Disney is known for recycling its franchises, whether that means making live-action versions of beloved animated classics like The Little Mermaid or making sequels to older hits like Hocus Pocus 2. Now, they have their eyes on another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production president Sean Bailey spoke to The New York Times about this possibility, saying another Pirates film is a “priority” for Disney. “We think we have a really good, exciting story that honors the films that have come before but also has something new to say,” he said.

That brings us to the elephant in the room: if Disney does make another Pirates film, would Johnny Depp return as Captain Jack Sparrow? Bailey said he is “noncommittal at this point” about bringing Depp back.

Disney is “noncommittal” about bringing Johnny Depp back for new Pirates of the Caribbean movie

So, what I got out of that is that Bailey isn’t saying, “Please, come back,” but he isn’t rejecting Depp either. Maybe the door is ajar for Depp to push open and discuss reprising his most famous role.

That said, there are issues. Back during the production of the fifth Pirates film, Depp was rumored to be frequently drunk and late to set. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this “often left hundreds of extras waiting for hours at a time.”

Around that time, Bailey spoke to THR and shared, “There were certainly days when our plans were challenged. But no one should underestimate Johnny’s passion and commitment to this character and franchise.”

I’m quite impressed with Bailey’s ability to be very composed and neutral regarding Depp. I think a part of him knows that if they consider bringing this franchise back, Depp may have to be a part of that. After all, what is Pirates of the Caribbean without Captain Jack Sparrow?

Earlier, there was going to be a female-led Pirates of the Caribbean movie with Margot Robbie, but that fell apart. We’ll see if whatever Disney is planning now will be able to get its sea legs.

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h/t The A.V. Club



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