Have you ever dreamed about living in Westeros? Well, you probably shouldn’t, because when it comes to Game of Thrones, you either stop watching or see your favorite characters die. There have been some pretty brutal deaths in the Game of Thrones universe, and today on Cinematica Tim is here to count down the 8 absolutely WORST ways you could die in your journey to the Iron Throne. And what do we say to death? NOT TODAY!
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Written by: David Olsson, Tim Jablonski
Hosted by: Tim Jablonski
Graphics and Edited by: Sergio Gomez and Graham Higgins
Produced by: Matt Gielen, Jake Krengel, Soy Nguyen, Elissa Vallano
Music by Audiomicro:
-Epic Adventure of Mighty Heroes and Battles – 90s Flowing by -CrazeMusicProductions
-Epic Battle by minimusicman
-Epic atmosphere by musicaland
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white walkers and wights are not the same thing just so you know.
I always check for crossbows before getting nude. Not doing so is preposterous.
German acapella chick,when its a dane…
You didn't say death by Ramsay dogs and by Skinning
Worst way to die in GOT, for me is by Ramsay Bolton
"If you're not caught up, shame."

Wow showing ALL deaths before the spoiler alert…. Useful
Death by thenns, you die then they eat you
how could you miss the rat eating its way thru the boy while the mother watched – come on that was way worse than any of you picks…………. except the skinned alive that sucks too!!!!
skinning?rat torture?
Warning for spoilers while we see Jon Snows dead body. Well..
People don't know that crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows.
The way visyres died on season 1. Got molten gold poured on his head, but that relates to death by fire.
worst way to die is clearly just being in the show
The GERMAN chick?? she's danish wtff
Death by wedding

Wow, you add the quick beheading, but not the golden crown? Shame
What about poison?
by ur stepson
ate by dogs
"Death by gold"
Number 1 would be skinning alive
I'm sorry but the titel of this video is just SO misleadig. I thought that this video was a serious video, about ways that GoT could kill you.
I'm little bit late but i think the golden crown would be the worst way to die. Still Viserys deserved it
who is Lisa arryn? you mean Lysa?
Death by a moon door and a crossbow aren't bad ways to die, they're both quick and painless
I think you may have forgotten flayed alive by House Bolton.
the acapella blah blah chick is Danish not german, do your research
The mountain killed his horse because lords used a trick to distract the horse so the mountain blamed the horse
Eaten alive by Ramsey Bolton's hounds is also not on the list.
Lets all agree this list is shit. Being Flayed isn't even on it
Why there isn't the death by melt gold, to the poor daenerys ' brother?