I read all the books in A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin! What did I think? Who are my favourite characters? Should you read them? Watch and find out…


Next episode we will be talking about Mary Beard’s SPQR, her history of ancient Rome. You can get it on amazon here – – but where possible please try to support your local bookshops and libraries. Please do try and read it in the next six weeks along with me, I’m really looking forward to some cracking discussion in the comment! After SPQR I’m probably going to read Galileo’s Daughter by Dava Sobel but I’m open to suggestions!


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———- II ———-

I am Simon, a third year PhD candidate at the University of Exeter. I upload videos on bits of science which are relevant to what I do, and sometimes just because they’re really cool.

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Thanks to Vlogbrothers for their sponsorship of this video. Money from the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck contributed to equipment used in this video.



  1. Ok one more then im done sorry for blowing up the comments: I too used to hate Cersei. I think if I had just watched the show and not read the books I would still hate her, but I really like her. I don't agree with how she gets her power or how she treats people at all, but having lived in her head for a couple of books, I really understand why she is like that. I pity her greatly. In my opinion, Martin made it really obvious when he made Cersei and Jamie twins. Before all the stuff with his hand goes down, Jamie is this golden boy, this perfect prince who can fight and ride and use his charms physical strength to get what he wants. In the series, Cersei remembers before they hit puberty, they did everything together, and that (i hope im remembering right) she would sometime practice jousting in his place? Anyway, she got a hint of what it was like to be Jamie, to have all that potential. And then she grew up to be a woman and all that was taken away from her. She's mad at the world. It took everything from her, her power, her freedom, becasue of her sex and so now, when we meet her in the books, she feels she dosen't owe anyone anything. And Martin layed that out for his readers by making them twins. He was like 'COMPARE THEM DO IT'. If Cersei had been born a boy, the Lannisters would have been unstoppable. With two Jamies in working order, the fight for the crown would be over, and Cersei knows that. That's why she's so fucking bitter.

  2. Also George R R Martin writes women better than any other male writer I've read. Also there are plenty of female characters that use their brains rather than their cunts: Daenerys , Sansa, Arya, Asha, Olenna Tyrell, The Waif, Ygritte, Catelyn Stark, Brienne…even Cersei only started sleeping around to obtain power towards the end. Sure some of these characters have sexual relationships with others but I can only think of a few times MAYBE when any of them used it as a power play.

  3. The only comparison between Tolkien and Martin is that they wrote the TOP fantasy series in the uk and us. It stops there. When Tolkien wrote The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings he was trying to find a vessel for his invented language and to create a myth or legend that Britain could truly call its own. Martin wrote realistic and complex characters with in a world without strict definition of good and evil, as it is in our world. There is no Joseph Cambell's hero with a thousand faces or anything really too troupey.

  4. he explained it perfectly, i love all of them so much!! I started reading them when i was young (12 or 13) and understood them, i love them though!! Personally my favorite character knows nothinng.

  5. I don't know why but a really like little finger. It's weird cause I think he's creepy but I can't help but admire him because of how good he is at manipulating people and just getting what he wants.

  6. Hi! I wanted ask if I'm to young to read the books, ( I'm fifteen currently) and if you can tell me! 😀
    Also, I really enjoyed your review and I will look forward to watch some more of them if I can. <3

  7. I think kids can handle this book series if they are mature enough.that means that they are knowledgeable about sex and bad language and most importantly,if they can handle it.which I can.

  8. Epic fantasy doesn't always have the best prose. But as fans we don't really care. This isn't literary fiction. We don't read it for beautiful and poetic prose, but rather for world building, a brilliant story and escapism.

  9. Stannis Baratheon is my fav character. He is awesome in the books. But unfortunately most people who only watch the tv show thinks he is just a crazy guy who'd do anything to sit on the iron throne. I feel sorry when people talks about how much they hate him. But they hate the tv show version of Stannis not real Stannis. Even this is an enough reason to read the books.

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