

  1. People shouldn't mock him. As a woman I thought body dysmorphia only affects women but clearly men are just as troubled with their body image but it's not "manly" to say so. This is sad. And as much as I don't aspire to be a bodybuilder I hope that more of you who looked up to rich (r.i.p) know that you are fine and that it is not realistic nor is it healthy. I enjoyed his content and found out about a lot of new people through him. It's just a shame

  2. i learn alot from rich from his videos especially one video rich was saying be nice to everyone rich was saying in that video be nice to everyone they way they talk dress they way they look thats the truth i wish rich was still here i wish i could of ment rich i miss rich rest in peace brother

  3. That dude was born huge. Rich had to work xtra hard to get where he was at. Its a shame he got caught up with taking other drugs along with the steroids. heart can only take so much. start doing coke, meth and other shit, prepare for ur life to end early..

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