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Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Trailer Breakdown, The Kree, Vrelnexians, Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Quake, Jemma Simmons, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Agents of SWORD, Agents of SPEAR, The Lighthouse, The Framework, A Life Earned, Deke, Fitz

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This video contains information on:
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 4 “A Life Earned” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×04 “A Life Earned” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×04 Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 5 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×05 Promo!!!

Is May Dead?
Lady Basha’s Plans
Fitz and Simmons, Deke’s Parents
Fitz LMD



  1. I think it was episode 1 – May fought with someone with a helmet on..Did Fitz pin her to the wall? SOMEONE was flying around in space – please review the first two episodes..I think Fitz has been there the whole time…

  2. Good video! The LMD theory seems legit to me, but the teaser wants you to believe it's not the case. On the other way I think it would be a bit boring to bring back Hunter just for one episode (although this is already really cool). He could also come with Fitz to the future, but I dont know about that. Also Fitz was a bit longer in prison, his beard grown a bit. But what I saw in the teaser was that Enoch and Fitz were at the Lighthouse as you can tell from the yellow backround painting of the gates. directly after that there was this blue and yellow space ship above a whole world. Also: the Zephyr One is back! I'm really excited for that episode

  3. I think Sinara made a deal with May to betray Casius. Sinara fought May to see what type of resolve she had before trusting her, and seeing if she had what it takes to see it through to the end.

  4. Hey, great video, man. I'd say that you should be editing the thumbnails more, so that the pictures aren't skewed or bloated or stretched or anything. That can only attract more viewers for this deserving channel…. Keep it up!

  5. If they were transported to the future then NOBODY from shield would be around to do anything. How can Daisy Quake the planet if she was in the future when it happened? How can FitzSimmons have a baby if Simmons was in the future?!?

  6. The time line I've been working on starts in the early 1980s with the beginnings of the Reagan administration and his evil empire threat thinking. That would fit Coulson's time estimate and when the government would spend the money a huge bunker. That would but the date being around 2072 for the episodes. You would think at least a year after Kree arrive for the last child to be born so that would have been roughly 2040. For a strong lasting cult to be created and really take hold prior to the Kree, maybe it would take a bare min 10 years. Most likely more. At least five years to start to stabilize the lighthouse after the destruction of the earth and when the cult would start to form. So the earth's destruction could be no later than 2025 and most likely during the Infinity War event.

  7. Next episode will also have Robin Hinton and Polly Hinton. They are the wife and daughter of the guy who could see glimpses of the death of a single individual upon physical contact. Since this episode is all about getting to the future, what are your thoughts about them being included?

  8. When we watched the episode my wife was convinced the person looking like Sinara at the end of the episode smirking was actually May in disguise. While I don't think that's the case, I also don't think it would make any sense to kill a character as big as May off screen like that. Sinara is likely keeping her prisoner somewhere so she may interrogate her about who else came with her.

    As for Fitz and Simmons being Deke's parents, you'd think he'd have said something or reacted in some way when he first met her in episode 1. A real shocker to me would be more if it was revealed that his mother looked like Aida.

    Some season 4 plot points aren't resolved yet, most notably what the superior is up to and what the deal with Ghost Rider was all about. Whether either of those are related to their current predicament remains to be seen.

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