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I love how The Prestigious One turned from one of the greatest heels in wrestling's recent history to a Prestigious Gamer. Love ya Joe
No Contra? That's the original.. What about teenage mutant ninja turtles the arcade game??
License to kill, pistols only, in the complex. That was the best MP mode for Goldeneye. Fuck the Golden Gun.
good list, lot of top notch multiplayer modes on this list, glad to see valve getting so much love, they may not be able to count to 3, but god damn it do they know how to make multiplayer fun, and who DOESNT wanna have their self-esteem destroyed by a passive aggressive GLADoS? also on TF2, payload race is just as fun, and as insane as king of the hill.
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks>>>>>>
Nazi Zombies?
Halo 2?
Conker's Bad Fur Day?
fuck you whatculture gaming you stupid fucks
stop wasting time shit heads
No 8 player Smash Bros.?
Slight correction there Hendry. "Man with the Golden Gun" was the mode where there was one Golden Gun on the map offering the one-hit kill, and it was almost a pseudo all-v-1 in this regard. "License to Kill" was the mode where even the old Klobb would net you a one-hit-kill.
crash team racing is match better than mario cart
Gears of War horde mode?
soooo no crash team racing?! smh….
Smash Bros, Halo 2 Juggernaut, CoD Zombies, and Raids in Destiny are noteworthy exclusions personally (I'm sure they're better in WoW and similar MMOs but I've never played those)
What about Cod Zombies?
Crash Team Racing > Mario Kart… however the versus mode is indeed great
Is it just me that survived on RiseOfTheTriads? The most fun you could have before CS and Quake TF was invented
Alien vs Predator 2. Basically any mode.
Thought it was going to about Co-op games. Nice list.
Did not realize that portal 2 had co op
how did doing multiplayer on terraria not get on here terraria has amazing multiplayer
Apart from time splitters or unreal tournament, I wouldn't put any fps in this list, no halo, no battlefield, no cod!
Or even super smash bros, none of them could be in the top ten!
I love them all, but no way would I put them there.
Where is halo 3
Perfect Dark
Liking this mostly for Portal
Everyone has there favorites, but i was expecting either Comp from CSGO, something from LoL or Dota (never played so dont know the game modes, but they are played quite a bit), Big Team Slayer or CTF from Halo, Zombies or SnD from Call of Duty, or Comp for Overwatch. Just surprised none of these are on here.
Not gonna lie, L4D2 Versus was so fucking noice
Borderlands 2?
My friend and I picked up Portal 2 when we saw it had multiplayer- holy crap if we didn’t stress over that crap lol We spent so much brain power on that game and when we finally beat it, we felt accomplished lol you can’t be dumb and play portal, especially multiplayer lol
I have no friends who have the same games as me.
celebrate solid currently big administration attract specialize fat expand jew pair tap review
No Halo?!?!
But KOTH is the worst game mode of them all next to double payload…
1. Nice list.
2. What wrong with you voice. You aren't Batman in The Dark Knight.
Command & Conquer mode from Command & Conquer Renegade. In that mode you players are divided into GDI or Nod with they own bases and main objective is to destroy enemy base. Both bases are buildings that do similar things as they do in RTS game that this one is based on like Barrack/Hand of Nod allowing picking classes, Weapon Factory/Air Field allowing to buy vehicles and Tiberium Refinery that allows Harvester to keep flow of credits going on so that players can buy those classes and vehicles.
Fuck joe is so hot