed that sometimes Mario and Luigi lose a pixel on their hats when they jump, but it depends on which emulator you use. BUT, I can see it on this machine. What's up with that? It's been buggin me.
I noticed when I've played this with a mame emulator (as I don't have access to a Mario Bros. machine) That the footsteps are super loud and annoying. Is that the same with the regular arcade?
I'm going to get the same one
Sure wasn't a world-record game but watching you two playing was fun as hell! Great vid!
i love that game 1!!
God I wish I could afford a mario bros cabinet.
What's your favorite pinball table? Gorgar? Medieval Madness? The Pinball Circus? Theatre of Magic?
I would say if you both can still be playing at phase 37…With practice, that is!! Thats a major milestone…And then you may have a chance at the world co-op record…Just my thoughts…Hope this helps…later
Icicle's start at phase 16. If you don't mind some advice, Don't fear the Green fireballs so much..Green fireballs can be avoided, in many spots on the board… Most useful is, on the middle level near the right or left edge… just jump when its almost at you… Anyway love this series.. Hope you do more…Hilarious, and entertaining ,to watch. To be honest i never play two players ,but this is my all-time favorite and first arcade…My goal is to reach one million.. Tom the world record holder has told me that this game difficulty levels out about phase 37, buts its super fast at this point…Anyway keep up the great video's ,Jon
You guys were doing great, only suggestion I would make is take turns each at getting all the coins on the bonus stage, that way one player gets a 1UP.
Yeah, I remember getting close to 130,000. Those stupid fireballs get hella fast!
john your selling whirlwind and asteroids holly molly i didn't expect that
This game is a classic, though I can't help but consider the NES port an arcade classic in themselves too! The sound of the 8-bit Nintendo is a piece of childhood. The NES port of Mario Bros. is an arcade classic because they used to use it in PlayChoice-10.
Wow, you almost made it! /s
I remember having a Sega Mega drive with Sonic and played it to death. I had played Nintendo games in the Arcades back in the 80`s but never had a Nintendo console so when a work colleague offered to swap his SNES for my mega drive for a couple of months I thought great. As soon as I played Super Mario World on the SNES i realised how crap Sonic was and was hooked on Nintendo ever after. I still have my N64 plugged into the TV and my Game cube and Wii upstairs. Imagine if i had never found The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time , that don`t bare thinking about !
haha matt always looks like he just got caught doing something dodgy
Matt is way too Whiny for my liking, God bless you John for listening to him whine
Great video, thanks for the upload
Great video. By the way, a game that gets no love in your videos is GoldenTee. Maybe you and Matt could go head to head for 9 hole challange.
Mario! Ware re you!
Good to see you guys playing some Mario Bros. co-op doubles!
You have safe spots on the bottom ends where you can jump straight up and land on the dying green fireball and you will not die. There are also other spots on the board to jump the green fireballs. Watch our video for other tips.
Our 1.5M score was recorded live in Pittsburgh last year. Hope this video helps you guys out a bit. Even if you can't reach the WR, don't give up on setting a decent score. Around Phase 33 or around 330K or so the game seems to reach the hardest difficulty.
I swear I was going say this last week but not here…..
Man I used to play Mario Bros A LOT at a local arcade back in the day, I remember getting to a point where the icicle levels kept repeating but can't remember any of my high scores, Great game.
kinda off topic but when you go on the road to other arcades please play more of the games there – really sucks to see you walk past games like star castle and wizard of wor and not do anything but say their names — please PLAY at least a game of more then a few of them and revisit the places near you as follow ups to play more of the games,think back to when arcades were super popular in the early 80's and you would see many watching others play – the watching was almost as much fun as playing hence why we all love your channel : )
nice attempt! I do pretty well on the EU NES version (they had a home port called Mario Bros. Classic, which I've played a ROM of it's actually pretty close to the arcade (even has the little enemy cutscenes before each phase starts) I think my record for single player was at least over 100K!
Yeah around Phase 10 or so things start getting serious!
Oh and one quick tip, every 'bonus' phase if you've expended the POW block completely it'll refresh. (not sure if you guys knew about that or not already I just remember that from when I played it :P)
Great video, looking forward to your future attempts!
Man I love Mario Bros.
In Super Mario 3 on NES, choose 2 player mode and on the map start the game where the other player is standing, and you get a version of Mario Bros but it controls a lot better than the old one. We have tons more fun playing 'tag' instead of trying to complete the level, one of the most fun 2 player games ever if you ignore the objective.
What an awesome video. I just purchased a Mario Bros Wide Body a few days ago so this video is perfect timing. Some really great tips on how to play co-op in this video.
Very excited to start playing this game. Thanks John!
Started the game alright but then you kind of fell apart after you got to stage 10 or something.
Great game to play – would love to see more attemts at this.
I love the banter between you & Matt. Top stuff!
World record attempt – 13 minute video. Kind of knew you were going to fail from the start John. Much better at this game than I am though.
Hey there, John! I found your channel about a week ago and I've been doing a marathon on your videos ever since. I don't ever see myself ever restoring any arcade machines so I do it vicariously through you. Anyways brother, is there a chance you'll be doing that TNT collaboration soon?
Hiya, John! Great video! Love your channel!!! Keep trying at those world
records!!! I know you can do it!!! You once gave me advice when I sent
you a letter in the viewer mail and I want to return the same
encouragement by saying thank you, pal!!! I can't wait to participate in
the viewer mail again!!! 🙂 You're amazing!!!