McGregor faces off against Game of Thrones’ [6ft9 400lb] Gregor Clegane aka ‘The Mountain’ in a bare knuckle fight to the death. The bigger they are; the harder they fall. For more exclusive video visit



  1. Mc gregor is fighting at 10 %. Hafthor is not even trying. Do you guys realize that this behemot is capable of lifting mac gregor with one single hand? C'mon, I like ufc, but this is just a show. Toe to toe, mc gregor will be dead and 30 secs.

  2. Hafþór is MUCH larger and much stronger, and so he'd win a fight. Smaller, weaker people try to compensate by saying "speed, quickness, dancing, blah blah blah," but no——POWER and STRENGTH win fights. This Icelandic warrior is 400 fucking pounds of solid muscle. The only way Conor could beat him is by blinding him—-swift strike to the eyes. Otherwise, good night. And obviously Conor bloody McGregor is a BEAST—–shows you how utterly ridiculously strong Hafþór is. At least McGregor would give it his all and TRY—-not dance around like a Mayweather evading motherfucker.


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