Arrow Season 6 Episode 9 Mid Season Finale and Episode 10 Promo. RIP Team Arrow, Black Siren, Richard Dragon Team, The Flash and new Titans Season 1 ►
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Here's my Arrow Mid Season Finale video and Episode 10 Trailer. RIP Team Arrow. Glad he's back in the costume. I'll post new Justice League DCEU Changes video next and New Titans Season 1 coming soon. We might get Donna Troy!
Olicity is trash

Ok you are a cool guy but why don’t you have two Arrow videos but you do have two flash videos
they should have made a callback to flash season one when Cisco told Snart Barry's identity to save his brothers life
Absolute buzzin for arrow and flash episode 10 omg
Wait Spider-Man trailer really?!! Are you joking im so excited
The arrow episode was a great one and i liked it alot
Thank you so much for making this vid!!
What I don't understand is why doesn't Team Arrow just assassinate the FBI agent that is trying to get him convicted and sent to prison?
Can’t wait till flash comes bck
To be honest i much prefer the new team. I used to like felicity now i don't like her at all.
I could see John Hamm as Batman
funny that CW arrowverse theme this season is all about spying… from Devou spying Team Flash and now Vigilante, Black Siren etc. are spying Team Arrow
Came for the thumbnail. Love Dinah
As much as I love Oliver, he was a total dick this episode lol.
The mission impossible part was awesome!
Totally thought Artemis survived the explosion and was betraying Oliver. I was so wrong.
Ooo new Spider-Man trailer
Hope Dinah and Oliver getting together
Can’t wait for the shows to start again
Wonder how Dragon becomes the big villain as the season progresses since he’s more like a henchman right now
May the speedforce be with you.
Don't like Olicity and i dont like the idea of them stealing barry and iris' wedding by getting married themselves.
Would love to see Black Siren join team Arrow
Could you do something on The Gifted. It's an Easter egg hunt every episode and love it.
Ha #NotMyBlackCanary. Also LA, San Francisco, and San Diego should be higher up on the map. Especially LA and San Diego, they're not that close to the border. They're more in the middle.
Team Arrow v New Team Arrow
Sorry(I’m not sorry) Arrow but Legends season 2 did it better. #LegionOfDoom also Flash did the “hidden camera spying on the ‘good guys’ because the villain is a genius “ bit better as well
I think they like flash is he still new and shiny rather than arrow who is more gritty
I hate that they're doing olicity again. It ruined season 4 and let's hope it.doesnt ruin this one
Both constantine and wally are great for legends!
Can't wait for Titans
R.I.P Team Arrow they were the best.
Arrow rocks hard