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Some people watch it for the interesting characters and plot lines. Others watch it to see people wreck each other. Here are 8 of the best fight scenes from Seasons 1-4. SPOILERS!



  1. Bah – fight 8 was "Jon Snow AND backstabbing wench v. Karl Tanner!"  Fook'in coward in plot armor!  I haven't lost a fight since I was nine!  

    In Gin Alley, I was a legend…A FOOK'IN LEGEND! 

  2. I agree with the first three, maybe not the placement, but Viper vs Mountain, Bronn vs Virgus and Brienne vs Jaime were some of the best,
    but I'd toss Sam vs The White Walker, and Yoren vs FUCKING EVERYONE WHILE KICKING ASS in there. There, a top five.

  3. Where's Jorah Mormonts' one and only single combat fight!? (so far?) that was a great example of an older, slower, but more experienced warrior versus a barbarous young pup. Great fight, and the biggest clash of differing martial arts so far, even more than Syrio Forel vs. Traunt (sp?). Definately my favourite of the series to date (although the Mountain that rides vs the viper was pretty damn good)

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