Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7: The Dragon and The Wolf FINALE
In the aftermath of Littlefinger’s death, Arya and Sansa share a moment at the walls of Winterfell



  1. I hope in Season 8 they have some meeting of the minds between Arya and Lyanna Mormont. The conversation would be interesting:
    Lyanna: So, you're an assassin and take people's faces?
    Arya: Yes
    Lyanna: How do you do it?
    Arya: I need the person's name.
    Lyanna: Cersei Lannister.
    Arya: She's already on my list.
    Lyanna: I want in.

  2. Such a humanizing moment among Neds daughters who had the most complicated relationship among the Stark siblings. It's mimics alot of real life bonds when You're younger you don't appreciate the things your parents told you. This scene reflects they finally get what Ned was telling them when they had their fight in season 1.

  3. Arya: Sorry I accused you of wanting to rule Winterfell and betray Jon, even though you didn't deny it.
    Sansa: Sorry I got weird about you being a ninja assassin with other peoples faces, although it is pretty fucked.
    Arya: Sorry I was threatening to kill you and the Northern Lords, must be that time of the month.
    Sansa: And I'm sorry I was going to have you killed for saying all that, good thing Bran 2.0 got to me before I did.
    Arya: I miss dad.
    Sansa: Me too, but he would have been proud of us.

  4. Good grief, I wish people would get off the 'person that passes the sentence swings the sword' train.  Have you ever seen Sansa raise a sword before?  Sansa is not a fighter nor is she a skilled swordsman.  Move on!

  5. Is it wrong how much I tear up lately? So much suffering endured by house Stark. When she says I miss him I mean cmon… he was so long ago, yet I feel like just yesterday he was betrayed by that little cunt jeoffrey. I really hope the lannisters eat shit in the end

  6. Arya: I'm just the executioner you passed the sentence, your the lady of Winterfell.

    Who from the quote got a sense that Arya had been testing Sansa in the events leading up to Littlefingers death.

  7. Man I wonder what Ned would say and how he'd react if he saw his girls now. I think he'd be mind blown into how strong and powerful they've become. And proud that despite everything, they put family and sisterhood above all else. That's also the most "human" I've ever seen Arya, when she says "I miss him". She's been such a savage killer for so long, she finally had a moment of normal grieving. A moment of just a daughter wanting her father. I love the Stark girls.

  8. I'm so proud of them both & and I'm so glad that they quoted Ned. Still till this day I wish he would still be alive💖 (but I get that his death was one of the main things that set everything) And this was a truly beautiful moment. I can't wait to see the reunion with Jon.

  9. I wonder if this is going to cause problems later. As soon as I saw it I thought back to Season 1 when Ned told Jon (I think it was Jon….it may have been Rob)…anyway, Ned told him that the one who gives the sentence must carry it out. Jon remembered that when he executed the people who betrayed him (ok, so it had to have been Ned and Jon lol) Sansa should have been the one to kill him.

  10. Ned always taught them that the man the passes the sentence shoud swing the sword. I love how they made it a team work, Sansa passing sentence and Arya swinging the sword (and Bran spilling the tea). I also love how Ned is still part of everyone's life after so long, this season (and especially this episode) was full of talking about Ned and that makes me so happy that even though he is long gone, he still influences everyone. Also I love the small detail that probably almost no one noticed – Arya wears her hair just like Ned did and Jon does now and I love it.

  11. The correct line should have been: Arya "I miss him." and Sansa "I miss them all." (Ned, Catelyn, Robb, Rickon). It's like the other family members killed in these years of betrayal and war were not important enough to remember. Even Arya or Jon in the crypt did not visit the places where they should be…just saying that line if said by Sansa would have remedied that oversight.

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