Jaime Lannister is in desperate need of redemption, and Cersei Lannister is in desperate need of being brought down from her undoubtedly destructive reign as queen. These two notions have sparked a rather compelling fan theory (that we’ve touched on before) about how exactly this love-hate story of sibling romance will come to a head in the upcoming seasons.

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  1. I don't think Jaime should take offence to Cersei choosing Robert Strong (the mountain) over him because:
    1) He has one hand
    2) The hand he does have is his left which isn't his sword
    Point being he's not as good as he used to be which would be a big risk for Cersei to take. I also don't Jaime would even want to be hand of the king, he's always wanted to just be a knight. Tywyn has always Jaime to to be his heir as Lord but Jaime has often turned it down.

  2. In the books, Cersei not so much offers as expects Jaime to follow their father as King's Hand. Him being bound to the king's guard and also pretty much the least qualified person for the position, he immediately rejects it and rebukes her for this foolish idea, especially because it sprang spontaneously from grief and the offer was made in front of others. This is basically the beginning of their falling-out, which happens a lot earlier than in the TV series. Consequently, Jaime doesn't come to her help when Cersei literally begs him to be the champion for her trial, while he finalizes the peace in the Riverlands.
    One major thing that actually infuriates Jaime in regards to his sister is her infidelity, thanks to Tyrion's parting words to him. Basically, all the Lannister siblings hate one another now.

  3. I saw this coming a mile off but it would suiting end to her rein of terror.

    She has lost all empathy. I saw her eyes go cold when she saw her sons body. She is on a War path and the dragons riders are coming with the winter walkers for ultimate finale!!!

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