Adolescent movie taste is a strange thing that’s best left untouched.

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  1. imo
    Isn't it normal to outgrow things you liked as a teenager?
    Isn't not outgrowing them a sign of failure to simply mature?
    No matter, I guess.
    Somebody ever liked American Pie 2?
    Having seen a bunch of his vids, seems to me that Jules enjoys bitching too damn much.

  2. When discussing the American Pie franchise, while American Reunion was not a good film I did like how it highlighted the growing up into the late 20s and early 30 range. We all have that friend who is stuck in their highschool or college days, and the contrast of how people act/party now that they have kids, spouse and careers. Beer kegs are exchanged for glasses of wine, the music is softer, people call it a night much earlier. All the while the kid stuck in their glory years is agast at how lame people have gotten while trying to party just as hard.

    Adam Sandler just banked on playing the perpetual man child while ignoring the fact that his fan base was growing up and not as inclined to laugh to his antics anymore.

  3. i do agree that some of thiose films are bad, critically speaking. but since i loved them back then, i still love most of them now. for romantic and nostalgic reasons mostly. some of them i found stupid back then and still find them stupid now, even more probably. but non of them i loved back then and feel ashamed for now. so i can not really relate to this list.

  4. Ouch, my old welding instructor's favorite movie (The Waterboy), and one of my top five favorites (Hackers) both made the list.

    However, I do agree. Hackers is extremely dated. But I watched it a month ago, and thought it would be pretty cool to see an updated reboot. Even knowing that the updated reboot would be just as dated in about a year.

  5. I saw Cruel Intentions in the theaters when I was 27. It wasn't appealing because it was sexy. It was appealing (and still is) because it reminded me of the people I grew up around. Spoiled brat rich kids with a massive sense of entitlement who are bored because they can have anything they want so they derive joy from manipulating people. It is has an element of camp and humor about it. But at its core it is a very honest and true film. If it doesn't hold up for you, it is probably because you didn't grow up affluent enough to know how real it is.

  6. Couldn't believe American Pie was so popular when it came out. I assumed most of its fans just said they liked it because they didn't want it to look like they didn't get the joke. (Everybody else liked it for three or four minutes of naked Shannon Elizabeth.)

  7. The director of Cruel Intentions (on the dvd) expressed that he always wanted nudity in the movie. Why he would then caste SMG and Witherspoon (caste as the good girl) I have NO idea. That actually worked for it as it required the to be sexual without being raunchy. Everything was done by attitude instead of explicitness. It is lot less sexy as an adult but (keep in mind) the characters are meant to be teens (18ish) and we really shouldn't be seeing them as sexy so much as sexual in a morally questionable way.

  8. Never heard of "The Beach" or "Murder By Numbers" before this video. I'd seen all the rest, although I actually hadn't seen She's All That or Cruel Intentions until sometime within the last decade or so, and when I was younger I was only loosely familiar with them through the parts of Not Another Teen Movie that spoof them. Also, I hadn't heard of Hackers until sometime within the last decade or so.

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